Coveinant Journey
- A tough opponent 8
- A tough opponent 7
- A tough opponent 6
- A tough opponent 5
- A tough opponent 4
- A tough opponent 3
- A tough opponent 2
- A tough opponent 1
- Secrets revealed 9
- Secrets revealed 8
- Secrets revealed 7
- Secrets revealed 6
- Secrets revealed 5
- Secrets revealed 4
- Secrets revealed 3
- Secrets revealed 2
- Secrets revealed 1
- One Last Coveinant To Behold
- Weil Meets His END
- Something So Right
- Tossing And Blasting
- One more Boss
- Dark Gundam's End
- It's Over...Or is it!?
- Returning to the Vortex
- Goodbyes are Never Easy
- Halo Cannon
- Coveinant's Decision
- The Final Decisive Factor
- Light Vs Dark, One Thing will Decide it All
- Bigger Isn't Better
- Plague Meets Grand Arch
- And Murphy Strikes...With Avengence
- Forces United
- Mercs are Terrible at Comforting
- And Finally the Pearl
- Only One May Enter
- Amythest at Last
- Disgaia Cannon
- Unexpected...Zombies!
- Irony Abounds
- Don't let the Halo Fool You
- The Beggining of the End
- AQRN Comes Forth
- Never Question the Main Character
- And They're at it
- We Have Liftoff
- Odd Events
- A Storm of Ill Will
- Return to Power
- Chapter 6: Ultimates Collide
- Ominous Vision
- Falling For Coveinant
- Powered up to Arch Level
- Flux to Topaz
- Fluxs of Reality
- Dreaming of Light
- Shanking a Drill
- CS or Coward Sazabi
- Busting CS Up
- Gem Infommercial
- Get Ready
- The Going On's
- Emerald Mine Downs
- He Got it
- Pissing Off Death, Not a Good Idea
- What's Going Down
- Meanwhile
- Model ARX
- He Had to Get Across Somehow
- A Goofy Moment
- In He Goes
- Cannonfoder: Powerful but Unimportant
- The Power of Cannonfoder
- Boom
- Release Thy True Power
- Weird Happenings
- Listen to Guy with the Big Sword
- After Words
- 300, and Still Kicking
- Random Fighting
- One Down, 14 to Go
- This is Going to be Bad
- It Begins
- Rolling into Carnage
- Ups and Downs
- Sometimes, It's Best NOT to Ask
- The First of Arcanum
- In search of...
- Savage's End
- If at First You Don't Succeed, Flying Kick Them
- Coming Back
- Going Back
- Age Makes a Difference
- Aquired: Pyro Thunder & CXS
- C the XS in his eyes
- Fight Fire with Earth and Plasma
- An eventful Morning
- Caught in the Act
- Earth and Sky
- Sister, Sister
- Grouping Up, and Al gets a Date
- Coveinant, You Got Some 'Splain'n to Do
- 2 Cannonfoders and a Mercenary
- Eypon Vs Gabreil
- Push/Push
- Cov Can't Seem to get a Break
- An Underground Pad with a View
- Falling
- A Bit of Bad Luck
- Take life as it comes
- Omega Tau to the Rescue, Sort of
- Dark Gundam Tragedy
- Go Awh!
- Ultimate Attack: Arcane Crystal
Chapter 5: Power
- Gaia Released
- Chaos Unleashed
- Coveinant is on his Own
- Unexpected Help
- Clayton gets Punny
- Karma Convience
- Treading and Threating
- History Repeats in the Time Stream
- End of the Pheonix
- And He's back...AGAIN!
- No more Mr Magma
- Contact
- Magmacano gets Technical
- Cov goes up
- Out of the Frying Pan...
- Eruptions of color
- Rainbow Magma
- Man-handled Micheal
- The Bird opens its wings
- Cat Vs Bird
- Forests are NOT the best place to Fly
- Flying in the Forest
- From Space to Trees
- When a Vampire is Taken Over
- Vampires Feed During the Red Moon
- Fear The Red Moon
- The Core: Are They just Illusions?
- Micheeaal Iiiinnn Spaaaace
- Slippy-Out!
