I hope the sequence in the first few panels reads OK. Over all this page didn't turn out quite the way I wanted. I wanted to have it end with a sequece of Cricket catching her breath then start laughing and then have her fall over cackling. All the while Creature looking at her like she's crazy. I guess this more subdued version works too. Also, today the Independent Publihing Resource Center, the non-profit that I work at was put into the "Give Guide." Basically it's an index of charitable organizations that a local newspaper puts together every year. If you'd like to check it out the website is www.iprc.org.
———— replies: @usedbooks: Yep, all the cool people are 26, and now so am I! And yes, even if you're being persued by scary people you have to take the time to play with weird alien toys. @Warped: *Final Fantasy Victory Music* @Zephyrion: thanks for the rating @ulthor: Actually, she has figured that much out. It's just somewhat out of control and nearly crashed into her face. @Peipei: Creature's probably made a few mental notes of what went wrong. Hopefully his next model will work better. @magickmaker: Creature's not exactly calm about the situation as much as he hasn't noticed the danger yet. @Cirdan: Cricket does seem to be a bit jumpy lately now that you mention it. @Steely Gaze: So do I. When I first started the comic I knew I wanted the city to look sort of dirty. Even polluted or decaying in places. Partly because I don't like steampunk cities to look too clean and a little dirtiness does make them look like people actually live there. Also I just don't think it would fit the characters or mood of the story all that well. It's OK, I don't need a cake. If you did bake a cake would you send me a picture of it and desciption of how tasty it was? @amanda: Sorry about the lamppost on this page then. Shame really, it was two weeks from retirement. @Trevor: You do realize that now I'm going to randomly show up at your house for no reason, right? @Willicus: Go ahead, make my day! @JNP: Oh, come on! Everyone knows you're cooler than me! I guess it looks like it would've missed Creature, I originally wanted to make it look like it might have hit either of them. Sometimes it's good to be short, you've heard the expression "knee-high to a grasshopper?" Creature is waist-high to a Cricket!
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