Catboy at th Con First Prev - Happy New Year 2017 - Krampy the Krampus - Christmas Day 2016 - Christmas Eve 2016 - 2016 Christmas Panel 3 - Panel 2 - Panel 1 - Serenity Speaks... - Bunny Lab Assistant - Eva's Date Night - Hours Backstory 2... - Hours backstory - Happy Monday! - The Darkness.... - The End? 7 - The End? 6 - The End? 5 - Happy Halloween 2016 - Sorry - The End? 4 - The End? 3 - The End? 2 - The End? - Monday Art 10/17/2016 - The Last Few.... - Monday Art 10/10/2016 - Four Hours Earlier.... - Happy October! - Monday Arts 09/26/2016 - Blackness - Waiting Room... 10 - Monday Art 09/19/2016 - The Waiting Room... 9 - The Waiting Room... 8 - Monday Art 09/12/2016 - The Waiting Room... 7 - The Waiting Room... 6 - The Waiting Room... 5 - The Waiting Room... 4 - The Waiting Room... 3 - Monday Art 08/29/2016 - Monday Art 08/22/2016 - The Waiting Room... 2 - The Waiting Room... - The Next Morning 4 - The Next Morning 3 - Have a Good Monday! - The Next Morning 2 - The Next Morning - Poke' Fun!! - Question! 6 - Question! 5 - Wanna Play some Beach Volleyball? - Question! 4 - Question! 3 - Midnight Sword Mistress - Question! 2 - Question! - Happy Monday! - You're Cute too... - You're Cute... - Happy Fourth!! - Coming Soon.. - Maintenance - Filler Steampunk Mousey - Still Working... - Happy Valentines Day 2016 - I need to see this movie! - A Taste of Things to Come... - A Special Delivery - Leo Squad! - Happy New Year - Christmas 2015 - Christmas 2015 Panel 2 - Christmas 2015 panel 1 - Bare Bottom Santas - Coffee??? - Nikki's Wedding... - Hours Girls... - Family Drama - Family Drama - Family Drama - Family Drama - Family Drama - Family Drama - The Ladies of Lusty Lady Lingerie- Audi - The Ladies of Lusty Lady Lingerie- Roxanne White - Alice in Costume- Fan Art - The Ladies of Lusty Lady Lingerie- Sonya Tenways - Arrival... 5 - Arrival... 4 - Nikki's Invitation... - Arrival... 3 - Arrival... 2 - Nikki Beach... - Fan Page- Hate Summer! - Sandy Beach... - Sorry... - Beach Alice - Arrival... - On the way... - Hours is getting testy! - Heatstroke... - Soapland.. - The Talk... 4 - The Talk... 3 - Please Stand By.... - Beach Nikki - The Talk... 2 - The Talk... - Flashback Sandy... 6 - Mimi and Talus - Flashback Sandy... 5 - Savage Land Nikki - My Name is... - Happy Mother's Day 2015 - Flashback Sandy... 4 - Flashback Sandy... 3 - Flashback Sandy... 2 - Punk Nikki - Busted Back Blues.... - Flashback Sandy... - Morning Breakfast.... - Wakey wakey! - Happy Easter! - Noise Complaint... - Bathroom Bungles... - Home.... Bed....3 - Home.... Bed....2 - Home.... Bed.... - Front Yard Soaps... 5 - Front Yard Soaps... 4 - Front Yard Soaps... 3 - Front Yard Soaps... 2 - Ken's doing dishes.... - Nikki Likes Mondays... - Front Yard Soaps... - Alice, Hours, and Toddy... - Star Trek Nikki - After Radcon 2015 - Plot Hole? 2 - Plot Hole? - Kingdom Question... 5 - Kingdom Question... 4 - Kingdom Question... 3 - Kingdom Question... 2 - Kingdom Question... - Next Week.... - All Star Saleswoman - Nikki's Photo Shoot - Merry Christmas 2014 - Toddy the Third - Back at the School... - The End is Near... - Little Toddy - Night time Questions... - Apologies - Happy Birthday Bro! - Vacation.... - United Front.... - After Class.... 2 - After Class... - Experience? - First Day of Class... - Happy 4th! - Father and son bonding... - Wanna go take a class? - Alice and Hours.... - Meeting the Invisible Man... - Game of Thrones Season Finale - Finishing Dresden... - Who's comming to lunch? 2 - Who's comming to lunch? - Skin Game - The Rule 6 - The Rule 5 - The Rule 4 - The Rule 3 - The Rule 2 - The Rule - My bed is a car! - Relationships... 2 - Relationships... - Match Banned - Get her Going.... 2 - Get her Going.... - Shhh The women are talking. 2 - Shhh The women are talking. - Fanart monday! - Knock Knock Knocking on Carl's Door 2 - Knock Knock Knocking on Carl's Door - Radcon 2014 - Caught me some Faries! - Hey Honey! - GO HAWKS! - Merry Christmas 2013 - Nikki is not a good driver... - Should I stop or keep going? - drunk duck catchup - drunk duck catchup - drunk duck catchup - drunk duck catchup - drunk duck catchup - drunk duck catchup - drunk duck catchup - drunk duck catchup - drunk duck catchup - Sara and Monster... - Monsters are real? - Goodnight... - Yes I know... - Sorry.. - The Reveal! - Little Boys and Little Girls.... - The Casual Chat - Memorial Week - The Catboy Rant - It's not his fault... - The Catboy Rant - Hours minus Alice... - Fan Art- Ranma Toddy, Shampoo Alice - Catboy Rants vs the world - Alice gets an Answer - Hours is home - The Casual Chat - Rants today! - Toddy's Home! - Sandy Questions.. 5 - the catboy rants - Sandy Questions.. 4 - Sorry... - Sandy Questions.. 3 - the catboy rants - Sandy Questions.. 2 - Sandy Questions... - Episode 5 - After con part 2 - The Catboy Rants! - Dova-Hours from a fan - Ready for Spring? - Special Con Rant! - Epic Fail - The Catboy Rants Episode 3 - The Catboy Rants Episode 2 - The Catboy Rants Episode 1 - Contemplating the last day of con.... 2 - Contemplating the last day of con.... - Complaining to the Boss... - Catboy at the Con- College Years Teaser - Christmas 2012 - A Question... - Happy Halloween 2012 - We Got Jacked... - Last Day - Choosing the Best Pumpkin! - The Digital Frontier - We Made Money - RO at the Con 3 - RO at the Con 2 - RO at the Con - The Dark Mage - Robosexuality? - Right Panel? - Happy Labor Day! - Con Ninja - Hours and the Bear - Stuck up a Tree- Alice - Stuck up a Tree- Hours - Seven Years! - Father's Day 2012 - birthday - Comin' in april - Snow Day - Sending in the Troop... - Hours' Comic 2012 - Happy New Year - Five wise men and a little baby - Christmas 2011- panel 2 - Christmas 2011- panel 1 - Nikki at the Con... 3 - Nikki at the Con... 2 - Christmas 2011 --- The Holiday Mural - Up in the Tree.... - Nikki at the con.... - What kind of convention.... - WASTES - Saga of the King - The New Girl.... - Campin with Uncle Hours - Gettin married soon... - Con Alone... 