Crickets Creature


Author notes



I'm sort of glad in a way that this page turned out late and I didn't end up plugging the DD awards in the comments for it. At least now I don't have to explain that the trumped-up melodrama on this page isn't some shallow attempt to win an award. As I write this I have not yet seen the nominations but I'd be very surprised if I'm on them for some reason– I mean, there's so many great comics here I don't even think I could win Best Title Alliteration, (I'd have to beat Cwen's Quest,) and that's a category that I made up! Oh well. On an unrelated note I was reading TV tropes as we all often do and found some that fit this comic pretty well:
Limited Wardrobe
Rummage Sale Regect
Punk Punk
Strangely Effective Disguise
Aloof Big Brother
Grandparental Obliviousness
I should seriously stay away from TV tropes though… It's like a black hole for my time!
@amanda: Haha! I wouldn't think anyone would actually go with the Flaskies, generally when I'm not sure about something I'll just go with what I'm sure it's not.
@Warped: Fair enough, I still think it might be cool to do a collaboration with you sometime
@freakenburger, Trevor and everyone else: Thanks!


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