Crickets Creature

Author notes

What do you want?
patrickdevine onMy initial goal on this page was use fewer panels, this allowed me to draw larger. Larger panels were somewhat liberating to draw. Seven was about as few as I was willing to go for this particular page because I wanted more panels for the sequence of Madeline choking on her cigarette. Even then, I'm worried that I sacrificed some measure of clarity. Oh, well. this page is mostly an experiment.
Also I seem to have been featured which is weird but I'll roll with it I guess. Between an award nomination and a feature it's been kind of a strange month.
Also, two things I'd like to bring up: You guys know of "Off Hours" right? It's that one comic about the "actors" that portray characters in other Drunk Duck comics, (presented as TV shows,) and it's really funny. Anyway, Chapter One of this comic is coming to a close and they want to put filler strips between the chapters. The idea is what do the "actors" that play your characters do during downtime or behind the scenes, between takes etc. I, myself have done two filler strips, so what I'm blathering on about is you guys should do a filler strip for this too! You can either send finished pages to DueEast or JustNoPoint .
Also, I'd like to plug a comic that I feel is a little under appreciated. When I first came to Drunk Duck the first really, genuinely good comic that I found was Rocketship A GoGo. Rocketship has since been featured but from what I gather from the comments section it's readership is fairly small. Anyway it's a fun mod-type, newspaper-style, Sci-Fi strip and it's well worth your time to check out.
@usedbooks: Phrenology is a pseudoscience that was invented sometime in the nineteenth century. The idea was that the "organs" of the brain forms bumps on the skull and it was possible to determine things about people by feeling the bumps on their heads. This was almost immediately discredited in the scientific community but it retained some popularity up until the 1930's. Creature is very smart actually, he's just small and not very strong and sort of has to rely on Cricket to be his bodyguard. I like that alley cat too.
@amanda: My room mate was the first person to suggest that I have an ad for a phrenologist office. I think the reason why I finally decided to do it is because I've been listening to the new They Might Be Giants album, The Else. One of the songs is about phrenology and it's a good album too.
@ny_japlander: I imagine that Creature would remember Higgins very well and probably recognized his voice. Lucky that convenient pile of garbage was there!
@cda: 5's are much appreciated!
@Peipei: Uh oh indeed!
@Trevor: Dynamic lighting can add a lot to comic, whether back and white or color. I guess black and white comics sort of need it to be more than just lineart.
@freakenburger: Characterizations are difficult when you get rid of traditional writers tools for doing them. In this case Creature's silence made characterizing him tricky. I wanted to show that he's smart he's just been thrown into a situation that he doesn't quite understand.
post featured: Thanks to everyone who stopped by to congratulate me. It's nice to see some old familiar faces and some DD rockstars (ya know who y'are!) Though I can think of some better comics to have been featured. Used Books, Salt the Holly and Wakon Yosai spring to mind…
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