Crickets Creature First Prev - I Hate The Tunnel - I'm Just So Sorry - Time to Escape - Keep Walking - Please - He Made Her Laugh Anyway - How They Met - Everything to Me - How Does it Work? - Dr. Higgins the Inventor - Ka-Punch! - It's Best if You Don't Know - I'll Kill You! - Yeah, it's Me. - Orn Fanart - A Thief and a Liar - I Wasn't Asking - Wall of Text - Always Brush Your Teeth - Sees Thing Their Way - An Interesting Matchbox - Not Picking Up - Break - Getaway! - It's Brick O'Clock - Stop! Or We'll Shoot! - Something Weird - Mrow? - Trouble Brewing - Nostalgia - How to See a Free Movie - Pound Blues (Used Books) - The GRIN! - We Just Have a Few Questions - Lost in the Crowd - Mr. Prescott Revealed - Gate-crasher - Called Her Bluff - Hold That Thought - You Don't Have Much of a Choice - You Should be Somewhere Else - hitch hiking - The Design Needs Improvement - Look Out! - Want to see if it works? - Creature Speaks! Sort of... - Creature's Invention 2 - Getting More Neurotic - Hit a Nerve? - Daddy Issues - What do you want? - Crossing Paths - She's a Kleptomaniac Foodie! - I'm Sure She'll be Reasonable - Melodrama! - AWARDS PLUG! - You Can't Leave! - The Last Time They Talked - Creature's Nightmare - Over the Tele-Phone - Run, Cricket! Run! - Not so Much Evesdropping - We Should Talk - Life's Too Important to Take Seriously - Conversation with Davey - That's Why We're Hooligans - Trust No One! - Here's a Distraction! - Please! Let's do Something! Zeppelin Watching - Creature's Invention Discovering the Lab - Who's Outside? - I Miss Dee - Conveniantly Ambiguous - Dad's Lab - Exposition Now! - Flashback Sun Sets Over Saint Loraine - Grump About This, Grump About That - Shut! - Tattoo on his what? - Lame Name Game - Creature's Keeper - Explain Yourself! - Hi, There? - Hooligans - It's Very Dark - What're you lookin' at? - Sounds Dumb. - The Plan? - Filler Funtime! - That Sneaky Bastard - Stumptown Handbills - If You Give an Alien a Doughnut... - Doughnut Duty - Cricket Eats Weird Food - Small Talk - Rapido Blue Guest Comic - Later, Gramma - Crappy Disguise - Rude Awakening - Hired Stalker - Vladimir's Puzzle Box - Crash - A Great Discovery - What is it? - Meet the Bad Guys Higgin's Tower - What's next? - page 17 - home at last - Maybe it's Friendly - Meet the Creature - Dee? - Guns don't kill people, people with moustaches do. - Reunion - Work sucks. - Dough-tastic - Bread time - Off the Hook - Suspicious - Petty crime Title - Inept Guards - break-in 2 The break-in Next Last First Prev - I Hate The Tunnel - I'm Just So Sorry - Time to Escape - Keep Walking - Please - He Made Her Laugh Anyway - How They Met - Everything to Me - How Does it Work? - Dr. Higgins the Inventor - Ka-Punch! - It's Best if You Don't Know - I'll Kill You! - Yeah, it's Me. - Orn Fanart - A Thief and a Liar - I Wasn't Asking - Wall of Text - Always Brush Your Teeth - Sees Thing Their Way - An Interesting Matchbox - Not Picking Up - Break - Getaway! - It's Brick O'Clock - Stop! Or We'll Shoot! - Something Weird - Mrow? - Trouble Brewing - Nostalgia - How to See a Free Movie - Pound Blues (Used Books) - The GRIN! - We Just Have a Few Questions - Lost in the Crowd - Mr. Prescott Revealed - Gate-crasher - Called Her Bluff - Hold That Thought - You Don't Have Much of a Choice - You Should be Somewhere Else - hitch hiking - The Design Needs Improvement - Look Out! - Want to see if it works? - Creature Speaks! Sort of... - Creature's Invention 2 - Getting More Neurotic - Hit a Nerve? - Daddy Issues - What do you want? - Crossing Paths - She's a Kleptomaniac Foodie! - I'm Sure She'll be Reasonable - Melodrama! - AWARDS PLUG! - You Can't Leave! - The Last Time They Talked - Creature's Nightmare - Over the Tele-Phone - Run, Cricket! Run! - Not so Much Evesdropping - We Should Talk - Life's Too Important to Take Seriously - Conversation with Davey - That's Why We're Hooligans - Trust No One! - Here's a Distraction! - Please! Let's do Something! Zeppelin Watching - Creature's Invention Discovering the Lab - Who's Outside? - I Miss Dee - Conveniantly Ambiguous - Dad's Lab - Exposition Now! - Flashback Sun Sets Over Saint Loraine - Grump About This, Grump About That - Shut! - Tattoo on his what? - Lame Name Game - Creature's Keeper - Explain Yourself! - Hi, There? - Hooligans - It's Very Dark - What're you lookin' at? - Sounds Dumb. - The Plan? - Filler Funtime! - That Sneaky Bastard - Stumptown Handbills - If You Give an Alien a Doughnut... - Doughnut Duty - Cricket Eats Weird Food - Small Talk - Rapido Blue Guest Comic - Later, Gramma - Crappy Disguise - Rude Awakening - Hired Stalker - Vladimir's Puzzle Box - Crash - A Great Discovery - What is it? - Meet the Bad Guys Higgin's Tower - What's next? - page 17 - home at last - Maybe it's Friendly - Meet the Creature - Dee? - Guns don't kill people, people with moustaches do. - Reunion - Work sucks. - Dough-tastic - Bread time - Off the Hook - Suspicious - Petty crime Title - Inept Guards - break-in 2 The break-in Next Last Author notes Vladimir's Puzzle Box patrickdevine on Aug. 2, 2007 Second page of a double update! I wanted to do this joke with Everet Rubick and his cube since the start of the comic. Comments Please login to comment. Login or Register harkovast at 30 May, 2009, 02:01 PM Okay the rubic's cube puns are making me groan.But the picture of the scared alien is cool. TheMidge28 at 04 Aug, 2007, 05:00 AM Looks really good. I like the little rubick's cube reference…not many may get it. Good job mindcat at 04 Aug, 2007, 12:58 AM cool! Jonko at 03 Aug, 2007, 07:40 PM great job with the facial expressions RapidoBlue at 03 Aug, 2007, 07:35 PM i love the last pannel
Please login to comment.
Login or Registerharkovast at
Okay the rubic's cube puns are making me groan.
But the picture of the scared alien is cool.
TheMidge28 at
Looks really good. I like the little rubick's cube reference…not many may get it. Good job
mindcat at
Jonko at
great job with the facial expressions
RapidoBlue at
i love the last pannel