5 - Con Alone.... 4 - Con Alone.... 3 - Con Alone.... 2 - Con Alone.... - Upcomming Con... 2 - Upcoming Con..... - The email... - I have Dresden on the Brain... - Just like Hours... - Memorial Day 2011 - When you gonna tell them? - campin... 3 - campin... 2 - Rat out... - Teaching Toddy to Swim... - Campin... - Two Days... - The little demon... - Broke the Computer 2 - Broke the Computer - Playing Sims 2 - Moving... one more week - Merry Christmas Everyone! - Christmas Panels... - Sorry for Last Week.... - Happy Thanksgiving 2010 - Blue Drake.... - The Mountain.... - Sorry No Comic Today.... - Hours in WoW - - Sandy is Halloween... - Toddy as Ash... - I can feel it kick... - Girls Day Off.... - King's Coming... - Sushi Platter... - Alice and Sailor - Fear - You Idiots... - Was There Any Doubt.. - Happy Fall! - Will they accept us.. - Meet Evelyn Whitefoot... - The Rise of the Queen... - The King is Coming... - Happy Birthday - In the Woods.... - The More You Know... - Salmon Feed... - Guitar Hero - A little filler.. - Catboy in a Swimming Pool.. - 102 Degrees .... - You have Red on you... - Happy 4th of July - Rules... - Happy Father's Day 2 - Happy Father's day.... - Coldstone... - Dishes - WoW break - No Talking... - Golden Girls - What's the plan? - Happy Memorial Day Weekend - Do we lie? 2 - Do we lie? - An Important Message.. - I'm Doing My Part... - Days of our Hours.. - Friday's appology... - Happy Mother's Day - Kinda Forgot.... - Fear is a little boy.. - Too Young... - Tales from the Dead... - The Catgirl speaks... - Learned his Lesson... - Hours Day! - Kinda forgot the title.... - Everything is gonna be alright... - Wish I was you... - Easter Hangover - Growing Up - The Story of a Boy - Anger - Questions of the Past... - Sorry about the Non-Comics... - The King..... - I Gots to Get Paid... 2 - I Gots to Get Paid... - The Little Emperor 2 - The Rumor - The Little Emperor - And back to the Story... - New Year...2010 - Happy Valentines Day... 2010 - Merry Christmas 2009 - Happy Holidays from the Catgirl - Hire ME!!! - The Morning of Dread.... - The last day... - Hours gets Owned... - Hero by Wikit - Dear Godfather... - This wont end well... by ~in-troubled-dreams - Guidance Councelor.... - Back to the Job... - Happy Halloween by ~in-troubled-dreams - New Meetings... - Beggin for Change... - Confessions... - Who saw this coming? - No.... - Fanart Monday October 5th 2009 - Gotta Remember.... - Fanart Mondays - Now to find out about Sarah... - Who to ask.... - Talking to the Bartender... - Trades he who is kitty by Spekle - Who are you? - Year Four..... 3 - Year Four..... 2 - Year Four..... 1 - Furball... - Inner Monologue... - Call Again Later... - Meet Ms. Black... - Lonely Apartments... - At the Memorial... - Heading Out.... - Found a Job... - Me Tired. Me Go Bed.. - Creepy Little Thing.. 3 - Shameless Watchmen Plug.. - Creepy Little Thing.. 2 - Creepy Little Thing.. - Why Did We Do That? - Kintaro, Master of Electronics - Hours on his Own... 3 - Hours on his Own... 2 - Happy 4th Everyone... - Hours on his Own... - Super Happy... - Hour's Explains It All... - Happy Father's Day... - Late Night Talks... 4 - Late Night Talks... 3 - Late Night Talks... 2 - Late Night Talks... - On Guard - Hope You're Laughing... 2 - Hope You're Laughing... - Unexpected Guest... 3 - Unexpected Guest... 2 - Unexpected Guest... - A Look into Future Past.. - I Think We Forgot.. - Don't Worry. We can fix this.. - Noblegarden.. - Comin' Home.. 2 - Comin' Home.. - A Little Side Story.... 4 - A Little Side Story.... 3 - A Little Side Story.... 2 - Happy Easter - OFF TO THE CON AGAIN.. - A Little Side Story.... - The Promise... - A Big Job Ahead... 2 - Don't Make Hours Angry... - A Big Job Ahead... - No. It Can't. 4 - No. It Can't. 3 - No. It Can't. 2 - No. It Can't. - Goodbye, Jedda..... - Goodbye, My Kitty.... - Oh Poop.. - You Can't Go Home.. 4 - You Can't Go Home.. 3 - You Can't Go Home.. 2 - You Can't Go Home.. - Jedda and Tess... 3 - Jedda and Tess... 2 - Jedda and Tess... - Dave? 3 - Happy B-Day Gramps - Dave? 2 - Toddy and Daddy... 4 - Dave? - Toddy and Daddy... 3 - The Rental... - Toddy and Daddy... 2 - Mechanostrider.... - Toddy and Daddy... - Something Bad... 3 - Something Bad... 2 - A Lesson Learned... - Hours sneaks one in.... - Spot the Ghost... - Holiday Cheer PSA - Happy Holiday Cheer PSA - Merry Christmas 2008 - Something Bad... - Noob Hunter #3 - Noob Hunter #2 - Noob Hunter #1 - Donations Please - Speak and Ride... - Is this a Test... - Sleeping... - A little Chat... again - A little Chat... - Hours and Ken.... 2 - Hours and Ken.... - Issues with printers... - Is This All You Do... - For You... - Who are these kids... - We need to talk... 7 - The Dark Portal - Hours VS Vic - We need to talk... 6 - We need to talk... 5 - We need to talk... 4 - Godfather... - We need to talk... 3 - We need to talk... 2 - Bad Sketchs at the Con by Justtoast - We need to talk... - The Kittens... 2 - Kumoricon 2008 - The Kittens... - Why No Like hentai... 2 - Why No Like hentai... - Three Years... - for Catboy-Trades by *rugdog - 68.Hero by *wikit - Fanart for Catboy-Trades 2 by ~Kattscomics - Glomp Trades by ~AberDaKitty - Another Con, Another Issue... - Why are you happy... 