Benders and Brawlers
- Slipping Away
- Every Breath You Take
- Live and Let Die
- Same Old Story
- It's a Bird, It's a Plane
- Bad Touch
- Insanity Is Catching
- Free As a Bird
- Mattress Fu
- Clown Prince
- No, It's a Comic Based on a Cartoon
- We Have Many Tapestries
- Avoiding the Issue
- Nothing But Hits
- Play by Play
- Backstroke of the West
- To Kill an Avatar
- Firefight
- It's a Trap
- Like a Baby
- Mook Patrol
- The Fibonacci Maneuver
- Gentlemen
- Aerial Advantage
- Flying High
- Riders in the Sky
- Guards! Guards!
- The Easy Part
- Blow the Man Down
- Key Action
- Trophy Life
- Comfort Zone
- Grandma's Boy
- On the Tip of My Tongue
- Never Split the Party
- Sink or Swim
- A Cunning Plan
- Are You Experienced?
- Give It Up
- The Old Code
- Fire at Will
- Young At Heart
- The James Cameron Movie?
- Take That
- Aggressive Negotiations
- Smooth Move
- Fool Me Once
- Best Entrance Ever
- And Boom Goes the Boomerang
- The Moe Howard Method
- Mentally Add the Sound of Rolling Dice
- Charge of the Light Brigade
- Over the Top Villain
- Aunt May Syndrome
- One Sided
- Unequal Footing
- Willing Villain
- Protesting Too Much
- Lucky Day
- Move It or Lose It
- Silent But Deadly
- We're Gonna Need a Bigger Boomerang
- Let's Get Cracking
- Something Angsty This Way Comes
- It's In Your Face But You Can't Grab It
- You Want It All But You Can't Have It
- Note of Caution
- No Respect
- More Plot Delays
- Say What
- Pot and Kettle
- Look, I Made a Joke About a Video Game!
- Bowing Out
- Forgetting Something
- Gran Gran Is Not Amused
- Mind Your Elders
- Nothing Common About It
- Blame Thrower
Session 2: The Revenge of the PrC
- Extreme Eye Close-Up
- Peeping Zuko
- Super Aang
- Steam's Never a Good Sign
- It's Not Cliched; It's An Homage!
- Nobody's Home
- The Forbidden Words
- Sounds Boring To Me, Too
- She Said Penguin
- The Farce of the Penguins
- Surf's Up
- The Pebble and the Penguin
- Madagascar
- Batman Returns
- March of the Penguins
- Happy Feet
- Stop Having Fun Guys
- Rallying the Troops
- Heated Discussion
- Sage Wisdom
- Cool Moves
- Bad Idea
- Gravity Is A Harsh Mistress
- The Flight of the Big Orange Bird
- Big Orange Bird
- Meet the Family
- Dream On
- Laying Down Tracks
- Speak No Evil
- Mouthpiece
- Splashdown
- The Magic Words
- Unbridled Enthusiasm
- Yay, Continuity!
- The Even Bigger Sneeze
- What's In A Name?
- Famous Last Words (Redux)
- Snot a Problem (Redux)
- The Big Sneeze (Redux)
- Never Forget (Redux)
- Sure, Why Not (Redux)
- Hopeful Optimism? Continued Skepticism! (Redux)
- Do Not Want (Redux)
- Spear of Influence (Redux)
- The Plot Finally Starts (Redux)
- Ready and Waiting (Redux)
- Meanwhile, Back at the Iceberg (Redux)
- Bad Accent Blues (Redux)
- Accentuate the Negative (Redux)
- Chain of Command (Redux)
- Apologies to Asians Everywhere (Redux)
- Mysterious (and Illegilible) Past (Redux)
- Do You Have Any Cheetos? (Redux)
- Cracked (Redux)
- Contents Under Pressure (Redux)
- Whack A 'Berg (Redux)
- Fiesta! (Redux)
- Glowing Eyes of Awesome (Redux)
- Homo Airbenderensis (Redux)
- His Brother's Keeper (Redux)
- Blue Light Special (Redux)
- Catch a Wave (Redux)
- Let's Break the Ice (Redux)
- Here Come Da Boom (Redux)
- You Wouldn't Like Her When She's Angry (Redux)
- Dramatic Irony (Redux)
- Raging Waters (Redux)
- Player Logic (Redux)
- The GM Knows Best (Redux)
- Marooned (Redux)
- Up A Creek (Redux)
- Current Events (Redux)
- Optimized Build (Redux)
- Linear Fighters, Quadratic Benders (Redux)
- Social Mechanics (Redux)
- Double Critical Failure (Redux)
- Moving into Position (Redux)
- Don't Rock the Boat (Redux)
- One Fish, Two Fish (Redux)
Session 1: Kidsicle (Redux)
- What A Tweest! (Redux)
- But We're Only Level 1! (Redux)
- More Like An Overpowered Bard (Redux)
- The Art of War (Redux)
- Geography Lesson (Redux)
- Clearing the Air (Redux)
- Designated Villians (Redux)
- Overpowered (Redux)
Campaign Background (Redux)
- Slipping Away
- Every Breath You Take
- Live and Let Die
- Same Old Story
- It's a Bird, It's a Plane
- Bad Touch
- Insanity Is Catching
- Free As a Bird
- Mattress Fu
- Clown Prince
- No, It's a Comic Based on a Cartoon
- We Have Many Tapestries
- Avoiding the Issue
- Nothing But Hits
- Play by Play
- Backstroke of the West
- To Kill an Avatar
- Firefight
- It's a Trap
- Like a Baby
- Mook Patrol
- The Fibonacci Maneuver
- Gentlemen
- Aerial Advantage
- Flying High
- Riders in the Sky
- Guards! Guards!
