Continuity None First Prev - Continuity None Christmas Special 2010 - Getting Hit in the Nuts is Always Funny! - Is There ANYTHING You Do That's Not Bumping Into Things? - Taking Another Break! - Captain Obvious? I don't know anyone by that name! - Daleks Have No Concept of the Fourth Wall - In His Defense, The Next Monster of the Day Could Be an Egg-Creature - CATASTROPHIC ERROR - Mr. Gorbachev, Tear Down the Fourth Wall! - Ooh, Fancy New Camera Angles! - When All Else Fails, Choose The Comedy Option! - MARVIN IS AMUSED AT YOUR SILLY, TIME LORD QUESTIONS - Marvin Hasn't Given His Half-Breed Son "The Talk" Yet, Because He Hasn't Been Given It Himself - Angrish - Dalek, You ARE the Father! - It's a Role-Reversal, or Something! - The Joke is That the Dalek's Name is Marvin - Ignorance is Bliss Only for the Ignorant - Just a Generic "Dumb Green-Haired" Joke - WHAT A TWEEST! - Finnish Intermission - The Doctor's Back Shows Its Sadistic Side - Extra Comic: Production Interruption - Hooray for Racism! - The TARDIS Doors Become Possessed by The Ghost of Don Martin and Performs Some Very Unconvincing Slapstick - The Doctor's Knees Reveal Their Ignorance Whilst Romana Sees Things She Can't Unsee - The Fourth Doctor's Talking Crotch Has No Time For K9 - Señor Wences Is Spinning In His Grave - That's The Same Joke They Used In The Last Comic! - What Do You Mean, It's Not A Common Oversight? - Oh dear, he's landed on the /b/ Planet... - If You Say "Care for a Jelly Baby?" One More Time, I'm Gonna Pop You. - HaHA! RECURSIVE Entendre! - A Tiny Freak of Nature Attempts to Eat A Time Lord and his Talking Clothes - The Effects of LSD on a Beatle - Jaro Diabeetus - Robots Have No Sense of Irony, Nor Can They Cause Sound Effects - Starscream Defies Simple Logic Whilst Cyclonus' Chest Voices Unfitting Double Entendres - A Bush Disappears at Dusk - A CHALLENGER APPROACHES - Robots Can Be Amputees, Too! - Unlucky Garfield - Who Dropped This Title On My Head? Next Last First Prev - Continuity None Christmas Special 2010 - Getting Hit in the Nuts is Always Funny! - Is There ANYTHING You Do That's Not Bumping Into Things? - Taking Another Break! - Captain Obvious? I don't know anyone by that name! - Daleks Have No Concept of the Fourth Wall - In His Defense, The Next Monster of the Day Could Be an Egg-Creature - CATASTROPHIC ERROR - Mr. Gorbachev, Tear Down the Fourth Wall! - Ooh, Fancy New Camera Angles! - When All Else Fails, Choose The Comedy Option! - MARVIN IS AMUSED AT YOUR SILLY, TIME LORD QUESTIONS - Marvin Hasn't Given His Half-Breed Son "The Talk" Yet, Because He Hasn't Been Given It Himself - Angrish - Dalek, You ARE the Father! - It's a Role-Reversal, or Something! - The Joke is That the Dalek's Name is Marvin - Ignorance is Bliss Only for the Ignorant - Just a Generic "Dumb Green-Haired" Joke - WHAT A TWEEST! - Finnish Intermission - The Doctor's Back Shows Its Sadistic Side - Extra Comic: Production Interruption - Hooray for Racism! - The TARDIS Doors Become Possessed by The Ghost of Don Martin and Performs Some Very Unconvincing Slapstick - The Doctor's Knees Reveal Their Ignorance Whilst Romana Sees Things She Can't Unsee - The Fourth Doctor's Talking Crotch Has No Time For K9 - Señor Wences Is Spinning In His Grave - That's The Same Joke They Used In The Last Comic! - What Do You Mean, It's Not A Common Oversight? - Oh dear, he's landed on the /b/ Planet... - If You Say "Care for a Jelly Baby?" One More Time, I'm Gonna Pop You. - HaHA! RECURSIVE Entendre! - A Tiny Freak of Nature Attempts to Eat A Time Lord and his Talking Clothes - The Effects of LSD on a Beatle - Jaro Diabeetus - Robots Have No Sense of Irony, Nor Can They Cause Sound Effects - Starscream Defies Simple Logic Whilst Cyclonus' Chest Voices Unfitting Double Entendres - A Bush Disappears at Dusk - A CHALLENGER APPROACHES - Robots Can Be Amputees, Too! - Unlucky Garfield - Who Dropped This Title On My Head? Next Last Author notes The Doctor's Knees Reveal Their Ignorance Whilst Romana Sees Things She Can't Unsee Bellstrom on April 1, 2010 K9 is there for absolutely no reason but continuity. And this comic always pays attention to continuity. …What? Comments Please login to comment. Login or Register ${ }} at ${ comment.date_added }} Delete Reply ${ }} at ${ comment.date_added }} Delete «previous set of pages «previous set of pages page ${ page.number }} ... next set of pages» next set of pages»
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