Benders and Brawlers
- Slipping Away
- Every Breath You Take
- Live and Let Die
- Same Old Story
- It's a Bird, It's a Plane
- Bad Touch
- Insanity Is Catching
- Free As a Bird
- Mattress Fu
- Clown Prince
- No, It's a Comic Based on a Cartoon
- We Have Many Tapestries
- Avoiding the Issue
- Nothing But Hits
- Play by Play
- Backstroke of the West
- To Kill an Avatar
- Firefight
- It's a Trap
- Like a Baby
- Mook Patrol
- The Fibonacci Maneuver
- Gentlemen
- Aerial Advantage
- Flying High
- Riders in the Sky
- Guards! Guards!
- The Easy Part
- Blow the Man Down
- Key Action
- Trophy Life
- Comfort Zone
- Grandma's Boy
- On the Tip of My Tongue
- Never Split the Party
- Sink or Swim
- A Cunning Plan
- Are You Experienced?
- Give It Up
- The Old Code
- Fire at Will
- Young At Heart
- The James Cameron Movie?
- Take That
- Aggressive Negotiations
- Smooth Move
- Fool Me Once
- Best Entrance Ever
- And Boom Goes the Boomerang
- The Moe Howard Method
- Mentally Add the Sound of Rolling Dice
- Charge of the Light Brigade
- Over the Top Villain
- Aunt May Syndrome
- One Sided
- Unequal Footing
- Willing Villain
- Protesting Too Much
- Lucky Day
- Move It or Lose It
- Silent But Deadly
- We're Gonna Need a Bigger Boomerang
- Let's Get Cracking
- Something Angsty This Way Comes
- It's In Your Face But You Can't Grab It
- You Want It All But You Can't Have It
- Note of Caution
- No Respect
- More Plot Delays
- Say What
- Pot and Kettle
- Look, I Made a Joke About a Video Game!
- Bowing Out
- Forgetting Something
- Gran Gran Is Not Amused
- Mind Your Elders
- Nothing Common About It
- Blame Thrower
Session 2: The Revenge of the PrC
- Extreme Eye Close-Up
- Peeping Zuko
- Super Aang
- Steam's Never a Good Sign
- It's Not Cliched; It's An Homage!
- Nobody's Home
- The Forbidden Words
- Sounds Boring To Me, Too
- She Said Penguin
- The Farce of the Penguins
- Surf's Up
- The Pebble and the Penguin
- Madagascar
- Batman Returns
- March of the Penguins
- Happy Feet
- Stop Having Fun Guys
- Rallying the Troops
- Heated Discussion
- Sage Wisdom
- Cool Moves
- Bad Idea
- Gravity Is A Harsh Mistress
- The Flight of the Big Orange Bird
- Big Orange Bird
- Meet the Family
- Dream On
- Laying Down Tracks
- Speak No Evil
- Mouthpiece
- Splashdown
- The Magic Words
- Unbridled Enthusiasm
- Yay, Continuity!
- The Even Bigger Sneeze
- What's In A Name?
- Famous Last Words (Redux)
- Snot a Problem (Redux)
- The Big Sneeze (Redux)
- Never Forget (Redux)
- Sure, Why Not (Redux)
- Hopeful Optimism? Continued Skepticism! (Redux)
- Do Not Want (Redux)
- Spear of Influence (Redux)
- The Plot Finally Starts (Redux)
- Ready and Waiting (Redux)
- Meanwhile, Back at the Iceberg (Redux)
- Bad Accent Blues (Redux)
- Accentuate the Negative (Redux)
- Chain of Command (Redux)
- Apologies to Asians Everywhere (Redux)
- Mysterious (and Illegilible) Past (Redux)
- Do You Have Any Cheetos? (Redux)
- Cracked (Redux)
- Contents Under Pressure (Redux)
- Whack A 'Berg (Redux)
- Fiesta! (Redux)
- Glowing Eyes of Awesome (Redux)
- Homo Airbenderensis (Redux)
- His Brother's Keeper (Redux)
- Blue Light Special (Redux)
- Catch a Wave (Redux)
- Let's Break the Ice (Redux)
- Here Come Da Boom (Redux)
- You Wouldn't Like Her When She's Angry (Redux)
- Dramatic Irony (Redux)
- Raging Waters (Redux)
- Player Logic (Redux)
- The GM Knows Best (Redux)
- Marooned (Redux)
- Up A Creek (Redux)
- Current Events (Redux)
- Optimized Build (Redux)
- Linear Fighters, Quadratic Benders (Redux)
- Social Mechanics (Redux)
- Double Critical Failure (Redux)
- Moving into Position (Redux)
- Don't Rock the Boat (Redux)
- One Fish, Two Fish (Redux)
Session 1: Kidsicle (Redux)
- What A Tweest! (Redux)
- But We're Only Level 1! (Redux)
- More Like An Overpowered Bard (Redux)
- The Art of War (Redux)
- Geography Lesson (Redux)
- Clearing the Air (Redux)
- Designated Villians (Redux)
- Overpowered (Redux)
Campaign Background (Redux)
- Slipping Away
- Every Breath You Take
- Live and Let Die
- Same Old Story
- It's a Bird, It's a Plane
- Bad Touch
- Insanity Is Catching
- Free As a Bird
- Mattress Fu
- Clown Prince
- No, It's a Comic Based on a Cartoon
- We Have Many Tapestries
- Avoiding the Issue
- Nothing But Hits
- Play by Play
- Backstroke of the West
- To Kill an Avatar
- Firefight
- It's a Trap
- Like a Baby
- Mook Patrol
- The Fibonacci Maneuver
- Gentlemen
- Aerial Advantage
- Flying High
- Riders in the Sky
- Guards! Guards!