2 - VOTE FOR HOURS - Why are you happy... - WoW I'm 60!!! - Back from the Doctors... - At the Doctor's... 2 - Happy Bday Bro - At the Doctor's... - King Wallpaper - Hours Eternal Torment... - Happy Blogging.... - Why are You Smiling... - Long Lost Hope... 4 - Long Lost Hope... 3 - Long Lost Hope... 2 - Long Lost Hope... - Big Boy Thing.... - Have to tell him... 3 - Have to tell him... 2 - Have to tell him... - Lets all go to the Movies.. 2 - Lets all go to the Movies.. - Sure there are.... - Wait... 2 - Wait... - Am I ready? 3 - Am I ready? 2 - Am I ready? - I'm Really Nervous... 3 - I'm Really Nervous... 2 - I'm Really Nervous... - WoW Filler May 3 - WoW Filler May 2 - WoW Filler May - Lets get you Dressed! - How did he get out of work? - Let Sleeping Catboys..... - Another Day of Mourning.... - Am I Bitter? - And I'm Solid... 3 - And I'm Solid... 2 - And I'm Solid... - Technical Difficulties - Still Scary! - Crap Memory 3 - Crap Memory 2 - Crap Memory - This is what happens when... - Back at the Booth 2 - Back at the Booth - Unfortunatly... WoW Break 6 - Unfortunatly... WoW Break 5 - Unfortunatly... WoW Break 4 - WoW Break 3 - WoW Break 2 - WoW Break - Ask a Silly Question... - Sitting at the Booth - Watch the booth 2 - Watch the booth - Like the T-Rex... - That Sense of Dread... - Mmmm Breadsticks... - The New Guy 3 - The New Guy 2 - Happy Valentines Day... - Little Drawing I have been working on... - The New Guy - Convention set-up 2 - Convention set-up - I just want to say... - Wake up from the Dream - Let the Hate Emails Begin.. - Even Hours... - You May Kiss the Bride - The Wedding... - I AM A GUY - New Year little break... final - New Year little break... 4 - New Year little break... 3 - New Year little break... 2 - New Year little break... - Merry Christmas Everyone! - One Snowy Night (Panel 3) - One Snowy Night (Panel 2) - One Snowy Night (Panel 1) - Wanna go out? - We need to do something... - Walking and Talking.... - R.O.Y. the cyber-body - Cyber- bodies for the future... BUY TODAY!!! - Um.... this Can't be good... - The Trial - Getting Pretty 2 - Happy Thanksgiving - Getting Pretty - The More Things Change... - Do that again... - Getting a little Hairy... - Relationshits - Filler Art: A glance into the World of King - And things... are starting to turn around... - And Things get Worse.... 3 - All the King's Men: Hail to the King - And Things get Worse....... 2 - And things get Worse.... - Canceled the Panel 3 - Canceled the Panel 2 - Canceled the Panel - Catboy at the Con - I Know What the Ladies Like..... - Several Months Later with Jedda - Hours, Alternate World - Is he? - What does the Red mean? - Halo 3... and the dreams.. - You got red on you. - THE CLIP!!! Finally!!! - A little more explanation... - This is what happened... - When someone you love is taken..... - It is all your fault.... - Filler Art: Stuff from the Con - Gone to the Con - The Panel that should never have Been!!! - A little Quality time with Hours! - Life .... it's a good thing - A little family time... - Stupid for Each Other.... - Two Years Old today - Stuck Inside Two Vending Machines - It's alright man - Waking up to the World..... - Am I dead? - And so the King departs...... - Explain it...... - Okay... I will leave... - A little conversation at the point of a wooden sword - My Brother's Gun..... - I am very sorry everyone. - Three Hundred - Or.... Not.... - And so the story ends.... - The darkness before the storm - Tess meets Jedda - Getting scarier - Filler Art: A little last min thing... - Happy 4th of July - Filler Art: Sorry for the late Update... - "Peace Bonding" - In the Closet - Will they find Trades? - Come and Get Me! - Tess at the Con - Hidden - Waiting for the King's Return - Jumping to Help - Filler Art: Where God's Fear to Tread. - Three's a Crowd - Looking... Looking.... looking... - Orders before the Con - Naked at the Con - Chain Gang - Filler Art: A little bit of Fanservice - Leading the Catboy - HELP! The King! - Fun in the Bathroom - Filler Art: The Queen is Dead - Filler Art: May I join you? - Filler Art: For my Kingdom! - Nyquil... fun - WHY???? - Calling for help. - Brother tries to help.... - Getting used to the future.... - Filler Art: The King Profile - Calling Hours for brotherly advice..... - Where is my Trades? - Wakey wakey! - A ring and a bun... - Why it is good to knock.... - Use your powers!!! - Filler Art: Sakuracon Swag - Filler Art: All Hail The King! - Filler Art: King pic 2 - Filler Art: King pic 3 - The man in the shadows - Walking away - Holding on - Getting Dressed - Come on... another one won't hurt.... - In rememberance of Kintaro Chapter 5: Who was that guy? - We're out... - I need pants... - Hug me... is this the end? - Who are you? oh wait... nevermind... - I want to get the tape of that.... - Costumes are cool!!! - Out of the Box - Are we there yet? - Filler Art: Sick Catboy - In the Box - Filler Art: Lazy Cat Day - Yes... we need you - Filler Art: Today is my birthday! - Lets get the Grunt... - Elementary Dear Sarah - They should be back by now..... - Filler Art: Chained up - Email me the pics - In the Dark... again.... - Overhearing the lovebirds... - In the Dark.... - I like your hair the way it is... - Your like my sister - Ghost at work 2 - I look like what? - My new hairdo - Meeting at the beauty parlour - Filler Art: Don't drink!! - Filler Art: What to get a catboy for christmas.... - Filler Art: Merry Christmas - Filler art: Seasons 4 - Filler Art: Seasons 3 - Filler Art: Seasons 2 - Filler Art: Seasons 1 - Ghost at work 1 - Gonna go pick up my girl - Bored without my Bro - Filler Art: Catboys use their Tails! - Boss - Filler Art: This is why I hate Christmas Shopping - Orientation - GET A JOB!!! - Guest Comic # 3 - Guest Comic # 2 - Guest Comic# 1 - Filler Art: Standing in Line for PS3 - The day in the Afterlife - You never have to say sorry - Final Fantasy XII - He is