Changing Worlds
- The coil unwinds
- weirdness
- Surrounded!
- Death of Cherub city
- bad words
- Catch!
- Demon death
- Evil Face!
- Back to life
- Oh Dear
- Re-cap
- Soooon!
- Passing out.
- April Fools
- Filler w/ 100% more RAZZ!
- Fallen
- Punch a Demon!
- Infected!
- Monsters inc
- Somth'n a com'n
- Conversation in the clouds
- Two sheets to the wind
- I'm Back!
- Yay for Guest comic
- fillor
- It's cold in heaven
- Hold still
- Fiiiiiillllllllllleeeeerrrrrr!
- Interview with an angel
- Shibbu
- Possesion is 9/10ths the law.
- EEEEEEeeevvvvviiiilll!
- Angel?
- Blinded by the Light
- Mo Filler
- Cherub Roll Call
- Filler
- Cheribum, bum, bum!
- Heaven is really really high up
- Heaven?
Chapter 5
- 100!!!
- Contest results
- and... fade out
- Raggy Maggy
- Doll face
- Used to it
- Head Princess In Charge
- Meanwile...
- To be continued
- Flashbacks and Mishaps
- Doll Clothes
- Robes of the What?
- Cards
- Robes of The Sorceress
- Instructo 2 electric boogilo
- Instructo
- Ass-Butt
- Blue sky Angela
- Focus people
- More talking
- Donna Reed
- Pumpkins
- Heart Ache
- Matha Nature
- Try not to move
- 2007
- Life
- Explainy
- Happy Holidays!
- Re Re Filler
- She's back
- Rattled Brains
- RE Filler
- Gay-Mezz
- Capital Gaimes
- Bang!
- Not Quite Done
- Whakk! a BunnyPillar
- Val Chow
- Filled with Jelly!
- LOVE mountain?
- Beanie Babies!
- Wardrobe Malfunction
- Filler
- Bunnypillars
- Pigs Fly again
- Pigs Fly
- Hide and Seek
- Hell?
Chapter 4
- PAGE 50!
- Back Page
- Razz
- Lace
- Kae Kae
- Angela
- Valarie
Chapter 3
- Changing Worlds
- Exsplody!
- Begining of the end
- Crakk kills
- Ouch!
- All grown up
- A time out?
- Val for the save
- Kae Kae for the block!
- A good point
- Shave and a haircut
- Super Nature
- ?????
- Boot!
- The perfect person
- ...So...many...boooks...
- Library (Where the books live.)
- Princess, Princess, Princess
- Princess Tiffany
- Bing!
- Kae Kae gets mad.
- No internet!?!
- 50,000 words?
- in Detention
Chapter 2
- Shoe Laces
- A is for Angela
- empty auditorium
- Foosh!
- The Razz Factor!
- "The Office"
- Smok'n in the girls room
- Lace dosen't like this game
- Lacey says hello, in her own way.
- Goth Lighting
- Accidents Happen
- Enter: Val
- Valarie Stien Nutty Professer
- Detention for Kae Kae
- De-fence
- Kae Kae's first appearance
Allen High
- The coil unwinds
- weirdness
- Surrounded!
- Death of Cherub city
- bad words
- Catch!
- Demon death
- Evil Face!
- Back to life
- Oh Dear
- Re-cap
- Soooon!
- Passing out.
- April Fools
- Filler w/ 100% more RAZZ!
- Fallen
- Punch a Demon!
- Infected!
- Monsters inc
- Somth'n a com'n
- Conversation in the clouds
- Two sheets to the wind
- I'm Back!
- Yay for Guest comic
- fillor
- It's cold in heaven
- Hold still
- Fiiiiiillllllllllleeeeerrrrrr!
- Interview with an angel
- Shibbu
- Possesion is 9/10ths the law.
- EEEEEEeeevvvvviiiilll!
- Angel?
- Blinded by the Light
- Mo Filler
- Cherub Roll Call
- Filler
- Cheribum, bum, bum!
- Heaven is really really high up
- Heaven?
Chapter 5
- 100!!!
- Contest results
- and... fade out
- Raggy Maggy
- Doll face
- Used to it
- Head Princess In Charge
- Meanwile...
- To be continued
- Flashbacks and Mishaps
- Doll Clothes
- Robes of the What?
- Cards
- Robes of The Sorceress
- Instructo 2 electric boogilo
- Instructo
- Ass-Butt
- Blue sky Angela
- Focus people
- More talking
- Donna Reed
- Pumpkins
- Heart Ache
- Matha Nature
- Try not to move
- 2007
- Life
- Explainy
- Happy Holidays!
- Re Re Filler
- She's back
- Rattled Brains
- RE Filler
- Gay-Mezz
- Capital Gaimes
- Bang!
- Not Quite Done
- Whakk! a BunnyPillar
- Val Chow
- Filled with Jelly!
- LOVE mountain?
- Beanie Babies!
- Wardrobe Malfunction
- Filler
- Bunnypillars
- Pigs Fly again
- Pigs Fly
- Hide and Seek
- Hell?
Chapter 4
- PAGE 50!
- Back Page
- Razz
- Lace
- Kae Kae
- Angela
- Valarie
Chapter 3
- Changing Worlds
- Exsplody!
- Begining of the end
- Crakk kills
- Ouch!
- All grown up
- A time out?
- Val for the save
- Kae Kae for the block!
- A good point
- Shave and a haircut
- Super Nature
- ?????
- Boot!
- The perfect person
- ...So...many...boooks...
- Library (Where the books live.)
- Princess, Princess, Princess
- Princess Tiffany
- Bing!
- Kae Kae gets mad.
- No internet!?!
- 50,000 words?
- in Detention
Chapter 2
- Shoe Laces
- A is for Angela
- empty auditorium
- Foosh!
- The Razz Factor!
- "The Office"
- Smok'n in the girls room
- Lace dosen't like this game
- Lacey says hello, in her own way.
- Goth Lighting
- Accidents Happen
- Enter: Val
- Valarie Stien Nutty Professer
- Detention for Kae Kae
- De-fence
- Kae Kae's first appearance
Allen High
Author notes
HI!!! I'm totally feeling crappy about missing my big return yesterday. I could not seem to get online yesterday and when I finnally did I couldn't get onto the sight! anyway… IM BACK!!! Holy Crap right. I'm really happy to be doing this again. It's been a crazy few months and I'll definatly do a comic on how berzerk it's been (a secret peek into my life, ooooh). I'm going to school and working full time at night. It's been brutal so naturaly since i barely have time to do anything I'm taking up my old web comic. I know I must be dopey but I can't help it I miss it too much. I promise I'll be getting into a steady swing come Monday, not my usual break neck speed but, I'll definately be posting pages Mon, Wed, Fri and I'll be doing at least a page a week at my other comic. Okay so I admit this re-cap is a cop out. But I'm all screwy lately and I need some time to gather my stuff. Plus I'm sure none of you feel like re- reading my archives. So a re-cap is in order I think. Don't hate me too much. Oh and Thank you so much everyone who came by to read me again. You guys rock so hard. It makes me a happy artist. So if you've been craving gross miss-spellings, Comic SANS MS and over use of lens flare your in for a treat next week, Promise promise! Thank you all so much really. Pink
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