Coveinant Journey
- A tough opponent 8
- A tough opponent 7
- A tough opponent 6
- A tough opponent 5
- A tough opponent 4
- A tough opponent 3
- A tough opponent 2
- A tough opponent 1
- Secrets revealed 9
- Secrets revealed 8
- Secrets revealed 7
- Secrets revealed 6
- Secrets revealed 5
- Secrets revealed 4
- Secrets revealed 3
- Secrets revealed 2
- Secrets revealed 1
- One Last Coveinant To Behold
- Weil Meets His END
- Something So Right
- Tossing And Blasting
- One more Boss
- Dark Gundam's End
- It's Over...Or is it!?
- Returning to the Vortex
- Goodbyes are Never Easy
- Halo Cannon
- Coveinant's Decision
- The Final Decisive Factor
- Light Vs Dark, One Thing will Decide it All
- Bigger Isn't Better
- Plague Meets Grand Arch
- And Murphy Strikes...With Avengence
- Forces United
- Mercs are Terrible at Comforting
- And Finally the Pearl
- Only One May Enter
- Amythest at Last
- Disgaia Cannon
- Unexpected...Zombies!
- Irony Abounds
- Don't let the Halo Fool You
- The Beggining of the End
- AQRN Comes Forth
- Never Question the Main Character
- And They're at it
- We Have Liftoff
- Odd Events
- A Storm of Ill Will
- Return to Power
- Chapter 6: Ultimates Collide
- Ominous Vision
- Falling For Coveinant
- Powered up to Arch Level
- Flux to Topaz
- Fluxs of Reality
- Dreaming of Light
- Shanking a Drill
- CS or Coward Sazabi
- Busting CS Up
- Gem Infommercial
- Get Ready
- The Going On's
- Emerald Mine Downs
- He Got it
- Pissing Off Death, Not a Good Idea
- What's Going Down
- Meanwhile
- Model ARX
- He Had to Get Across Somehow
- A Goofy Moment
- In He Goes
- Cannonfoder: Powerful but Unimportant
- The Power of Cannonfoder
- Boom
- Release Thy True Power
- Weird Happenings
- Listen to Guy with the Big Sword
- After Words
- 300, and Still Kicking
- Random Fighting
- One Down, 14 to Go
- This is Going to be Bad
- It Begins
- Rolling into Carnage
- Ups and Downs
- Sometimes, It's Best NOT to Ask
- The First of Arcanum
- In search of...
- Savage's End
- If at First You Don't Succeed, Flying Kick Them
- Coming Back
- Going Back
- Age Makes a Difference
- Aquired: Pyro Thunder & CXS
- C the XS in his eyes
- Fight Fire with Earth and Plasma
- An eventful Morning
- Caught in the Act
- Earth and Sky
- Sister, Sister
- Grouping Up, and Al gets a Date
- Coveinant, You Got Some 'Splain'n to Do
- 2 Cannonfoders and a Mercenary
- Eypon Vs Gabreil
- Push/Push
- Cov Can't Seem to get a Break
- An Underground Pad with a View
- Falling
- A Bit of Bad Luck
- Take life as it comes
- Omega Tau to the Rescue, Sort of
- Dark Gundam Tragedy
- Go Awh!
- Ultimate Attack: Arcane Crystal
Chapter 5: Power
- Gaia Released
- Chaos Unleashed
- Coveinant is on his Own
- Unexpected Help
- Clayton gets Punny
- Karma Convience
- Treading and Threating
- History Repeats in the Time Stream
- End of the Pheonix
- And He's back...AGAIN!
- No more Mr Magma
- Contact
- Magmacano gets Technical
- Cov goes up
- Out of the Frying Pan...
- Eruptions of color
- Rainbow Magma
- Man-handled Micheal
- The Bird opens its wings
- Cat Vs Bird
- Forests are NOT the best place to Fly
- Flying in the Forest
- From Space to Trees
- When a Vampire is Taken Over
- Vampires Feed During the Red Moon
- Fear The Red Moon
- The Core: Are They just Illusions?
- Micheeaal Iiiinnn Spaaaace
- Slippy-Out!