- Croak, croak, croak...Again!
- It's raining Frog
- And Gemblem Makes Four
- Launching
- Familiar Events
- Queen's end
- Who's sting is worse?
- Sushi!
- Dive into the Ocean
- The last of the Omegas
- Omega Chatter
- Duel of Omegas
- Looking Around
- Honey & Metal don't Mix
- An Elephant always Forgets Failure
- Feilds of Running
- Lost
- Everyone Crashes in the Vortex!
- Micheal is Launched
- Jackin' a Skull
- In the Vortex
- What's Epyon
- Late Halloween
- Sometimes pheonixes don't come back
- The old Blue flame
- Pheonixes: got to hate 'em
- Genbelm's end
- Switching Models
- Never Underestimate Them
- Wanna Take it out on the Turtle?
- Nyxed
- Nyx appears
- Rain on the Parade
- CJ 200th page
- Zero's Back
- Time Gate
- Crystal Ice Mirror Jutsu
- Squids: Can't tell them apart
- Dangers of Kalimarie
- No Jumping Allowed
- All Around Misery
- Going through the level
- Getting Unstuck
- Silver Rush
- Gaha's End
- Gaha acts weird
- Dark Hurricane: Micheal's salvation
- Coveinant Helps out
- Today's true Update: Facing the Mammoth
- From a Frog to a Mammoth Problem
- From Toads to Frogs
- When Fighting a Toad, Avoid it's warts
- Getting to the Toad
- Shifting Through Time
- Master's Divided
- Mission find Gaia
- Nyx: Gaia where abouts
- Coveinant's rematch
- Returning to battle
Chapter 4: Returns
- Where Gaia went
- Gaia returns from her mission
- Remembering the Earth Goddess
- At his weakest
- One Whale of a Problem
- Spawn of the Demon
- Fighting along
- Talking with Master Gundam
- What the Heck happened
- Grand Gaurdian: Did he bite the dust?
- Grand Gaurdian: the Final blow?
- Grand Gaurdian: the SLOWEST opponent ever
- Explaination for absence
- Fighting the Grand Gaurdian: this is going take a while
- Interferance: Evil gets as substitute
- Evil always gets its Just Desserts
- Spacing Out
- Into the light
- It looks like a winner is selected
- Duel of Ultimates: Who will win?
- Omega assists Omegasis
- Origenal vs the virus
- Slash, slash, Boom, fewuuuuurrrrrrr
- Rya faces the Valiant light
- It was just going too smooth
- Again with the escaping from a exploding base
- The Pinwheels of Darkness and Light
- Absolute Darkness
- Full dark Coveinant
- Double the muscle and fat
- Colonel gets "Shafted"
- Duo and the Colonel return
- Who the...?
- General Cure
- Base battles
Killing for entertainment
- Story filler and a public annoucement
- CS's end (for now)
- Suspenseful
- Model Omin's true form
- Model Omni
- Out with WG0 and in with the new
- CS's true power
- CS is free and the battle is about to begin
- Inside Obelisk's mind
- The new model
- King's second biometal
- Transendient Wing Zero
- So close.
- Sunsets relaxation over
- Sunset relaxing
- the Last request
- Two ultimate attacks
- Paradox fighting
- Paradox fight
- There has to be a glitch, this is going way too smooth
- Wing Zero vs Grand (final part)
- Grand vs Wing Zero (part 2)
- Grand vs Wing Zero (part 1)
- City blasting and Grand Gundam
- A little talk
- There's a cost to WG0
- Testing WG0
- Got Model WG0
- Just sliding along
- Jumping head first
- The first mission
- Memory simulation
Chapter 3: Truth
- End of Chapter
- Form cycling
- Hellsing arena
- 100.2
- Page 100.1
- More time stuff
- A little trip to the past
- Rya gets away
- Model WG0 Vs Rya
- The fight goes 1-on-1
- Start the fighting
- The Virus
- The truth comes out
- meeting people
- Lost and Broke
- And out of the net
- Navi battle
- Virus attack
- Net-work
- Going Exe
- Soldiers be wimps
- Fight's over
- Gate fights first
- Biometal Chit-chat
- Some fighting and proof
- Omega gets...Away?
