Sorry again about the delays. Between the tooth problems (Better, but still not fixed), plus a lot of other stuff going on disrupting things (Even worse, waiting for the stuff to happen that is going to disrupt thing, we've got a half-finished job here, and no idea when they're actually going to come and finish it!), lack of motivation, and maybe a little getting distracted by BG3, it's really taken me far longer than it should have to get this done! Blake and Nuttin are quite shameless! I posted that magazine cover (Link to the full size image) in a thread over on comicfury saying I would "Probably need it", truth is I knew I needed it for this page, and really wanted to get it out of the way before I started on this one! Unfortunately I forgot I also needed a back cover ad for it too, and had to cobble a quick travel ad together out of a recent art piece I did! The Feyplane does kind of feel like it'd make a good tourist spot!
Anyway, next time, its Blake's turn!
EDIT: If anyone is checking in to see why there's still no update, I'm taking a short break. I was already taking a week to work on other things, but now, given some recent news, I'm going to take an extra bit of time off, I just don't think trying to force an update would turn out well. Be back as soon as I feel able.
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