- I'll lay it on the line
- Infinity
- Adam and Steve.... I'M ALIVE!!!!!!!
- Pony
- My name is Chopper
- Awesome things in history that never happened but should have #4
- Crappy comics created commonly
- Award
- Overdose
- Picking
- Doorway
- Guest comic by pineapple again
- Shock
- Bloody Gorefest V
- Akward
- Moth
- Show off
- Guest comic by Pineapple
- Tiny
- Cannonball
- The talk
- 97million
- Physics
- That one about the baby
- BffJamie
- Idioms and idiots
- Graphs
- Jerk-nerd
- 100
- Super powers.
- Culture Shock
- Buridan
- S'up?
- Light Bulb
- An inconvenient truth
- Awesome things that never happened but should have #3
- Eucharist
- The adventures of Laplace's Demon
- And if you don't have waffles.
- The door
- Letters
- Waffles
- Biggest Douche
- Discovery
- Watchmen
- Awesome things that never happened but should have #2
- The adventures of Pot and Kettle
- Damn fine robes.
- Irony at it's finest
- Filled with filler or filled with lies?
- Shakespeare and child abuse
- God Damn It
- Don't let anyone take away your dinosaur.
- Herbs and Spices
- Damien's Gardening Tips
- Origins Final
- Origins part VII
- Origins part VI
- Origins part V
- Origins part IV
- Origins part III
- Origins part II
- Origins part I
- 1,000
- Stickmen
- Roses
- Broken
- Theory
- Pong
- Hide
- Factory
- Australia day
- Bowling
- Confessions
- Goodbye George
- Torn
- With cream please
- Mission impossible
- 2009
- Chtistmas
- First filler
- Gift
- The horrors of war
- Cat
- Redrum hsif
- Heroes Unite
- Villians
- Heroes
- Elected
- Trick'o'Treat
- Happy Halloween
- Judgement part II
- Judgement part I
- Boom
- Build
- Party
- If you don't get this, you're one of the blessed few
- I'm glad I realised how risky buying a fathers day present would have been
- The power of Excel
- Temptation
- I never actually questioned what I was saying
- Control
- Sports are fun (some of them anyway)
- Judgement day
- Hokey Pokey
- Satan vs Jesus part IV
- Satan vs Jesus part III
- Mouth
- Jesus vs Satan part II
- Satan vs Jesus part I
- Awesome things that never happened but should have #1
- Forieghners
- Robots in disguise
- Break
- explosm sydrome This is the worst comic I've ever made and you should just skip it
- pop-up windows
- Change
- Mark of the lord
- 911
- Chit chat
- Chit Chat- REMAKE
- Suden Infant Death Sydrome
- Along came a spider
- Failed
- Money
- Money-REMAKE
Author notes
In part II one popular charecter comes out of the closet. one6thsense: I was thinking of making it worse. Fenghar The Nord: what… no… that's batman, I was totally doing some references to a previous comic (villians) it's actually a copy/paste. Keneticlopx: Strange fact, in my mind that fish was the same fish that died in redrum hsif and it has been fighting its way through hell consuming souls of the dammed and becoming a powerfull and feared figure in the underworld. Insizwa: Thanks. Fly hue: I hope it hasn't disapointed you. XD Also, if you're interested, I have been interviewed for quack with the ducks, check it out if you want.
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