Blood Lust
Author notes
# 1: Beginnings of a Plot
Shiori Tsumi onHere it is, the page you've all been waiting for! The ACTUAL FIRST COMIC! If it's a little small, tell me…I'll try to fix that. Kinda new to the computer stuff, even though I'm a really good artist. (Just not backgrounds; they are the bane of my existence.) You'll just have to suffer my backgrounds-the one's that I DO try to draw-until I get much better. Either way…YES, FIRST COMIC UP! And on schedule, too! Shi-chan is a happy artist. ^_^
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Login or Registeronianaguma at
I think the word you were looking for is MALEVOLENT, not benevolent
Geene76 at
Not to be a jerk…but no WHITE folk lived in Massachusetts until the mid-1600's.
Aside from that I like you's comic! ^_^
Shiori Tsumi at
Ah, sorry, fishie (I like giving people nicknames by the way) I put down benevolent when I was thinking malevolent. Completely my fault there.
your fish are mine at
interesting…. but why is she being burned for good acts of sorcery?? did you use benevelent wrong??? the girls expressions are briliant though… :)
Nigellashade at
I wonder what will happen next, I can't wait. ^___^
In some way this page gets right to the point, between pasts, & future events.
Great update!
~M~ v~~~~v
Ninja_Jette at
Looking good! cant wait to see more!
Ninja_Jette at
Looking good! cant wait to see more!
Pensuke at
Very nice man =D