angry when he is awake - Sugar HIGH!! - Filler Art: Happy Halloween! - Aftermath.... Janey Attacks - THE BOSS IS ALIVE!!! - Do you have anything to say? - Ha Ha Ha... the bad guys win!! - My ideas... my dreams ... my children.... - Exploding Boss Joke..... Chapter 4: Fun with Conventions - Heart to Heart with Carl - Got to the car.... - You look so pretty ^_^ - Filler Art: IT HAPPENED! CATBOY AT THE CON VOL 1 at purrasia press - Wonderful story..... what is that?? - Attacking cosplayers.... is sometimes fun... - Telling Jedda about Tess..... - After Janey's story and the repressed memories - I woke up and we were saved.... - SCREAMING FOR HELP! - Waking up to Janey..... - Drunk guys out... - The story of Janey.. - You go this way .. I will go that way... - Carl's Plan - OH MY GOD! - What not to see when your tired... - Filler Art: Preparing for a Con - Filler Art: Summer's Here! - My first time with Yaoi: The truth... - My first time with Yaoi 2 - My first time with Yaoi 1 - Filler Strip: What goes on in my head - Filler Art: One Year Older - Lugging Baggage - Come on... wear it! - So what do you want Carl? - Gonna see the catboy - The story of the puppy and the kitty - So are we gonna finish the story? - The story about Trades' dog continued..... - The story about Trades' dog continued.... - The story of Trades' dog continued.... - The story of Trades' dog - Trades' room - Family reunions.... lets leave 2 - Filler Comic: And a now something that was sitting in my mind. - Family reunion.... lets leave 1 - Why are we sitting here? - What do I do about Trades' mom? - I can still hear the tuba..... - I am sorry my mom showed up - I Forgot! - I hope no one is here... - Answering the door... with no pants... - Five hours later..... - Squeek Squeek Squeek - Coming home to strange noises.... - I want to play a game... - Am I losing my touch? - Dinner with Jedda - Explaining why Hours is Hours... - Pet Carrier??? - Death and my award! - Air Freshener- true story - Jedda Dreams.... - Tess.... how did he beat me? - An Hours moment..... Chapter 3: Why have a title? - The dollar menu - New Releases - Welcome to Smallmart.... BE HAPPY!!!! - Better than a roller coaster... - I am gonna go grab some food... don't break anything... - NO CAMERAS! - I will take care of this... - Jedda back on the phone.... - Something's wrong... - Putting down the phone and walking away - What big brothers are for... - Playing a game... part 2 - Playing a game .... part 1 - Don't confuse fighting with nudity - The Day of Dreams.... Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children has arrived... - Ignoring people... - Why are you here? - Wake up to the Houseguest - Back to the Dream... part 4 - Back to the Dream... part 3 - Back to the Dream..... part 2 - Back to the Dream.... part1 - And that was my dream... - And that is the dream, bro... - Oh Hell not this again... part 2 - Oh hell... not this again.. part 1 - Sakuracon 2006 - Back home... I miss the noise... - Filler Art: Sakuracon heads up - Leaving the convention... Tess Free! - The Mark.. part 4 - The Mark.. Part 3 - The Mark.. part 2 - The Mark part 1 - - Your mine! - Cross dressing cosplayers - Why are you so happy? - Scared of the fans.... - Sulking part 3 - Sulking part 2 - Sulking part1 - Why you should not take your girlfriend with you to a convention... - Macro Panel - Sitting at the booth - Ewww... furries are gross - Filler Comic: Why I missed today's strip - Gotta hide from the psycho robot - Trades' Birthday Wishes - After the Superbowl - I miss the mobs... - Go away... sleeping... - The missed panel - Locked in the Store part 4 - Locked in the Store part 3 - Locked in the Store part 2 - Locked in the Store part1 - Locked in the Store - I came to buy the movie! Chapter 2: It Continues - Thinking in the Elevator - Bleaching the bedsheets - Scariest thing in the world! - Hours apologizes - and that was my dream jedda - Explanation of the Dream - What a nightmare.... - The Kingdom part 8 - The Kingdom Part 7 - The Kingdom part 6 - The Kingdom part 5 - The Kingdom part 4 - The Kingdom part 3 - The Kingdom part 2 - The Kingdom part 1 - Falling is easy to do.. - Hours I have missed you ... - Plastic plants - Asking the dead - Hello I am Sara - Three Messages... - Home Crap Home.. - Thinking and Driving.. - ruining the moment. - Aftermath... and explanation.. - If only I could see her again... - Punching the guard - No one hurts my friends - Sorry I knocked you out... - I wish I had told her... - Why did they bring you? - That is where they have him - Meet Tess 2 - Meet Tess - Keep the Catboy sedated? - Tofu or Turkey? - Kidnapped for the movie - oops dart in the neck - No dirty tricks - Cat people... - Catrice takes the camera - and now Jedda - Have a good night? - pretty bunny... sorry... - and now on the other side.... - What do you plan to do tonight? - Good show my friend. - Catrice speaks... - In the elevator with the bunny girl - Meeting the one... - Smashing into the bunny girl - Hey there Bloggers - A little costume.. - In line... - The Registration desk... - Leaving the fam... back to the convention - Watch as the mother wakes her child - Final Fantasy VII: I LOVE YOU!!! - At the Shop - And you call youself a fan - Today is the day!!! - Back with the family... - Why make fun of the creator - Bro driving me home from the con - shut up and get in the car! - I took your car... - No more questions... - Another Movie? - Movie? - The movie is created - Ambush! And so it begins Next Last First Prev - Happy New Year 2017 - Krampy the Krampus - Christmas Day 2016 - Christmas Eve 2016 - 2016 Christmas Panel 3 - Panel 2 - Panel 1 - Serenity Speaks... - Bunny Lab Assistant - Eva's Date Night - Hours Backstory 2... - Hours backstory - Happy Monday! - The Darkness.... - The End? 7 - The End? 6 - The End? 5 - Happy Halloween 2016 - Sorry - The End? 4 - The End? 3 - The End? 2 - The End? - Monday Art 10/17/2016 - The Last Few.... - Monday Art 10/10/2016 - Four Hours Earlier.... - Happy October! - Monday Arts 09/26/2016 - Blackness - Waiting Room... 10 - Monday Art 09/19/2016 - The Waiting Room... 9 - The Waiting Room... 8 - Monday Art 09/12/2016 - The Waiting Room... 7 - The Waiting Room... 6 - The Waiting Room... 5 - The Waiting Room... 4 - The Waiting Room... 3 - Monday Art 08/29/2016 - Monday Art 08/22/2016 - The Waiting Room... 2 - The Waiting Room... - The Next Morning 4 - The Next Morning 3 - Have a Good Monday! - The Next Morning 2 - The Next Morning - Poke' Fun!! - Question! 