- Loading....
- Challenge set!
- Are they fighting?...
- Surprise Update!!
- Accident!
- Hey you...
- Avoiding rejection...
- Merahl Senara
- Done for the day...
- The BBX...
- What's new...
- Boardshift downward...
- Merahl Senara Costumes...
- Ema Nagura Costumes...
- Gotta Fly!
- Loading for later update...
- Sample Image...
- Yumei Komotoro
- Too close...
- Down the street...
- Nila Redo
- Ha! Losers!
- Blitzboarding X
- Finisher!
- Angel Spin!
- Nila Zenara
- Board Shift
- Get Ready...
- Heading your way!
- A few blocks from the BBX...
- Izuna use the front door!
- Sleepy Izuna...
- Page 3
- Page 5
- Page 4
- Now loading!
- The current World BBX Champion is Shion Xelo
- The semi title page to Blitzbording X series
Author notes
Well I've been out of it for a while. I tried a new font style which is slightly smaller. Something really bugged me about the size of the fonts. If anyone doesn't like the new font style, please let me know!
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