- Omni mode
- Angel form
- 75p2-Shplane gets it
- 75-slight interruption
- Demon mode
- 3 vs Omega, Omega wins
- Allies come together
- Coveinant is back and better than ever
- HELL-o
- A great surprise
- Annnnnd he's gone
- Christmas and New Year special
- Coveinant's Turn
- X fights first
- Moving on
- Cov/X team up
- The mission starts
- Ceil expresses and Cov goes
- The master is...
- And the mission is about to begin
- Coveinant finds out
- And he gets away again
- Ceil keeps up
- Dun Dun DUUUUN
- The problem is scanned for.
- A mix of stories
- And he's up
- My official page 50
- Page 50 for DD
- Is he Dead?
Chapter 2: Pain
- End of Chapter 1
- The Fight is Over?
- The battle gets interesting
- Model CXS
- The fight is about to begin
- She never gives up
- Out of the skillet, into the concert?
- stroy filler
- X & Zero. UH OH.
- Time fight
- Time fun
- du du du du
- Chrono Fighter One here
- A few things for Halloween
- You better run
- And the idiots give chase
- The somewhat pointless filler
- And they are out of here
- Page 25, He's dead AGAIN?
- Why do I feel like I'm going to die?
- Coveinant got...
- Phantom goes out with a poof
- OO, He gonna get it
- Ciel gives Coveinant him his punishment
- Coveinant wakes up
- Computer don't listen well.
- Ultimate Attack
- The first tests
Ultimate Form
- Trianing begins
- The Great Escape
- He Is Dead
- He Just Won't Die!
- The next Gaurdians
- The First Gaurdians
- Into the base with a new name
- The Chase and Mission
- Awakening
- Rebuilding the Human
- Coveinant page two
- Memeories of a Human
- A tough opponent 8
- A tough opponent 7
- A tough opponent 6
- A tough opponent 5
- A tough opponent 4
- A tough opponent 3
- A tough opponent 2
- A tough opponent 1
- Secrets revealed 9
- Secrets revealed 8
- Secrets revealed 7
- Secrets revealed 6
- Secrets revealed 5
- Secrets revealed 4
- Secrets revealed 3
- Secrets revealed 2
- Secrets revealed 1
- One Last Coveinant To Behold
- Weil Meets His END
- Something So Right
- Tossing And Blasting
- One more Boss
- Dark Gundam's End
- It's Over...Or is it!?
- Returning to the Vortex
- Goodbyes are Never Easy
- Halo Cannon
- Coveinant's Decision
- The Final Decisive Factor
- Light Vs Dark, One Thing will Decide it All
- Bigger Isn't Better
- Plague Meets Grand Arch
- And Murphy Strikes...With Avengence
- Forces United
- Mercs are Terrible at Comforting
- And Finally the Pearl
- Only One May Enter
- Amythest at Last
- Disgaia Cannon
- Unexpected...Zombies!
- Irony Abounds
- Don't let the Halo Fool You
- The Beggining of the End
- AQRN Comes Forth
- Never Question the Main Character
- And They're at it
- We Have Liftoff
- Odd Events
- A Storm of Ill Will
- Return to Power
- Chapter 6: Ultimates Collide
- Ominous Vision
- Falling For Coveinant
- Powered up to Arch Level
- Flux to Topaz
- Fluxs of Reality
- Dreaming of Light
- Shanking a Drill
- CS or Coward Sazabi
- Busting CS Up
- Gem Infommercial
- Get Ready
- The Going On's
- Emerald Mine Downs
- He Got it
- Pissing Off Death, Not a Good Idea
- What's Going Down
- Meanwhile
- Model ARX
- He Had to Get Across Somehow
- A Goofy Moment
- In He Goes
- Cannonfoder: Powerful but Unimportant
- The Power of Cannonfoder
- Boom
- Release Thy True Power
- Weird Happenings
- Listen to Guy with the Big Sword
- After Words
- 300, and Still Kicking
- Random Fighting
- One Down, 14 to Go
- This is Going to be Bad
- It Begins
- Rolling into Carnage
- Ups and Downs
- Sometimes, It's Best NOT to Ask
- The First of Arcanum
- In search of...
