Crickets Creature


Author notes



Cricket and Creature hide in a movie theater and watch a really stupid movie. Yep.
@usedbooks: Grandma's actually pretty sharp. At least sharp enough that she wouldn't let on that she's suspicious. One of the unfortunate things about this city is that the cops are just thugs in uniform, they might be having trouble with their Vladimir's Puzzle Box too. Heck, everyone has trouble with Vladimir's Puzzle Box!
@ulthor: Well, she probably knows that something's up.
@Peipei: She does. These cops are sort of doing their job though, just not doing much in the way of serving and protecting.
@magickmaker: That definitely true. I've found that the best thing to do is to just let things happen.
@Steely Gaze: Unfortunately these guys are OK with getting their hands dirty to catch a criminal. I like the way the police uniforms look too, though I later found out that the guy who says he's a Sergeant has the wrong number of stripes. Oops.
@amanda: no worries, I think you missed Brio because he didn't look like Brio. Though I tend to identify him more by his VHS, (Vertical Hair Syndrome.) Hopefully Grandma's got a trick up her sleeve.
@Zephyrion: Thanks!
@Trevor: The really embarrassing thing is that I didn't call her, she didn't even call me. She called someone who was in the same room as me who handed me the phone. I just have that kind of luck. If I meet you after having not seen you for years I'll probably be drunk. Luckily I wasn't on a computer so nobody got drunk e-mailed!
@Warped: Bonuz indeed!


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