hahahahaha! and Achziger's no Col.Klink, though maby they could be distant cousins… "ack! dat cousin of mine hast it so EASY. he just gets to sit back in a cozy POW camp all day, i have to deal with crazy GREEKS!!"
they better hope they throw them off in a place where the Nazi's can't really get to them. IF they do the slit throat is going to be a dead giveaway to the real source of their demise!
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Login or Registerwildcard at
Ah, the old 'rolled-off-a-cliff-and-got-repeatedly-stabbed-on-the-way-down' trick… the perfect crime!
photobyjt at
And she (Tantz) looks like such a nice young lady! (hopefully the bodies are Nazis!)
Tantz_Aerine at
houseofmuses: absolutely NO comment. // chrisdotclark: thank you!
houseofmuses at
Yep, Tantz knows where all the bodies are buried…. >:)
chrisdotclark at
More excellence. Five stars.
hahahahaha!hey man, we dont hang out with eachother NOT to be noticed.
Tantz_Aerine at
Shush! You're drawing unnecessary attention to myself, Pit. >:(
and apperantly Tantz has done her Nazi disposal research before!
hahahahaha! and Achziger's no Col.Klink, though maby they could be distant cousins…
"ack! dat cousin of mine hast it so EASY. he just gets to sit back in a cozy POW camp all day, i have to deal with crazy GREEKS!!"
Tantz_Aerine at
Darwin: That's exactly what they're planning. Fortunately there are lots of places where you can do that in Pindos.
Darwin at
they better hope they throw them off in a place where the Nazi's can't really get to them. IF they do the slit throat is going to be a dead giveaway to the real source of their demise!
Tantz_Aerine at
bravo1102: Ha! Unfortunately the rotund nazi is not a homely toy maker. :P Nah, they are counting on the crag more than anything else.
bravo1102 at
A misplaced piton causing a stab wound, some frayed rope… good idea, just might work. Well it would if this were Hogan's Heroes.