- Savage's End
- If at First You Don't Succeed, Flying Kick Them
- Coming Back
- Going Back
- Age Makes a Difference
- Aquired: Pyro Thunder & CXS
- C the XS in his eyes
- Fight Fire with Earth and Plasma
- An eventful Morning
- Caught in the Act
- Earth and Sky
- Sister, Sister
- Grouping Up, and Al gets a Date
- Coveinant, You Got Some 'Splain'n to Do
- 2 Cannonfoders and a Mercenary
- Eypon Vs Gabreil
- Push/Push
- Cov Can't Seem to get a Break
- An Underground Pad with a View
- Falling
- A Bit of Bad Luck
- Take life as it comes
- Omega Tau to the Rescue, Sort of
- Dark Gundam Tragedy
- Go Awh!
- Ultimate Attack: Arcane Crystal
Chapter 5: Power
- Gaia Released
- Chaos Unleashed
- Coveinant is on his Own
- Unexpected Help
- Clayton gets Punny
- Karma Convience
- Treading and Threating
- History Repeats in the Time Stream
- End of the Pheonix
- And He's back...AGAIN!
- No more Mr Magma
- Contact
- Magmacano gets Technical
- Cov goes up
- Out of the Frying Pan...
- Eruptions of color
- Rainbow Magma
- Man-handled Micheal
- The Bird opens its wings
- Cat Vs Bird
- Forests are NOT the best place to Fly
- Flying in the Forest
- From Space to Trees
- When a Vampire is Taken Over
- Vampires Feed During the Red Moon
- Fear The Red Moon
- The Core: Are They just Illusions?
- Micheeaal Iiiinnn Spaaaace
- Slippy-Out!
- Croak, croak, croak...Again!
- It's raining Frog
- And Gemblem Makes Four
- Launching
- Familiar Events
- Queen's end
- Who's sting is worse?
- Sushi!
- Dive into the Ocean
- The last of the Omegas
- Omega Chatter
- Duel of Omegas
- Looking Around
- Honey & Metal don't Mix
- An Elephant always Forgets Failure
- Feilds of Running
- Lost
- Everyone Crashes in the Vortex!
- Micheal is Launched
- Jackin' a Skull
- In the Vortex
- What's Epyon
- Late Halloween
- Sometimes pheonixes don't come back
- The old Blue flame
- Pheonixes: got to hate 'em
- Genbelm's end
- Switching Models
- Never Underestimate Them
- Wanna Take it out on the Turtle?
- Nyxed
- Nyx appears
- Rain on the Parade
- CJ 200th page
- Zero's Back
- Time Gate
- Crystal Ice Mirror Jutsu
- Squids: Can't tell them apart
- Dangers of Kalimarie
- No Jumping Allowed
- All Around Misery
- Going through the level
- Getting Unstuck
- Silver Rush
- Gaha's End
- Gaha acts weird
- Dark Hurricane: Micheal's salvation
- Coveinant Helps out
- Today's true Update: Facing the Mammoth
- From a Frog to a Mammoth Problem
- From Toads to Frogs
- When Fighting a Toad, Avoid it's warts
- Getting to the Toad
- Shifting Through Time
- Master's Divided
- Mission find Gaia
- Nyx: Gaia where abouts
- Coveinant's rematch
- Returning to battle
Chapter 4: Returns
- Where Gaia went
- Gaia returns from her mission
- Remembering the Earth Goddess
- At his weakest
- One Whale of a Problem
- Spawn of the Demon
- Fighting along
- Talking with Master Gundam
- What the Heck happened
- Grand Gaurdian: Did he bite the dust?
- Grand Gaurdian: the Final blow?
- Grand Gaurdian: the SLOWEST opponent ever
- Explaination for absence
- Fighting the Grand Gaurdian: this is going take a while
- Interferance: Evil gets as substitute
- Evil always gets its Just Desserts
- Spacing Out
- Into the light
- It looks like a winner is selected
- Duel of Ultimates: Who will win?