- The Easy Part
- Blow the Man Down
- Key Action
- Trophy Life
- Comfort Zone
- Grandma's Boy
- On the Tip of My Tongue
- Never Split the Party
- Sink or Swim
- A Cunning Plan
- Are You Experienced?
- Give It Up
- The Old Code
- Fire at Will
- Young At Heart
- The James Cameron Movie?
- Take That
- Aggressive Negotiations
- Smooth Move
- Fool Me Once
- Best Entrance Ever
- And Boom Goes the Boomerang
- The Moe Howard Method
- Mentally Add the Sound of Rolling Dice
- Charge of the Light Brigade
- Over the Top Villain
- Aunt May Syndrome
- One Sided
- Unequal Footing
- Willing Villain
- Protesting Too Much
- Lucky Day
- Move It or Lose It
- Silent But Deadly
- We're Gonna Need a Bigger Boomerang
- Let's Get Cracking
- Something Angsty This Way Comes
- It's In Your Face But You Can't Grab It
- You Want It All But You Can't Have It
- Note of Caution
- No Respect
- More Plot Delays
- Say What
- Pot and Kettle
- Look, I Made a Joke About a Video Game!
- Bowing Out
- Forgetting Something
- Gran Gran Is Not Amused
- Mind Your Elders
- Nothing Common About It
- Blame Thrower
Session 2: The Revenge of the PrC
- Extreme Eye Close-Up
- Peeping Zuko
- Super Aang
- Steam's Never a Good Sign
- It's Not Cliched; It's An Homage!
- Nobody's Home
- The Forbidden Words
- Sounds Boring To Me, Too
- She Said Penguin
- The Farce of the Penguins
- Surf's Up
- The Pebble and the Penguin
- Madagascar
- Batman Returns
- March of the Penguins
- Happy Feet
- Stop Having Fun Guys
- Rallying the Troops
- Heated Discussion
- Sage Wisdom
- Cool Moves
- Bad Idea
- Gravity Is A Harsh Mistress
- The Flight of the Big Orange Bird
- Big Orange Bird
- Meet the Family
- Dream On
- Laying Down Tracks
- Speak No Evil
- Mouthpiece
- Splashdown
- The Magic Words
- Unbridled Enthusiasm
- Yay, Continuity!
- The Even Bigger Sneeze
- What's In A Name?
- Famous Last Words (Redux)
- Snot a Problem (Redux)
- The Big Sneeze (Redux)
- Never Forget (Redux)
- Sure, Why Not (Redux)
- Hopeful Optimism? Continued Skepticism! (Redux)
- Do Not Want (Redux)
- Spear of Influence (Redux)
- The Plot Finally Starts (Redux)
- Ready and Waiting (Redux)
- Meanwhile, Back at the Iceberg (Redux)
- Bad Accent Blues (Redux)
- Accentuate the Negative (Redux)
- Chain of Command (Redux)
- Apologies to Asians Everywhere (Redux)
- Mysterious (and Illegilible) Past (Redux)
- Do You Have Any Cheetos? (Redux)
- Cracked (Redux)
- Contents Under Pressure (Redux)
- Whack A 'Berg (Redux)
- Fiesta! (Redux)
- Glowing Eyes of Awesome (Redux)
- Homo Airbenderensis (Redux)
- His Brother's Keeper (Redux)
- Blue Light Special (Redux)
- Catch a Wave (Redux)
- Let's Break the Ice (Redux)
- Here Come Da Boom (Redux)
- You Wouldn't Like Her When She's Angry (Redux)
- Dramatic Irony (Redux)
- Raging Waters (Redux)
- Player Logic (Redux)
- The GM Knows Best (Redux)
- Marooned (Redux)
- Up A Creek (Redux)
- Current Events (Redux)
- Optimized Build (Redux)
- Linear Fighters, Quadratic Benders (Redux)
- Social Mechanics (Redux)
- Double Critical Failure (Redux)
- Moving into Position (Redux)
- Don't Rock the Boat (Redux)
- One Fish, Two Fish (Redux)
Session 1: Kidsicle (Redux)
- What A Tweest! (Redux)
- But We're Only Level 1! (Redux)
- More Like An Overpowered Bard (Redux)
- The Art of War (Redux)
- Geography Lesson (Redux)
- Clearing the Air (Redux)
- Designated Villians (Redux)
- Overpowered (Redux)
Campaign Background (Redux)
Author notes
Okay, a few things about this comic: 1. In case it's not clear, Zuko is shooting a Fire Blast every turn and Aang is deflecting it, using up his action. This very quickly leads to a stalemate situation, so the GM introduces a new factor to move things along. This is why I prefer not to base things on a specific game, so that the rules can be whatever I need them to be. That said, deflecting a Fire Blast from now on will always cause Aang to lose an action. I prefer internal consistency. 2. The Airbender Code of Conduct was mentioned briefly way back on page 4, "Clearing the Air." It operates similar to the Paladin's code in Dungeons and Dragons. You'll note that there are conditions in the show under which every bending class may lose their powers, except for Airbenders. 3. In my absence, someone else also started up a webcomic with a similar concept on DeviantArt. I don't mind a little healthy competition, and in fact, I'm even willing to tell you about it here. It's called "AvataRPG, the Last Dicebender." It's got a noticeably different style, and includes references to a certain Shyamalan movie. Check it out if you wish to see a different take on the same concept.
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