Chris And Vernbugg
Author notes
Issue Two - Page Five
Ryan McLelland onSan Diego is coming up shortly! Don't forget to check Philly out at Evolution Studios' booth where artist Jim Hanna will be on hand to sell copies of ISSUE ONE! Issue one wraps up this week with updates today, Thursday, and Friday! Issue Two COMING SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wise Intelligence had its biggest day on Tuesday ever with a…new Don Edwards pin-up! Yuppers our biggest day and there wasn't even a new strip…thus cementing that a hot chick with big boobs is all an average comic reader needs…at least me. Today's story is titled 'Corn Pops' and …sadly enough…is based on a true story. Tune in tomorrow for the conclusion as Wise Intelligence hits an anniversary of 25 pages! Corn Pops is drawn by HC Noel…he's the man…check him out at: and WI here at:
Chris and Vernbugg is the little comedy comic about two high school kids…a smart aleky anthormorphic bug and his not-so-smart best friend. The page updates about 5-6 times a week so come check it out!
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