Hey, thanks a lot! We'll definitely be continuing. Plenty more story to tell in the C7 world. It will probably be about a week before we post the next page because we're gearing up for Lexington comic Con and Virginia Con these next 2 weekends. But once they are in the rear-view it will be back to a new page released every Wednesday and Friday
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This is some good shit! Good writing like the art to. You guys have some skills
KayJayLunar at
Hey, thanks a lot! We'll definitely be continuing. Plenty more story to tell in the C7 world. It will probably be about a week before we post the next page because we're gearing up for Lexington comic Con and Virginia Con these next 2 weekends. But once they are in the rear-view it will be back to a new page released every Wednesday and Friday
DeadFace at
Keep doing your comic! It's really interesting and your art style and story writing is interesting too!