- Croak, croak, croak...Again!
- It's raining Frog
- And Gemblem Makes Four
- Launching
- Familiar Events
- Queen's end
- Who's sting is worse?
- Sushi!
- Dive into the Ocean
- The last of the Omegas
- Omega Chatter
- Duel of Omegas
- Looking Around
- Honey & Metal don't Mix
- An Elephant always Forgets Failure
- Feilds of Running
- Lost
- Everyone Crashes in the Vortex!
- Micheal is Launched
- Jackin' a Skull
- In the Vortex
- What's Epyon
- Late Halloween
- Sometimes pheonixes don't come back
- The old Blue flame
- Pheonixes: got to hate 'em
- Genbelm's end
- Switching Models
- Never Underestimate Them
- Wanna Take it out on the Turtle?
- Nyxed
- Nyx appears
- Rain on the Parade
- CJ 200th page
- Zero's Back
- Time Gate
- Crystal Ice Mirror Jutsu
- Squids: Can't tell them apart
- Dangers of Kalimarie
- No Jumping Allowed
- All Around Misery
- Going through the level
- Getting Unstuck
- Silver Rush
- Gaha's End
- Gaha acts weird
- Dark Hurricane: Micheal's salvation
- Coveinant Helps out
- Today's true Update: Facing the Mammoth
- From a Frog to a Mammoth Problem
- From Toads to Frogs
- When Fighting a Toad, Avoid it's warts
- Getting to the Toad
- Shifting Through Time
- Master's Divided
- Mission find Gaia
- Nyx: Gaia where abouts
- Coveinant's rematch
- Returning to battle
Chapter 4: Returns
- Where Gaia went
- Gaia returns from her mission
- Remembering the Earth Goddess
- At his weakest
- One Whale of a Problem
- Spawn of the Demon
- Fighting along
- Talking with Master Gundam
- What the Heck happened
- Grand Gaurdian: Did he bite the dust?
- Grand Gaurdian: the Final blow?
- Grand Gaurdian: the SLOWEST opponent ever
- Explaination for absence
- Fighting the Grand Gaurdian: this is going take a while
- Interferance: Evil gets as substitute
- Evil always gets its Just Desserts
- Spacing Out
- Into the light
- It looks like a winner is selected
- Duel of Ultimates: Who will win?
- Omega assists Omegasis
- Origenal vs the virus
- Slash, slash, Boom, fewuuuuurrrrrrr
- Rya faces the Valiant light
- It was just going too smooth
- Again with the escaping from a exploding base
- The Pinwheels of Darkness and Light
- Absolute Darkness
- Full dark Coveinant
- Double the muscle and fat
- Colonel gets "Shafted"
- Duo and the Colonel return
- Who the...?
- General Cure
- Base battles
Killing for entertainment
- Story filler and a public annoucement
- CS's end (for now)
- Suspenseful
- Model Omin's true form
- Model Omni
- Out with WG0 and in with the new
- CS's true power
- CS is free and the battle is about to begin
- Inside Obelisk's mind
- The new model
- King's second biometal
- Transendient Wing Zero
- So close.
- Sunsets relaxation over
- Sunset relaxing
- the Last request
- Two ultimate attacks
- Paradox fighting
- Paradox fight
- There has to be a glitch, this is going way too smooth
- Wing Zero vs Grand (final part)
- Grand vs Wing Zero (part 2)
- Grand vs Wing Zero (part 1)
- City blasting and Grand Gundam
- A little talk
- There's a cost to WG0
- Testing WG0
- Got Model WG0
- Just sliding along
- Jumping head first
- The first mission
- Memory simulation
Chapter 3: Truth
- End of Chapter
- Form cycling
- Hellsing arena
- 100.2
- Page 100.1
- More time stuff
- A little trip to the past
- Rya gets away
- Model WG0 Vs Rya
- The fight goes 1-on-1
- Start the fighting
- The Virus
- The truth comes out
- meeting people
- Lost and Broke
- And out of the net
- Navi battle
- Virus attack
- Net-work
- Going Exe
- Soldiers be wimps
- Fight's over
- Gate fights first
- Biometal Chit-chat
- Some fighting and proof
- Omega gets...Away?