6 - Question! 5 - Wanna Play some Beach Volleyball? - Question! 4 - Question! 3 - Midnight Sword Mistress - Question! 2 - Question! - Happy Monday! - You're Cute too... - You're Cute... - Happy Fourth!! - Coming Soon.. - Maintenance - Filler Steampunk Mousey - Still Working... - Happy Valentines Day 2016 - I need to see this movie! - A Taste of Things to Come... - A Special Delivery - Leo Squad! - Happy New Year - Christmas 2015 - Christmas 2015 Panel 2 - Christmas 2015 panel 1 - Bare Bottom Santas - Coffee??? - Nikki's Wedding... - Hours Girls... - Family Drama - Family Drama - Family Drama - Family Drama - Family Drama - Family Drama - The Ladies of Lusty Lady Lingerie- Audi - The Ladies of Lusty Lady Lingerie- Roxanne White - Alice in Costume- Fan Art - The Ladies of Lusty Lady Lingerie- Sonya Tenways - Arrival... 5 - Arrival... 4 - Nikki's Invitation... - Arrival... 3 - Arrival... 2 - Nikki Beach... - Fan Page- Hate Summer! - Sandy Beach... - Sorry... - Beach Alice - Arrival... - On the way... - Hours is getting testy! - Heatstroke... - Soapland.. - The Talk... 4 - The Talk... 3 - Please Stand By.... - Beach Nikki - The Talk... 2 - The Talk... - Flashback Sandy... 6 - Mimi and Talus - Flashback Sandy... 5 - Savage Land Nikki - My Name is... - Happy Mother's Day 2015 - Flashback Sandy... 4 - Flashback Sandy... 3 - Flashback Sandy... 2 - Punk Nikki - Busted Back Blues.... - Flashback Sandy... - Morning Breakfast.... - Wakey wakey! - Happy Easter! - Noise Complaint... - Bathroom Bungles... - Home.... Bed....3 - Home.... Bed....2 - Home.... Bed.... - Front Yard Soaps... 5 - Front Yard Soaps... 4 - Front Yard Soaps... 3 - Front Yard Soaps... 2 - Ken's doing dishes.... - Nikki Likes Mondays... - Front Yard Soaps... - Alice, Hours, and Toddy... - Star Trek Nikki - After Radcon 2015 - Plot Hole? 2 - Plot Hole? - Kingdom Question... 5 - Kingdom Question... 4 - Kingdom Question... 3 - Kingdom Question... 2 - Kingdom Question... - Next Week.... - All Star Saleswoman - Nikki's Photo Shoot - Merry Christmas 2014 - Toddy the Third - Back at the School... - The End is Near... - Little Toddy - Night time Questions... - Apologies - Happy Birthday Bro! - Vacation.... - United Front.... - After Class.... 2 - After Class... - Experience? - First Day of Class... - Happy 4th! - Father and son bonding... - Wanna go take a class? - Alice and Hours.... - Meeting the Invisible Man... - Game of Thrones Season Finale - Finishing Dresden... - Who's comming to lunch? 2 - Who's comming to lunch? - Skin Game - The Rule 6 - The Rule 5 - The Rule 4 - The Rule 3 - The Rule 2 - The Rule - My bed is a car! - Relationships... 2 - Relationships... - Match Banned - Get her Going.... 2 - Get her Going.... - Shhh The women are talking. 2 - Shhh The women are talking. - Fanart monday! - Knock Knock Knocking on Carl's Door 2 - Knock Knock Knocking on Carl's Door - Radcon 2014 - Caught me some Faries! - Hey Honey! - GO HAWKS! - Merry Christmas 2013 - Nikki is not a good driver... - Should I stop or keep going? - drunk duck catchup - drunk duck catchup - drunk duck catchup - drunk duck catchup - drunk duck catchup - drunk duck catchup - drunk duck catchup - drunk duck catchup - drunk duck catchup - Sara and Monster... - Monsters are real? - Goodnight... - Yes I know... - Sorry.. - The Reveal! - Little Boys and Little Girls.... - The Casual Chat - Memorial Week - The Catboy Rant - It's not his fault... - The Catboy Rant - Hours minus Alice... - Fan Art- Ranma Toddy, Shampoo Alice - Catboy Rants vs the world - Alice gets an Answer - Hours is home - The Casual Chat - Rants today! - Toddy's Home! - Sandy Questions.. 5 - the catboy rants - Sandy Questions.. 4 - Sorry... - Sandy Questions.. 3 - the catboy rants - Sandy Questions.. 2 - Sandy Questions... - Episode 5 - After con part 2 - The Catboy Rants! - Dova-Hours from a fan - Ready for Spring? - Special Con Rant! - Epic Fail - The Catboy Rants Episode 3 - The Catboy Rants Episode 2 - The Catboy Rants Episode 1 - Contemplating the last day of con.... 2 - Contemplating the last day of con.... - Complaining to the Boss... - Catboy at the Con- College Years Teaser - Christmas 2012 - A Question... - Happy Halloween 2012 - We Got Jacked... - Last Day - Choosing the Best Pumpkin! - The Digital Frontier - We Made Money - RO at the Con 3 - RO at the Con 2 - RO at the Con - The Dark Mage - Robosexuality? - Right Panel? - Happy Labor Day! - Con Ninja - Hours and the Bear - Stuck up a Tree- Alice - Stuck up a Tree- Hours - Seven Years! - Father's Day 2012 - birthday - Comin' in april - Snow Day - Sending in the Troop... - Hours' Comic 2012 - Happy New Year - Five wise men and a little baby - Christmas 2011- panel 2 - Christmas 2011- panel 1 - Nikki at the Con... 3 - Nikki at the Con... 2 - Christmas 2011 --- The Holiday Mural - Up in the Tree.... - Nikki at the con.... - What kind of convention.... - WASTES - Saga of the King - The New Girl.... - Campin with Uncle Hours - Gettin married soon... - Con Alone... 