Crickets Creature

Creature's Invention 2

Author notes

Creature's Invention 2


I almost didn't get this page done. I was supposed to go in yesterday for a blood test, that being said I was supposed to fast for it. Though I may have fasted a bit much because ended up feeling too sick to keep something like 7-up down. At this point I was almost sure that I had the flu but after a few hours rest and actually eating something I was OK.
Can anyone guess what Creature's working on?
@magickmaker: "Sweet zombie salt!" I really should use that in a conversation!
@Peipei: Science!
@amanda: Is it just me or do people that say "don't question me," make you want to question them? It's one of those statements that has the opposite effect of what you wanted. Sort of like "you don't want to know."
@Steely Gaze: Looks like. With all that's going on she was bound to overlook something. It just figures that it'd be something important.
@cda: Great to see ya here again, man!
@Trevor: And you though that misplacing your keys was embarrassing…
@usedbooks: That would be the smart thing to do, yes. I'll admit that it isn't clear why Madeline wasn't on the next train out of St. Loraine some time ago, hopefully it'll make a little more sense later on.


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