- Omni mode
- Angel form
- 75p2-Shplane gets it
- 75-slight interruption
- Demon mode
- 3 vs Omega, Omega wins
- Allies come together
- Coveinant is back and better than ever
- HELL-o
- A great surprise
- Annnnnd he's gone
- Christmas and New Year special
- Coveinant's Turn
- X fights first
- Moving on
- Cov/X team up
- The mission starts
- Ceil expresses and Cov goes
- The master is...
- And the mission is about to begin
- Coveinant finds out
- And he gets away again
- Ceil keeps up
- Dun Dun DUUUUN
- The problem is scanned for.
- A mix of stories
- And he's up
- My official page 50
- Page 50 for DD
- Is he Dead?
Chapter 2: Pain
- End of Chapter 1
- The Fight is Over?
- The battle gets interesting
- Model CXS
- The fight is about to begin
- She never gives up
- Out of the skillet, into the concert?
- stroy filler
- X & Zero. UH OH.
- Time fight
- Time fun
- du du du du
- Chrono Fighter One here
- A few things for Halloween
- You better run
- And the idiots give chase
- The somewhat pointless filler
- And they are out of here
- Page 25, He's dead AGAIN?
- Why do I feel like I'm going to die?
- Coveinant got...
- Phantom goes out with a poof
- OO, He gonna get it
- Ciel gives Coveinant him his punishment
- Coveinant wakes up
- Computer don't listen well.
- Ultimate Attack
- The first tests
Ultimate Form
- Trianing begins
- The Great Escape
- He Is Dead
- He Just Won't Die!
- The next Gaurdians
- The First Gaurdians
- Into the base with a new name
- The Chase and Mission
- Awakening
- Rebuilding the Human
- Coveinant page two
- Memeories of a Human
- A tough opponent 8
- A tough opponent 7
- A tough opponent 6
- A tough opponent 5
- A tough opponent 4
- A tough opponent 3
- A tough opponent 2
- A tough opponent 1
- Secrets revealed 9
- Secrets revealed 8
- Secrets revealed 7
- Secrets revealed 6
- Secrets revealed 5
- Secrets revealed 4
- Secrets revealed 3
- Secrets revealed 2
- Secrets revealed 1
- One Last Coveinant To Behold
- Weil Meets His END
- Something So Right
- Tossing And Blasting
- One more Boss
- Dark Gundam's End
- It's Over...Or is it!?
- Returning to the Vortex
- Goodbyes are Never Easy
- Halo Cannon
- Coveinant's Decision
- The Final Decisive Factor
- Light Vs Dark, One Thing will Decide it All
- Bigger Isn't Better
- Plague Meets Grand Arch
- And Murphy Strikes...With Avengence
- Forces United
- Mercs are Terrible at Comforting
- And Finally the Pearl
- Only One May Enter
- Amythest at Last
- Disgaia Cannon
- Unexpected...Zombies!
- Irony Abounds
- Don't let the Halo Fool You
- The Beggining of the End
- AQRN Comes Forth
- Never Question the Main Character
- And They're at it
- We Have Liftoff
- Odd Events
- A Storm of Ill Will
- Return to Power
- Chapter 6: Ultimates Collide
- Ominous Vision
- Falling For Coveinant
- Powered up to Arch Level
- Flux to Topaz
- Fluxs of Reality
- Dreaming of Light
- Shanking a Drill
- CS or Coward Sazabi
- Busting CS Up
- Gem Infommercial
- Get Ready
- The Going On's
- Emerald Mine Downs
- He Got it
- Pissing Off Death, Not a Good Idea
- What's Going Down
- Meanwhile
- Model ARX
- He Had to Get Across Somehow
- A Goofy Moment
- In He Goes
- Cannonfoder: Powerful but Unimportant
- The Power of Cannonfoder
- Boom
- Release Thy True Power
- Weird Happenings
- Listen to Guy with the Big Sword
- After Words
- 300, and Still Kicking
- Random Fighting
- One Down, 14 to Go
- This is Going to be Bad
- It Begins
- Rolling into Carnage
- Ups and Downs
- Sometimes, It's Best NOT to Ask
- The First of Arcanum
- In search of...
