Bobby the fetus
It's spraining unborn men. HALLELUJAH...hey, yeah, yeah, yeah...

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It's spraining unborn men. HALLELUJAH...hey, yeah, yeah, yeah...


….It is actually a joke in Icelandic, just sayin…
So I went to a concert with this band (I've seriously lost all hope with the linking system…)
so after the concert I went with my friends to a couple of bars, then got it on with this girl and then I managed, litterally to sprain my ankle. Little bakstory: my foot is actually prone to spraining after I broke it some years ago. Anywhoose, I was that drunk I just kept on going… so it started to swell, alot.  Then I managed to fall down on my knees and one shoulder and at that point I realized that I couldn't walk home so I got a taxi home.
The day after I was so hungover I didn't want to go to the pharmacy for some painkillers/support for the foot so on monday (luckily) my mate came over and offered me ride over there. It's okay now, some swelling but with support I can walk. 


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