Crickets Creature

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Everything to Me
patrickdevine onDo you want to know two things I hate? Ellipses for one, you know the classic "…" I don't think it's universally bad though I've seen it overused to the point where I just want to yell, "Learn another form of punctuation!"
Another is drawing girls with long, blond hair. I don't know what it is but they all seem to have an unfortunate tendency to come out looking kind of "samey," if that makes any sense. Generally I'll give girls I draw weird hair just to keep myself interested.
The reason why I bring this up is because Madeline has her long blond hair, (mercifully, it's kind of a weird hairdo,) and she uses something like five ellipses on this page– GAH! This page drove me crazy for strange reasons!
@Peipei: Well, I'm glad I got your approval anyway. I'm not sure the diagrams look "neat" enough, and it kind of shows that I'm a terrible draftsman.
@usedbooks: That's pretty close to how I imagined it. The ship that Higgins is reverse engineering probably operates on a different set of principals so applying conventional knowledge hasn't been met with much success. It's not likely that it uses materials that are rare or absent though, earlier Creature built a working model of the ship out of materials he found in Cricket's house.
@Warped: Thanks, I wasn't sure I got the lighting right and I'm still not sure the arcing looks all that impressive. At least in the latter's case it could be a limitation of working in straight-up black and white.
@Trevor: If I wasn't so self-deprecating I might've been offended by people making fun of me, but as I see it at least they know who I am, right? Grant Morrison? Bat-shit crazy?
@theBSDude: I'll have to take the fifth on the nature of Creature's planet. But actually, if you think about it the aliens are pretty damn advanced. Especially in the context of a world where airfoils and internal combustion are recent innovations. The aliens meanwhile have technology that makes interplanetary travel practical and safe. Well, safe most of the time.
@Jonko: Hey, thanks a lot!
@khard12: "Steve" yeah, that's what I'd call it!
@amanda: "The Higginsmobile." That just makes me imagine Higgins in a barely flying version of the ship, flying five feet off the ground, wielding a nerf-rocket launcher and throwing pies at passers by.
@Zephyrion: Thanks!
@chris_wastewater: "The electric eel" is good but I think I'm committed to calling it "Steve" now.
@oldguy: Higgins probably assumes that Creature knows more than he does about how the ship works, part of the reason why he wants him back.
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