- Savage's End
- If at First You Don't Succeed, Flying Kick Them
- Coming Back
- Going Back
- Age Makes a Difference
- Aquired: Pyro Thunder & CXS
- C the XS in his eyes
- Fight Fire with Earth and Plasma
- An eventful Morning
- Caught in the Act
- Earth and Sky
- Sister, Sister
- Grouping Up, and Al gets a Date
- Coveinant, You Got Some 'Splain'n to Do
- 2 Cannonfoders and a Mercenary
- Eypon Vs Gabreil
- Push/Push
- Cov Can't Seem to get a Break
- An Underground Pad with a View
- Falling
- A Bit of Bad Luck
- Take life as it comes
- Omega Tau to the Rescue, Sort of
- Dark Gundam Tragedy
- Go Awh!
- Ultimate Attack: Arcane Crystal
Chapter 5: Power
- Gaia Released
- Chaos Unleashed
- Coveinant is on his Own
- Unexpected Help
- Clayton gets Punny
- Karma Convience
- Treading and Threating
- History Repeats in the Time Stream
- End of the Pheonix
- And He's back...AGAIN!
- No more Mr Magma
- Contact
- Magmacano gets Technical
- Cov goes up
- Out of the Frying Pan...
- Eruptions of color
- Rainbow Magma
- Man-handled Micheal
- The Bird opens its wings
- Cat Vs Bird
- Forests are NOT the best place to Fly
- Flying in the Forest
- From Space to Trees
- When a Vampire is Taken Over
- Vampires Feed During the Red Moon
- Fear The Red Moon
- The Core: Are They just Illusions?
- Micheeaal Iiiinnn Spaaaace
- Slippy-Out!
- Croak, croak, croak...Again!
- It's raining Frog
- And Gemblem Makes Four
- Launching
- Familiar Events
- Queen's end
- Who's sting is worse?
- Sushi!
- Dive into the Ocean
- The last of the Omegas
- Omega Chatter
- Duel of Omegas
- Looking Around
- Honey & Metal don't Mix
- An Elephant always Forgets Failure
- Feilds of Running
- Lost
- Everyone Crashes in the Vortex!
- Micheal is Launched
- Jackin' a Skull
- In the Vortex
- What's Epyon
- Late Halloween
- Sometimes pheonixes don't come back
- The old Blue flame
- Pheonixes: got to hate 'em
- Genbelm's end
- Switching Models
- Never Underestimate Them
- Wanna Take it out on the Turtle?
- Nyxed
- Nyx appears
- Rain on the Parade
- CJ 200th page
- Zero's Back
- Time Gate
- Crystal Ice Mirror Jutsu
- Squids: Can't tell them apart
- Dangers of Kalimarie
- No Jumping Allowed
- All Around Misery
- Going through the level
- Getting Unstuck
- Silver Rush
- Gaha's End
- Gaha acts weird
- Dark Hurricane: Micheal's salvation
- Coveinant Helps out
- Today's true Update: Facing the Mammoth
- From a Frog to a Mammoth Problem
- From Toads to Frogs
- When Fighting a Toad, Avoid it's warts
- Getting to the Toad
- Shifting Through Time
- Master's Divided
- Mission find Gaia
- Nyx: Gaia where abouts
- Coveinant's rematch
- Returning to battle
Chapter 4: Returns
- Where Gaia went
- Gaia returns from her mission
- Remembering the Earth Goddess
- At his weakest
- One Whale of a Problem
- Spawn of the Demon
- Fighting along
- Talking with Master Gundam
- What the Heck happened
- Grand Gaurdian: Did he bite the dust?
- Grand Gaurdian: the Final blow?
- Grand Gaurdian: the SLOWEST opponent ever
- Explaination for absence
- Fighting the Grand Gaurdian: this is going take a while
- Interferance: Evil gets as substitute
- Evil always gets its Just Desserts
- Spacing Out
- Into the light
- It looks like a winner is selected
- Duel of Ultimates: Who will win?