- Omega assists Omegasis
- Origenal vs the virus
- Slash, slash, Boom, fewuuuuurrrrrrr
- Rya faces the Valiant light
- It was just going too smooth
- Again with the escaping from a exploding base
- The Pinwheels of Darkness and Light
- Absolute Darkness
- Full dark Coveinant
- Double the muscle and fat
- Colonel gets "Shafted"
- Duo and the Colonel return
- Who the...?
- General Cure
- Base battles
Killing for entertainment
- Story filler and a public annoucement
- CS's end (for now)
- Suspenseful
- Model Omin's true form
- Model Omni
- Out with WG0 and in with the new
- CS's true power
- CS is free and the battle is about to begin
- Inside Obelisk's mind
- The new model
- King's second biometal
- Transendient Wing Zero
- So close.
- Sunsets relaxation over
- Sunset relaxing
- the Last request
- Two ultimate attacks
- Paradox fighting
- Paradox fight
- There has to be a glitch, this is going way too smooth
- Wing Zero vs Grand (final part)
- Grand vs Wing Zero (part 2)
- Grand vs Wing Zero (part 1)
- City blasting and Grand Gundam
- A little talk
- There's a cost to WG0
- Testing WG0
- Got Model WG0
- Just sliding along
- Jumping head first
- The first mission
- Memory simulation
Chapter 3: Truth
- End of Chapter
- Form cycling
- Hellsing arena
- 100.2
- Page 100.1
- More time stuff
- A little trip to the past
- Rya gets away
- Model WG0 Vs Rya
- The fight goes 1-on-1
- Start the fighting
- The Virus
- The truth comes out
- meeting people
- Lost and Broke
- And out of the net
- Navi battle
- Virus attack
- Net-work
- Going Exe
- Soldiers be wimps
- Fight's over
- Gate fights first
- Biometal Chit-chat
- Some fighting and proof
- Omega gets...Away?
- Omni mode
- Angel form
- 75p2-Shplane gets it
- 75-slight interruption
- Demon mode
- 3 vs Omega, Omega wins
- Allies come together
- Coveinant is back and better than ever
- HELL-o
- A great surprise
- Annnnnd he's gone
- Christmas and New Year special
- Coveinant's Turn
- X fights first
- Moving on
- Cov/X team up
- The mission starts
- Ceil expresses and Cov goes
- The master is...
- And the mission is about to begin
- Coveinant finds out
- And he gets away again
- Ceil keeps up
- Dun Dun DUUUUN
- The problem is scanned for.
- A mix of stories
- And he's up
- My official page 50
- Page 50 for DD
- Is he Dead?
Chapter 2: Pain
- End of Chapter 1
- The Fight is Over?
- The battle gets interesting
- Model CXS
- The fight is about to begin
- She never gives up
- Out of the skillet, into the concert?
- stroy filler
- X & Zero. UH OH.
- Time fight
- Time fun
- du du du du
- Chrono Fighter One here
- A few things for Halloween
- You better run
- And the idiots give chase
- The somewhat pointless filler
- And they are out of here
- Page 25, He's dead AGAIN?
- Why do I feel like I'm going to die?
- Coveinant got...
- Phantom goes out with a poof
- OO, He gonna get it
- Ciel gives Coveinant him his punishment
- Coveinant wakes up
- Computer don't listen well.
- Ultimate Attack
- The first tests
Ultimate Form
- Trianing begins
- The Great Escape
- He Is Dead
- He Just Won't Die!
- The next Gaurdians
- The First Gaurdians
- Into the base with a new name
- The Chase and Mission
- Awakening
- Rebuilding the Human
- Coveinant page two
- Memeories of a Human
Author notes
Ok sorry about the long wait time, I live in NW Missouri and I had no power. We did get a generator but we had no internet, and we got it back at 8pm Friday but Sat and Sun we had parties. Also sorry about the background, I started making the page and I found I didn't have any Neon Tiger level BGs (I'll have some by tomorrow's update). Not much else except the 75 event should be between the 25th and 31st. Nice to be back. Music (this is for the next few days): Land of Confusion
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