5 - Con Alone.... 4 - Con Alone.... 3 - Con Alone.... 2 - Con Alone.... - Upcomming Con... 2 - Upcoming Con..... - The email... - I have Dresden on the Brain... - Just like Hours... - Memorial Day 2011 - When you gonna tell them? - campin... 3 - campin... 2 - Rat out... - Teaching Toddy to Swim... - Campin... - Two Days... - The little demon... - Broke the Computer 2 - Broke the Computer - Playing Sims 2 - Moving... one more week - Merry Christmas Everyone! - Christmas Panels... - Sorry for Last Week.... - Happy Thanksgiving 2010 - Blue Drake.... - The Mountain.... - Sorry No Comic Today.... - Hours in WoW - - Sandy is Halloween... - Toddy as Ash... - I can feel it kick... - Girls Day Off.... - King's Coming... - Sushi Platter... - Alice and Sailor - Fear - You Idiots... - Was There Any Doubt.. - Happy Fall! - Will they accept us.. - Meet Evelyn Whitefoot... - The Rise of the Queen... - The King is Coming... - Happy Birthday - In the Woods.... - The More You Know... - Salmon Feed... - Guitar Hero - A little filler.. - Catboy in a Swimming Pool.. - 102 Degrees .... - You have Red on you... - Happy 4th of July - Rules... - Happy Father's Day 2 - Happy Father's day.... - Coldstone... - Dishes - WoW break - No Talking... - Golden Girls - What's the plan? - Happy Memorial Day Weekend - Do we lie? 2 - Do we lie? - An Important Message.. - I'm Doing My Part... - Days of our Hours.. - Friday's appology... - Happy Mother's Day - Kinda Forgot.... - Fear is a little boy.. - Too Young... - Tales from the Dead... - The Catgirl speaks... - Learned his Lesson... - Hours Day! - Kinda forgot the title.... - Everything is gonna be alright... - Wish I was you... - Easter Hangover - Growing Up - The Story of a Boy - Anger - Questions of the Past... - Sorry about the Non-Comics... - The King..... - I Gots to Get Paid... 2 - I Gots to Get Paid... - The Little Emperor 2 - The Rumor - The Little Emperor - And back to the Story... - New Year...2010 - Happy Valentines Day... 2010 - Merry Christmas 2009 - Happy Holidays from the Catgirl - Hire ME!!! - The Morning of Dread.... - The last day... - Hours gets Owned... - Hero by Wikit - Dear Godfather... - This wont end well... by ~in-troubled-dreams - Guidance Councelor.... - Back to the Job... - Happy Halloween by ~in-troubled-dreams - New Meetings... - Beggin for Change... - Confessions... - Who saw this coming? - No.... - Fanart Monday October 5th 2009 - Gotta Remember.... - Fanart Mondays - Now to find out about Sarah... - Who to ask.... - Talking to the Bartender... - Trades he who is kitty by Spekle - Who are you? - Year Four..... 3 - Year Four..... 2 - Year Four..... 1 - Furball... - Inner Monologue... - Call Again Later... - Meet Ms. Black... - Lonely Apartments... - At the Memorial... - Heading Out.... - Found a Job... - Me Tired. Me Go Bed.. - Creepy Little Thing.. 3 - Shameless Watchmen Plug.. - Creepy Little Thing.. 2 - Creepy Little Thing.. - Why Did We Do That? - Kintaro, Master of Electronics - Hours on his Own... 3 - Hours on his Own... 2 - Happy 4th Everyone... - Hours on his Own... - Super Happy... - Hour's Explains It All... - Happy Father's Day... - Late Night Talks... 4 - Late Night Talks... 3 - Late Night Talks... 2 - Late Night Talks... - On Guard - Hope You're Laughing... 2 - Hope You're Laughing... - Unexpected Guest... 3 - Unexpected Guest... 2 - Unexpected Guest... - A Look into Future Past.. - I Think We Forgot.. - Don't Worry. We can fix this.. - Noblegarden.. - Comin' Home.. 2 - Comin' Home.. - A Little Side Story.... 4 - A Little Side Story.... 3 - A Little Side Story.... 2 - Happy Easter - OFF TO THE CON AGAIN.. - A Little Side Story.... - The Promise... - A Big Job Ahead... 2 - Don't Make Hours Angry... - A Big Job Ahead... - No. It Can't. 4 - No. It Can't. 3 - No. It Can't. 2 - No. It Can't. - Goodbye, Jedda..... - Goodbye, My Kitty.... - Oh Poop.. - You Can't Go Home.. 4 - You Can't Go Home.. 3 - You Can't Go Home.. 2 - You Can't Go Home.. - Jedda and Tess... 3 - Jedda and Tess... 2 - Jedda and Tess... - Dave? 3 - Happy B-Day Gramps - Dave? 2 - Toddy and Daddy... 4 - Dave? - Toddy and Daddy... 3 - The Rental... - Toddy and Daddy... 2 - Mechanostrider.... - Toddy and Daddy... - Something Bad... 3 - Something Bad... 2 - A Lesson Learned... - Hours sneaks one in.... - Spot the Ghost... - Holiday Cheer PSA - Happy Holiday Cheer PSA - Merry Christmas 2008 - Something Bad... - Noob Hunter #3 - Noob Hunter #2 - Noob Hunter #1 - Donations Please - Speak and Ride... - Is this a Test... - Sleeping... - A little Chat... again - A little Chat... - Hours and Ken.... 2 - Hours and Ken.... - Issues with printers... - Is This All You Do... - For You... - Who are these kids... - We need to talk... 7 - The Dark Portal - Hours VS Vic - We need to talk... 6 - We need to talk... 5 - We need to talk... 4 - Godfather... - We need to talk... 3 - We need to talk... 2 - Bad Sketchs at the Con by Justtoast - We need to talk... - The Kittens... 2 - Kumoricon 2008 - The Kittens... - Why No Like hentai... 2 - Why No Like hentai... - Three Years... - for Catboy-Trades by *rugdog - 68.Hero by *wikit - Fanart for Catboy-Trades 2 by ~Kattscomics - Glomp Trades by ~AberDaKitty - Another Con, Another Issue... - Why are you happy... 2 - VOTE FOR HOURS - Why are you happy... - WoW I'm 60!!! - Back from the Doctors... - At the Doctor's... 2 - Happy Bday Bro - At the Doctor's... - King Wallpaper - Hours Eternal Torment... - Happy Blogging.... - Why are You Smiling... - Long Lost Hope... 4 - Long Lost Hope... 3 - Long Lost Hope... 2 - Long Lost Hope... - Big Boy Thing.... - Have to tell him... 3 - Have to tell him... 2 - Have to tell him... - Lets all go to the Movies.. 