- Omega assists Omegasis
- Origenal vs the virus
- Slash, slash, Boom, fewuuuuurrrrrrr
- Rya faces the Valiant light
- It was just going too smooth
- Again with the escaping from a exploding base
- The Pinwheels of Darkness and Light
- Absolute Darkness
- Full dark Coveinant
- Double the muscle and fat
- Colonel gets "Shafted"
- Duo and the Colonel return
- Who the...?
- General Cure
- Base battles
Killing for entertainment
- Story filler and a public annoucement
- CS's end (for now)
- Suspenseful
- Model Omin's true form
- Model Omni
- Out with WG0 and in with the new
- CS's true power
- CS is free and the battle is about to begin
- Inside Obelisk's mind
- The new model
- King's second biometal
- Transendient Wing Zero
- So close.
- Sunsets relaxation over
- Sunset relaxing
- the Last request
- Two ultimate attacks
- Paradox fighting
- Paradox fight
- There has to be a glitch, this is going way too smooth
- Wing Zero vs Grand (final part)
- Grand vs Wing Zero (part 2)
- Grand vs Wing Zero (part 1)
- City blasting and Grand Gundam
- A little talk
- There's a cost to WG0
- Testing WG0
- Got Model WG0
- Just sliding along
- Jumping head first
- The first mission
- Memory simulation
Chapter 3: Truth
- End of Chapter
- Form cycling
- Hellsing arena
- 100.2
- Page 100.1
- More time stuff
- A little trip to the past
- Rya gets away
- Model WG0 Vs Rya
- The fight goes 1-on-1
- Start the fighting
- The Virus
- The truth comes out
- meeting people
- Lost and Broke
- And out of the net
- Navi battle
- Virus attack
- Net-work
- Going Exe
- Soldiers be wimps
- Fight's over
- Gate fights first
- Biometal Chit-chat
- Some fighting and proof
- Omega gets...Away?
- Omni mode
- Angel form
- 75p2-Shplane gets it
- 75-slight interruption
- Demon mode
- 3 vs Omega, Omega wins
- Allies come together
- Coveinant is back and better than ever
- HELL-o
- A great surprise
- Annnnnd he's gone
- Christmas and New Year special
- Coveinant's Turn
- X fights first
- Moving on
- Cov/X team up
- The mission starts
- Ceil expresses and Cov goes
- The master is...
- And the mission is about to begin
- Coveinant finds out
- And he gets away again
- Ceil keeps up
- Dun Dun DUUUUN
- The problem is scanned for.
- A mix of stories
- And he's up
- My official page 50
- Page 50 for DD
- Is he Dead?
Chapter 2: Pain
- End of Chapter 1
- The Fight is Over?
- The battle gets interesting
- Model CXS
- The fight is about to begin
- She never gives up
- Out of the skillet, into the concert?
- stroy filler
- X & Zero. UH OH.
- Time fight
- Time fun
- du du du du
- Chrono Fighter One here
- A few things for Halloween
- You better run
- And the idiots give chase
- The somewhat pointless filler
- And they are out of here
- Page 25, He's dead AGAIN?
- Why do I feel like I'm going to die?
- Coveinant got...
- Phantom goes out with a poof
- OO, He gonna get it
- Ciel gives Coveinant him his punishment
- Coveinant wakes up
- Computer don't listen well.
- Ultimate Attack
- The first tests
Ultimate Form
- Trianing begins
- The Great Escape
- He Is Dead
- He Just Won't Die!
- The next Gaurdians
- The First Gaurdians
- Into the base with a new name
- The Chase and Mission
- Awakening
- Rebuilding the Human
- Coveinant page two
- Memeories of a Human
Author notes
Ok just to let you guys know the comment made by Shplane has been made by every new reader when they came here, so I have seen it enough just read it. And the next two bosses after this one will be hard. Ok, I need sign ups for both the 75th and 100th page events, which you do in the comic forum. Nothing else except I only have a 1/2 of a day of school left:). Music: Awaken
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