Author notes

Challenge page 16
Chickfighter onFind this comic for download in PDF format at Drive Thru Comics:
"Challenge" is a non-canon/alternate universe what-if story derived from the "Playin' Possum" series. Nude death match fans should enjoy!
The raw rendered images were provided by NiftyPumpkin of Deviantart.
I wrote, composited and captioned the comic.
The lovely Gwen Collins and Sleeker are property of Jerrie Lee.
Purchase it and other comics at Drive Thru Comics.
Danger Doll Comics - https://www.drivethrucomics.com/browse/pub/8671/Danger-Doll-Comics
JAL Comics - https://www.drivethrucomics.com/browse/pub/4724/JAL-Comics
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Now, I’m not sure, but I think that pinch can kill you, especially from that angle. Jesus, that looks very painful!
Chickfighter at
Yep, that looks pretty debilitating.
ecchi_kitty at
…not sure if that cage wall is poorly designed, or well designed for that to happen.
Chickfighter at
Does make you wonder doesn't it?
jerrie at
panel two…look how Jackie smiles, as she punches that sexy gut of that goody goody!!! awesome
Chickfighter at
The danger of being a flyer is it can leave you open for moments like this.
HawkandFloAdventures at
That would knock the wind out of anybody
Chickfighter at
Yes, the wind just came right out of her sails.
bravo1102 at
In the diaphragm. Even tight abs can't save you there. Careful or you'll find out what she had for lunch.
Chickfighter at
Mushy Cheetos! EEWWW!!!
jerrie at
Hit that sexy looking brat, Sleeker!
Chickfighter at
Talk about hung up by your own pitard.