2 - Lets all go to the Movies.. - Sure there are.... - Wait... 2 - Wait... - Am I ready? 3 - Am I ready? 2 - Am I ready? - I'm Really Nervous... 3 - I'm Really Nervous... 2 - I'm Really Nervous... - WoW Filler May 3 - WoW Filler May 2 - WoW Filler May - Lets get you Dressed! - How did he get out of work? - Let Sleeping Catboys..... - Another Day of Mourning.... - Am I Bitter? - And I'm Solid... 3 - And I'm Solid... 2 - And I'm Solid... - Technical Difficulties - Still Scary! - Crap Memory 3 - Crap Memory 2 - Crap Memory - This is what happens when... - Back at the Booth 2 - Back at the Booth - Unfortunatly... WoW Break 6 - Unfortunatly... WoW Break 5 - Unfortunatly... WoW Break 4 - WoW Break 3 - WoW Break 2 - WoW Break - Ask a Silly Question... - Sitting at the Booth - Watch the booth 2 - Watch the booth - Like the T-Rex... - That Sense of Dread... - Mmmm Breadsticks... - The New Guy 3 - The New Guy 2 - Happy Valentines Day... - Little Drawing I have been working on... - The New Guy - Convention set-up 2 - Convention set-up - I just want to say... - Wake up from the Dream - Let the Hate Emails Begin.. - Even Hours... - You May Kiss the Bride - The Wedding... - I AM A GUY - New Year little break... final - New Year little break... 4 - New Year little break... 3 - New Year little break... 2 - New Year little break... - Merry Christmas Everyone! - One Snowy Night (Panel 3) - One Snowy Night (Panel 2) - One Snowy Night (Panel 1) - Wanna go out? - We need to do something... - Walking and Talking.... - R.O.Y. the cyber-body - Cyber- bodies for the future... BUY TODAY!!! - Um.... this Can't be good... - The Trial - Getting Pretty 2 - Happy Thanksgiving - Getting Pretty - The More Things Change... - Do that again... - Getting a little Hairy... - Relationshits - Filler Art: A glance into the World of King - And things... are starting to turn around... - And Things get Worse.... 3 - All the King's Men: Hail to the King - And Things get Worse....... 2 - And things get Worse.... - Canceled the Panel 3 - Canceled the Panel 2 - Canceled the Panel - Catboy at the Con - I Know What the Ladies Like..... - Several Months Later with Jedda - Hours, Alternate World - Is he? - What does the Red mean? - Halo 3... and the dreams.. - You got red on you. - THE CLIP!!! Finally!!! - A little more explanation... - This is what happened... - When someone you love is taken..... - It is all your fault.... - Filler Art: Stuff from the Con - Gone to the Con - The Panel that should never have Been!!! - A little Quality time with Hours! - Life .... it's a good thing - A little family time... - Stupid for Each Other.... - Two Years Old today - Stuck Inside Two Vending Machines - It's alright man - Waking up to the World..... - Am I dead? - And so the King departs...... - Explain it...... - Okay... I will leave... - A little conversation at the point of a wooden sword - My Brother's Gun..... - I am very sorry everyone. - Three Hundred - Or.... Not.... - And so the story ends.... - The darkness before the storm - Tess meets Jedda - Getting scarier - Filler Art: A little last min thing... - Happy 4th of July - Filler Art: Sorry for the late Update... - "Peace Bonding" - In the Closet - Will they find Trades? - Come and Get Me! - Tess at the Con - Hidden - Waiting for the King's Return - Jumping to Help - Filler Art: Where God's Fear to Tread. - Three's a Crowd - Looking... Looking.... looking... - Orders before the Con - Naked at the Con - Chain Gang - Filler Art: A little bit of Fanservice - Leading the Catboy - HELP! The King! - Fun in the Bathroom - Filler Art: The Queen is Dead - Filler Art: May I join you? - Filler Art: For my Kingdom! - Nyquil... fun - WHY???? - Calling for help. - Brother tries to help.... - Getting used to the future.... - Filler Art: The King Profile - Calling Hours for brotherly advice..... - Where is my Trades? - Wakey wakey! - A ring and a bun... - Why it is good to knock.... - Use your powers!!! - Filler Art: Sakuracon Swag - Filler Art: All Hail The King! - Filler Art: King pic 2 - Filler Art: King pic 3 - The man in the shadows - Walking away - Holding on - Getting Dressed - Come on... another one won't hurt.... - In rememberance of Kintaro Chapter 5: Who was that guy? - We're out... - I need pants... - Hug me... is this the end? - Who are you? oh wait... nevermind... - I want to get the tape of that.... - Costumes are cool!!! - Out of the Box - Are we there yet? - Filler Art: Sick Catboy - In the Box - Filler Art: Lazy Cat Day - Yes... we need you - Filler Art: Today is my birthday! - Lets get the Grunt... - Elementary Dear Sarah - They should be back by now..... - Filler Art: Chained up - Email me the pics - In the Dark... again.... - Overhearing the lovebirds... - In the Dark.... - I like your hair the way it is... - Your like my sister - Ghost at work 2 - I look like what? - My new hairdo - Meeting at the beauty parlour - Filler Art: Don't drink!! - Filler Art: What to get a catboy for christmas.... - Filler Art: Merry Christmas - Filler art: Seasons 4 - Filler Art: Seasons 3 - Filler Art: Seasons 2 - Filler Art: Seasons 1 - Ghost at work 1 - Gonna go pick up my girl - Bored without my Bro - Filler Art: Catboys use their Tails! - Boss - Filler Art: This is why I hate Christmas Shopping - Orientation - GET A JOB!!! - Guest Comic # 3 - Guest Comic # 2 - Guest Comic# 1 - Filler Art: Standing in Line for PS3 - The day in the Afterlife - You never have to say sorry - Final Fantasy XII - He is angry when he is awake - Sugar HIGH!! - Filler Art: Happy Halloween! - Aftermath.... Janey Attacks - THE BOSS IS ALIVE!!! - Do you have anything to say? - Ha Ha Ha... the bad guys win!! - My ideas... my dreams ... my