Casmajor Druids

Page 35 some meriories are better forgoten

Author notes

Page 35 some meriories are better forgoten


Hello every one finals kills jk it does not I actully had a pretty easy time with my fainls okay this page we shall e looking back into the past not going to say much more well see yah guys
feel free to leave comments

@wind-no there not if there manga books!
@Kat-hmm well she's got some historical books some bookds that relates to many many diffrent kinds of monters she's got books full of magic and the list goes on
@AkiraOtaka-Heh thanks
@boxergirl86-yes books glore!
@Rydel6-yes the chair and all it's comfyness oh and your comic is freaking funny i laughed so hard when your chara was like Mom! turn off the child proof locks!
@Nigellashade-Thanks I wanted to try something new so it would not look like i was favortizing dare to dream and the text was fun to do since it's dragon script
@animegal12-thanks and yes the eyes make me think that your ploting something evil!XD
@Freakeh-meh I don't know what too say but give me that hat*snatchs it off your head and runs off*jk*brings it back*
@EmilyTheStrange-thanks for reading ^^
@cameron11691-Thanks for reading ^^
@I Hate Dirt-i have a questain where did you get your avatar and what is it exactily
@x2_gon-Woot gald you checked out Dare to dream and Casmajor druids thanks ^^


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