Crickets Creature

Author notes

patrickdevine onI was aiming to get this up on Friday but I wasn't able to get it finished before then, so here we go– Strangely timed Saturday update. I was a little apprehensive about putting this up today because I'm not sure too many people read comics on this site on Saturday because almost nobody updates on Saturdays. Too busy doing fun stuff I guess. Then of course I realized, "Hey, this page is practically filler anyway! I only did it to indicate a chapter break."
That said, I think this page actually does its job very well and with the "chapter break" established Cricket's Creature is now up to 100 pages and I am now taking my break from this comic, (whew!) Now to get going on all those other projects that I've been neglecting, also if anyone's down for doing a guest strip I'll totally put it up.
@Jonko: Thanks! I like your journal comic by the way.
@ulthor: You did? Well, it's good to know that I'm not that obvious!
@Peipei: Hopefully, yes. Otherwise I'll have to change the title…
@JNP: I actually had a lot of fun drawing that panel too. I tend to get clarity paranoia a lot, whether it's founded or not. As for my top secret project, all I can say is that it's top secret. I may have already said too much. Thanks for the tips with fight scenes by the way.
@usedbooks: If she thought it out she might've kept her celebration more quiet. Unfortunately it was kind of a spur of the moment sort of thing. I liked the fourth panel a lot too, it was fun drawing all those creases in his face.
@magickmaker: Hey, I like Creature in a box!
@chris_wastewater: Well, at the very least Ollie probably knows that Creature's this fuzzy, blue alien thing and seems to be taking it in stride.
@Zephyrion: Thanks!
@amanda: I actually considered having Prescott thump her head against the wall to get her to stop laughing. The way Higgins sees it Cricket needs to be able to still talk at least. After all, she's the best lead as to where Creature went.
@Warped: Yeah, I'm pretty pleased with it too.
@Trevor: I'll admit that I got that idea from a friend that said that she was going to do a 24-hour zine reviewing beers, all the "reasearch" as well as the writing would be done over 24 hours. As many people pointed out it would probably get really interesting towards the end. The thing that you did with your friend sounds like this minicomic Jesse Reklaw showed me once– he and some friends did 1-2 panel comics based on random two-word phrases, (possibly while drunk.) The title of the comic was "Salivating Box."
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