Break House

Author notes

page twenty-three
T3HM4L1 onWow, haven't posted anything in a few months, but that's because 1. One of my pages was ruined by someone…>.> and 2. No one gave me any motivation to update. Also, I've been working, working on upgrading a course and working on my art portfolio. ANYWAYS, Deys is from El Salvador, just so you guys know, she is female and so is Mia (obviously).
I'm grateful for the comments on previous pages (just got to reading most of them…) and I will attempt to update more often and put more effort in my work.
And, if anyone wants to message me about colouring my pages in a joint effort for this, feel free to ask!
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Login or RegisterFlamingbunz at
Deys is a girl? o.o
just wondering LOL
im confuse x.x
LeesilVanyali at
Funny. Do i have to kiss? lol
Saryn at
"do I have to kiss that?"
Poor Deys D:
update please ;_; I'll fav this right away
rainbowrabbit at
I check every day for an update *blushblush* I'd really like to know how this turns out. Can't wait for an update _x
Vampvirus at
OMG YAY YOUR ALIVE… i assumed the worst when u stopped updating T_T im so glad your alive
wizardmagic2000 at
Merry Christmas.
dogdemon4361 at
feels like forever DX
dogdemon4361 at
plz update DX
dogdemon4361 at
plz update
dogdemon4361 at
plz update i want to see how the story will progress and i want to see what happens XD kiss kiss kiss kiss XD ^___^ plz kiss ;__;
ursusred at
Good stuff. I was wondering if this comic was ever going to update.glad to see it has.
wizardmagic2000 at
YAY, new page.
What do you mean, I've been bugging you on and off to update.
Solude at
lol kiss!