children.... - Exploding Boss Joke..... Chapter 4: Fun with Conventions - Heart to Heart with Carl - Got to the car.... - You look so pretty ^_^ - Filler Art: IT HAPPENED! CATBOY AT THE CON VOL 1 at purrasia press - Wonderful story..... what is that?? - Attacking cosplayers.... is sometimes fun... - Telling Jedda about Tess..... - After Janey's story and the repressed memories - I woke up and we were saved.... - SCREAMING FOR HELP! - Waking up to Janey..... - Drunk guys out... - The story of Janey.. - You go this way .. I will go that way... - Carl's Plan - OH MY GOD! - What not to see when your tired... - Filler Art: Preparing for a Con - Filler Art: Summer's Here! - My first time with Yaoi: The truth... - My first time with Yaoi 2 - My first time with Yaoi 1 - Filler Strip: What goes on in my head - Filler Art: One Year Older - Lugging Baggage - Come on... wear it! - So what do you want Carl? - Gonna see the catboy - The story of the puppy and the kitty - So are we gonna finish the story? - The story about Trades' dog continued..... - The story about Trades' dog continued.... - The story of Trades' dog continued.... - The story of Trades' dog - Trades' room - Family reunions.... lets leave 2 - Filler Comic: And a now something that was sitting in my mind. - Family reunion.... lets leave 1 - Why are we sitting here? - What do I do about Trades' mom? - I can still hear the tuba..... - I am sorry my mom showed up - I Forgot! - I hope no one is here... - Answering the door... with no pants... - Five hours later..... - Squeek Squeek Squeek - Coming home to strange noises.... - I want to play a game... - Am I losing my touch? - Dinner with Jedda - Explaining why Hours is Hours... - Pet Carrier??? - Death and my award! - Air Freshener- true story - Jedda Dreams.... - Tess.... how did he beat me? - An Hours moment..... Chapter 3: Why have a title? - The dollar menu - New Releases - Welcome to Smallmart.... BE HAPPY!!!! - Better than a roller coaster... - I am gonna go grab some food... don't break anything... - NO CAMERAS! - I will take care of this... - Jedda back on the phone.... - Something's wrong... - Putting down the phone and walking away - What big brothers are for... - Playing a game... part 2 - Playing a game .... part 1 - Don't confuse fighting with nudity - The Day of Dreams.... Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children has arrived... - Ignoring people... - Why are you here? - Wake up to the Houseguest - Back to the Dream... part 4 - Back to the Dream... part 3 - Back to the Dream..... part 2 - Back to the Dream.... part1 - And that was my dream... - And that is the dream, bro... - Oh Hell not this again... part 2 - Oh hell... not this again.. part 1 - Sakuracon 2006 - Back home... I miss the noise... - Filler Art: Sakuracon heads up - Leaving the convention... Tess Free! - The Mark.. part 4 - The Mark.. Part 3 - The Mark.. part 2 - The Mark part 1 - - Your mine! - Cross dressing cosplayers - Why are you so happy? - Scared of the fans.... - Sulking part 3 - Sulking part 2 - Sulking part1 - Why you should not take your girlfriend with you to a convention... - Macro Panel - Sitting at the booth - Ewww... furries are gross - Filler Comic: Why I missed today's strip - Gotta hide from the psycho robot - Trades' Birthday Wishes - After the Superbowl - I miss the mobs... - Go away... sleeping... - The missed panel - Locked in the Store part 4 - Locked in the Store part 3 - Locked in the Store part 2 - Locked in the Store part1 - Locked in the Store - I came to buy the movie! Chapter 2: It Continues - Thinking in the Elevator - Bleaching the bedsheets - Scariest thing in the world! - Hours apologizes - and that was my dream jedda - Explanation of the Dream - What a nightmare.... - The Kingdom part 8 - The Kingdom Part 7 - The Kingdom part 6 - The Kingdom part 5 - The Kingdom part 4 - The Kingdom part 3 - The Kingdom part 2 - The Kingdom part 1 - Falling is easy to do.. - Hours I have missed you ... - Plastic plants - Asking the dead - Hello I am Sara - Three Messages... - Home Crap Home.. - Thinking and Driving.. - ruining the moment. - Aftermath... and explanation.. - If only I could see her again... - Punching the guard - No one hurts my friends - Sorry I knocked you out... - I wish I had told her... - Why did they bring you? - That is where they have him - Meet Tess 2 - Meet Tess - Keep the Catboy sedated? - Tofu or Turkey? - Kidnapped for the movie - oops dart in the neck - No dirty tricks - Cat people... - Catrice takes the camera - and now Jedda - Have a good night? - pretty bunny... sorry... - and now on the other side.... - What do you plan to do tonight? - Good show my friend. - Catrice speaks... - In the elevator with the bunny girl - Meeting the one... - Smashing into the bunny girl - Hey there Bloggers - A little costume.. - In line... - The Registration desk... - Leaving the fam... back to the convention - Watch as the mother wakes her child - Final Fantasy VII: I LOVE YOU!!! - At the Shop - And you call youself a fan - Today is the day!!! - Back with the family... - Why make fun of the creator - Bro driving me home from the con - shut up and get in the car! - I took your car... - No more questions... - Another Movie? - Movie? - The movie is created - Ambush! And so it begins Next Last Author notes After Class.... 2 Trades on July 18, 2014 Trades tells Sandy what happened…. He is looking for some advice… Comments Please login to comment. Login or Register ${ }} at ${ comment.date_added }} Delete Reply ${ }} at ${ comment.date_added }} Delete «previous set of pages «previous set of pages page ${ page.number }} ... next set of pages» next set of pages»
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