Cliques really annoy me; it also annoys me when a "friend" decides sie is too good for you and must go with the "popular" crowd, leaving you behind because you aren't "good enough" or "cool enough" or whatever the reason. in my case, a) I didn't party b) I was just friggin' weird and c) I didn't give a crap about all that stuff anyway. I sort of drifted around the edges of everyone, collecting people from this group and that group, creating a strange mish-mash of people (which I do frequently) that ordinarily would have nothing to do with one another - but I'm the hub that holds all the spokes together. Of course, now I'm getting older and it's hard to make friends at my age. I know people where I work and I've extended my hand several times, but it's never been accepted. I make do with internet acquaintances and my critters. Umm … the point of this long note was to say I can sort of relate to Larissa, except she seems to care deeply about being left out of the popular group, whereas I only cared deeply about apparently losing a friend.
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Cliques really annoy me; it also annoys me when a "friend" decides sie is too good for you and must go with the "popular" crowd, leaving you behind because you aren't "good enough" or "cool enough" or whatever the reason. in my case, a) I didn't party b) I was just friggin' weird and c) I didn't give a crap about all that stuff anyway. I sort of drifted around the edges of everyone, collecting people from this group and that group, creating a strange mish-mash of people (which I do frequently) that ordinarily would have nothing to do with one another - but I'm the hub that holds all the spokes together. Of course, now I'm getting older and it's hard to make friends at my age. I know people where I work and I've extended my hand several times, but it's never been accepted. I make do with internet acquaintances and my critters. Umm … the point of this long note was to say I can sort of relate to Larissa, except she seems to care deeply about being left out of the popular group, whereas I only cared deeply about apparently losing a friend.
scottyduke at
Thanks cj, I will definitely check it out. :)
cjvenus at
Does read better. Another font to try is CaflischScript. It's not so "swingy".
scottyduke at
thanks dang for the input, i think it reads better too, which means I'll have to upgrade all the previous strips for consistency's sake.
evergreen at
New font looks good, I think it does read better.
gometricnow at
Hey man I dig your stuff. I'm a new member to this community. Come check out my stuff