Christians Life First Prev - Michael Rudolph's hiding something - Christian's Life Characters South Park style - First flash picture - The new location - The beginning of a picnic - The Movie Presentation 3rd Comic: Michael's Secret Date - Nathan gets the crap beatn' out of him! - The shooting game (Yes, this is part of the book) - Christian's Life Character' THE SIMPSONS - Michael Gaff's monster inside - At the bowling place I like going to/Back to Present Time - Our two survivers appear - The eerie world of the mist future 2nd Comic: Cyborgs Return - A happily after a few dozen words - Makes no sence...but Ace dies...or does he? - ...and they're back!!!...with a little surprize! - A pretty funny page with several comical events - They like to praise - They're finally out!!! - A guest that saves the day - Christian Sprites...again - A mysterious lerker - Problems - He's trying to F**king call someone - Natalie gets BURNED!!!! - sigh...can't figure a title for this comic... - Sprite Versions of my Characters - Filler: Why I'm going to color yet - Just an example - Weeeeeeeeeeelllll...Ace is the biggest bitch! - The new COLORED page - My first colored picture of Christian - Featured Guest Stars: Alot - My Sweet Sixteen is lost...FOREVER! - The truth comes out...again - Cosmo the retard - Here's a story...about Christian and Sa-a-a-a-ammm - Another fine he's made - Drunk Duck Attack - A roast!!! - Chibi maddness - Death to all - Crocodile Smucker - LETTERS FROM DRUNKDUCK!!! - Happy Valentines Day - 10 fabulas years of my kind of cartooning - Channels of terror - The Awkward Turtle strikes - xiaolin blowdown - Christian gets hittin' - The Remote...from Nick - YOU SHYSTER!!!!!!!!!Whatever that means...I'll go look it up in the dictionary - The TV is broken...THE SUPER BOWL IS LOST...NO!!!!!!!!!!! - KAMIHAMIHA!!!!!!! - Featured Guest Stars: Wile E. and RoadRunner - Girls talk Sci-Fi - Dooms day...for Christian - JURASSIC PARK!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Featured Guest Stars: Gabe and Tyco - Movie v.s. Super Bowl...I'd choose the Super Bowl...and the movie - Nathan gets burned - George Lucas is pissed - Ramona and Samantha...don't mix - The zombie...I mean...Ace has crashed the party - Whamo!!!! and Ice Cream! - Invite delite - The truth comes out...maybe - Sam's all girls are...towards me - ...Makie Outie...;) - Reggie, First-basin', and susspision...OH MY (god) - Love at first sight...NOT...or maybe...NOT...or yes, no, maybe so - "Hard to get" gal - Martian's Party...SUX!!!!!!!! - Super Bowl...(yaiii) - Just something...that involves this comic 1st Comic: TV TRAVEL - Couldn't it be simpler Next Last First Prev - Michael Rudolph's hiding something - Christian's Life Characters South Park style - First flash picture - The new location - The beginning of a picnic - The Movie Presentation 3rd Comic: Michael's Secret Date - Nathan gets the crap beatn' out of him! - The shooting game (Yes, this is part of the book) - Christian's Life Character' THE SIMPSONS - Michael Gaff's monster inside - At the bowling place I like going to/Back to Present Time - Our two survivers appear - The eerie world of the mist future 2nd Comic: Cyborgs Return - A happily after a few dozen words - Makes no sence...but Ace dies...or does he? - ...and they're back!!!...with a little surprize! - A pretty funny page with several comical events - They like to praise - They're finally out!!! - A guest that saves the day - Christian Sprites...again - A mysterious lerker - Problems - He's trying to F**king call someone - Natalie gets BURNED!!!! - sigh...can't figure a title for this comic... - Sprite Versions of my Characters - Filler: Why I'm going to color yet - Just an example - Weeeeeeeeeeelllll...Ace is the biggest bitch! - The new COLORED page - My first colored picture of Christian - Featured Guest Stars: Alot - My Sweet Sixteen is lost...FOREVER! - The truth comes out...again - Cosmo the retard - Here's a story...about Christian and Sa-a-a-a-ammm - Another fine he's made - Drunk Duck Attack - A roast!!! - Chibi maddness - Death to all - Crocodile Smucker - LETTERS FROM DRUNKDUCK!!! - Happy Valentines Day - 10 fabulas years of my kind of cartooning - Channels of terror - The Awkward Turtle strikes - xiaolin blowdown - Christian gets hittin' - The Remote...from Nick - YOU SHYSTER!!!!!!!!!Whatever that means...I'll go look it up in the dictionary - The TV is broken...THE SUPER BOWL IS LOST...NO!!!!!!!!!!! - KAMIHAMIHA!!!!!!! - Featured Guest Stars: Wile E. and RoadRunner - Girls talk Sci-Fi - Dooms day...for Christian - JURASSIC PARK!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Featured Guest Stars: Gabe and Tyco - Movie v.s. Super Bowl...I'd choose the Super Bowl...and the movie - Nathan gets burned - George Lucas is pissed - Ramona and Samantha...don't mix - The zombie...I mean...Ace has crashed the party - Whamo!!!! and Ice Cream! - Invite delite - The truth comes out...maybe - Sam's all girls are...towards me - ...Makie Outie...;) - Reggie, First-basin', and susspision...OH MY (god) - Love at first sight...NOT...or maybe...NOT...or yes, no, maybe so - "Hard to get" gal - Martian's Party...SUX!!!!!!!! - Super Bowl...(yaiii) - Just something...that involves this comic 1st Comic: TV TRAVEL - Couldn't it be simpler Next Last Author notes Cosmo the retard vie4 on March 4, 2007 Cosmo can be a retard…if anyone hasn't noticed that Comments Please login to comment. Login or Register ${ }} at ${ comment.date_added }} Delete Reply ${ }} at ${ comment.date_added }} Delete «previous set of pages «previous set of pages page ${ page.number }} ... next set of pages» next set of pages»
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