Brain Ramblings First Prev - Casey + Caffiene = ? - Which one is not a morning person? - Too much filler is never good for a body... - Filler... Woot! - Ahhhh... The bonds of friendship. Part 2. - Ahhh... The bonds of friendship. Part 1 - Setting it up for the next 2 pages - Casey's Last Evil Plan of the Day - Where are we headed? And are there clothes at the end of this trip? - Picking up the tattered pieces... - What happens in her room, stays in her room... or else... - Filler... too early? Well with good reason! ^_^ - Commence countdown! - Yay! In color!! Woot! - The calm after the storm... - A little filler never hurt anyone!! (I hope)... - Enter Plot development!!! - Video game bliss can easily interrupted... - You can't argue with someone that has sharp claws... - When you're trapped what would you choose? Fight or flight? - How can you say no to that face? - J.T.'s brain needs a few minutes to reboot... - The trap is almost sprung... - Bargaining is not his strong point... - After the sceeming face, the evil plan starts... - We set the stage - Character Bio: Tammy - Character Bio: Casey - Character Bio: J.T. First Rambling... Roommate Quirks - The GRAND OPENING!!!! Next Last First Prev - Casey + Caffiene = ? - Which one is not a morning person? - Too much filler is never good for a body... - Filler... Woot! - Ahhhh... The bonds of friendship. Part 2. - Ahhh... The bonds of friendship. Part 1 - Setting it up for the next 2 pages - Casey's Last Evil Plan of the Day - Where are we headed? And are there clothes at the end of this trip? - Picking up the tattered pieces... - What happens in her room, stays in her room... or else... - Filler... too early? Well with good reason! ^_^ - Commence countdown! - Yay! In color!! Woot! - The calm after the storm... - A little filler never hurt anyone!! (I hope)... - Enter Plot development!!! - Video game bliss can easily interrupted... - You can't argue with someone that has sharp claws... - When you're trapped what would you choose? Fight or flight? - How can you say no to that face? - J.T.'s brain needs a few minutes to reboot... - The trap is almost sprung... - Bargaining is not his strong point... - After the sceeming face, the evil plan starts... - We set the stage - Character Bio: Tammy - Character Bio: Casey - Character Bio: J.T. First Rambling... Roommate Quirks - The GRAND OPENING!!!! Next Last Comments Please login to comment. Login or Register ${ }} at ${ comment.date_added }} Delete Reply ${ }} at ${ comment.date_added }} Delete «previous set of pages «previous set of pages page ${ page.number }} ... next set of pages» next set of pages»
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