- [044] Voices
Chapter 3: Reality and Revelations
- [042] Dealin' with the Deck
- [041] Ambush
- [040] Imbeciles
- [039] First Move
- [038] Game Time
- [037] Silent Tracking
- [036] Scroll and Grab
- [035] Big Screen Neverwonder: Final Posters
- [034] Poster Concept #4 - WiP
- [033] Defeated
- [032] Of Tails and Transformations
- [031] Poster Concept #3: WiP
- [030] Poster Concept #1 - WiP
- [029] Poster Concept #1
- [028] Mon-dead-day
- [027] Scroll Up
- [026] Hide and Seek
- [025] Playing with Cards
- Chapter 2: Drawn Inside
- [023] Into the Light
- [022] Being Strung Along
- [021] Beware the Looking Glass
- [020] Dream Tails
- [019] Jumped
- [018] Chase & Follow
- [017] In the Trees
- [016] Stepping Out
- [015] I Don't Think We're In Japan Anymore
- [014] Shrinking
- [013] Beyond Pin-Up: Luna & Kairi
- [012] The Cupcake
- [011] Released!
- [010] Eat Me, Drink Me, Throw Me?
- [009] Beyond: A New Juggling Act
- [008] Changes
- [007] Down the Rabbit Hole
- [006] Frozen Time
- [005] Where Are You Going?!?
- [004] Almost Time
- [003] Are you ok?
- [002] I'm Hurryin'!
- [001] A Dream?
Chapter 1: Down and Out
Author notes
Here's the final of the 3 poster designs that I'm working on for my Senior Project. This is the 1930s-1940s style design. I have to have all three of them wrapped up tomorrow, so I'm hoping that I'll have time to get back to real updates soon. Until then, enjoy!
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Login or RegisterGabe Puratekuta at
Awesome!! But I'd say my favorite is the second one