- The Easy Part
- Blow the Man Down
- Key Action
- Trophy Life
- Comfort Zone
- Grandma's Boy
- On the Tip of My Tongue
- Never Split the Party
- Sink or Swim
- A Cunning Plan
- Are You Experienced?
- Give It Up
- The Old Code
- Fire at Will
- Young At Heart
- The James Cameron Movie?
- Take That
- Aggressive Negotiations
- Smooth Move
- Fool Me Once
- Best Entrance Ever
- And Boom Goes the Boomerang
- The Moe Howard Method
- Mentally Add the Sound of Rolling Dice
- Charge of the Light Brigade
- Over the Top Villain
- Aunt May Syndrome
- One Sided
- Unequal Footing
- Willing Villain
- Protesting Too Much
- Lucky Day
- Move It or Lose It
- Silent But Deadly
- We're Gonna Need a Bigger Boomerang
- Let's Get Cracking
- Something Angsty This Way Comes
- It's In Your Face But You Can't Grab It
- You Want It All But You Can't Have It
- Note of Caution
- No Respect
- More Plot Delays
- Say What
- Pot and Kettle
- Look, I Made a Joke About a Video Game!
- Bowing Out
- Forgetting Something
- Gran Gran Is Not Amused
- Mind Your Elders
- Nothing Common About It
- Blame Thrower
Session 2: The Revenge of the PrC
- Extreme Eye Close-Up
- Peeping Zuko
- Super Aang
- Steam's Never a Good Sign
- It's Not Cliched; It's An Homage!
- Nobody's Home
- The Forbidden Words
- Sounds Boring To Me, Too
- She Said Penguin
- The Farce of the Penguins
- Surf's Up
- The Pebble and the Penguin
- Madagascar
- Batman Returns
- March of the Penguins
- Happy Feet
- Stop Having Fun Guys
- Rallying the Troops
- Heated Discussion
- Sage Wisdom
- Cool Moves
- Bad Idea
- Gravity Is A Harsh Mistress
- The Flight of the Big Orange Bird
- Big Orange Bird
- Meet the Family
- Dream On
- Laying Down Tracks
- Speak No Evil
- Mouthpiece
- Splashdown
- The Magic Words
- Unbridled Enthusiasm
- Yay, Continuity!
- The Even Bigger Sneeze
- What's In A Name?
- Famous Last Words (Redux)
- Snot a Problem (Redux)
- The Big Sneeze (Redux)
- Never Forget (Redux)
- Sure, Why Not (Redux)
- Hopeful Optimism? Continued Skepticism! (Redux)
- Do Not Want (Redux)
- Spear of Influence (Redux)
- The Plot Finally Starts (Redux)
- Ready and Waiting (Redux)
- Meanwhile, Back at the Iceberg (Redux)
- Bad Accent Blues (Redux)
- Accentuate the Negative (Redux)
- Chain of Command (Redux)
- Apologies to Asians Everywhere (Redux)
- Mysterious (and Illegilible) Past (Redux)
- Do You Have Any Cheetos? (Redux)
- Cracked (Redux)
- Contents Under Pressure (Redux)
- Whack A 'Berg (Redux)
- Fiesta! (Redux)
- Glowing Eyes of Awesome (Redux)
- Homo Airbenderensis (Redux)
- His Brother's Keeper (Redux)
- Blue Light Special (Redux)
- Catch a Wave (Redux)
- Let's Break the Ice (Redux)
- Here Come Da Boom (Redux)
- You Wouldn't Like Her When She's Angry (Redux)
- Dramatic Irony (Redux)
- Raging Waters (Redux)
- Player Logic (Redux)
- The GM Knows Best (Redux)
- Marooned (Redux)
- Up A Creek (Redux)
- Current Events (Redux)
- Optimized Build (Redux)
- Linear Fighters, Quadratic Benders (Redux)
- Social Mechanics (Redux)
- Double Critical Failure (Redux)
- Moving into Position (Redux)
- Don't Rock the Boat (Redux)
- One Fish, Two Fish (Redux)
Session 1: Kidsicle (Redux)
- What A Tweest! (Redux)
- But We're Only Level 1! (Redux)
- More Like An Overpowered Bard (Redux)
- The Art of War (Redux)
- Geography Lesson (Redux)
- Clearing the Air (Redux)
- Designated Villians (Redux)
- Overpowered (Redux)
Campaign Background (Redux)
Author notes
The title is a reference to a certain saying which applies to this situation. I know the midday update is a bit unusual for me, but I only just know figured out what dialogue to put on this page, and I didn't want to delay it any longer.
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