Confessions of a cotton ball
![THEY'RE BACK](/media/users/holyamethyst/comics/Confessions_of_a_cotton_ball/web/00796332.jpg)
Author notes
holyamethyst onI don't know why I stopped. Thats life for you though.
EW! Life! Life isn't welcome here. This is where I escape life. To enjoy the finer things. Like insanity. F**k you life!!
So anyway, Imma try to post weekly. Who knows if I will though. Damn life creeping in again. Grr!
One thing I do know is I sure do enjoy torturing you Drunk Duck fellers with this crap. You are welcome.
So It maybe every Wednesday or maybe never. Who knows?
I have pre-made several installments though.
So without further ado… SHUT UP!
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