Baka Ai

Author notes

Baka Ai Cover Page
Kirea Heart onFor all you newb– I MEAN, for those of you that don't know what the cover means it's Idiot Love. But, that's easy to figure out :/
WHOO, COVER IS DONE. Well anyway, I'm working on the first page and it's almost done, probablywill be uploaded by either tonight or tomorrow. Not too sure.If not tonight Definetly tomorrow.
On the left is Finite(a.k.a. Fin) and on the right is Rin.
Sorry for the horrible coloring Q-Q… *OTL*
So I'm guessing you know what happens one guy loves another and the other– WAIT WHAT ARE YOU DOING! *ducttaped mouth* TT_TT
Hehe, no spoilers. ;)
GUESS WHAT! I did a speed painting video on this cover. Feel free to watch it TTvTT!
End of long note >->…..
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