Blue Steel

Author notes

Operation BombRun 5
Camisicado onFirst of all, my sincere apologies for being so late with this page. I'm literally weeks away from my "End of Secondary School" Exams [GCSE's to those of you living in England like me xD]
and a such I've been hugely pushed for time. Still, I go on study leave next week so hopefully I'll be able to get back into the swing of things to help me relax after revising.
I'll do my best guys
Thanks for your continues support =D
Anyhow, apologies aside I'm pretty happy with this page. It signals the entry of a rather important character and also allowed me to experiment a tad with various effects and shading techniques. I'm a bit annoyed it's taken me about 3 pages just to get the Russian troops down from their helicopter, but they're on the battlefield now so the page should speed up from here =D
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