Bounty and Pain
6-You're paying right?

Author notes

6-You're paying right?


I finally got this page done. Personally I think it is horrible. My digital inking skills still need work. Maybe I should draw the pages traditionally then digitally ink it. I need to think about how to pull off page 7 now. Also if you did not know……I uploaded the cover to this comic on page 0 on Saturday.

Crits and comments are welcomed.
If you see grammar mistakes, let me know.
I caught one on page 4 and re-uploaded the page today.


*update June 5th 2011…….. Due to me being busy (in real life moving things around/etc and extreme heat) the update will come either Monday the 6th or Tuesday the 7th. I am re-inking the page right now (80 percent done). I was not happy with the 1st go round of inks. Thank for waiting :) BTW I ADDED A BOUNTY AND PAIN FORUM


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