- Filler (2)
- The technology gods hate us. =_=
- 115-That's It!
- 114-Shiny!
- 113-Crane Stance Fail
- 112-Here We Go Again!
- 111-Shadow Zamboni
- 110-Commandeer That Zamboni!
- 109-Uh Oh
- 108-The Guardian Revealed
- 107-More Badgers!
- 106-Badgers On Ice!
- 105-P(r)etty Thievery
- Roi's Rants 2
- 104-The Chase Begins
- 103-Deception's End
- 102-Cliff-hanger
- 101-Candy From A Baby
- 100-Pretties
- 99-Meanwhile, At The Met....
- 98-Badgers On Ice
- 97-Are We There Yet?
- 96-Warnings and Instructions
- 95-A Moment of Truth
- 94-Door Number One
- 93-CH Idol
- 92-*Glare*
- 91-More Flirting Amid Angsty Rants
- 90-Hotter Than Hell
- 89-You've Got Questions...
- 88-Handcuffs?
- 87-That'll Sting in the Morning...
- 86-A Turning of the The Tables
- 85-Hell Unleashed
- 84-Angsty Rant
- 83-I Hate Mondays...
- 82-The Plot Thickens
- 81-Mikaal's Mission
- 80-...Snake Out Of Hell?
- Roi's Rants #1-Holidays
- 79-How Old Do You Think I Am?
- 78-All of the Above
- 77-Fine Dining At Dunkin' Bucks
- 76-Use the Spork, ya Kook!
- 75-Life Lessons
- 74-In Mav's Dreams
- 73-Taking A 'Chill' Pill
- 72-Demonic Denial
- 71-This Is Your Brain...On Demons
- 70-'The Talk'
- 69-Caffiend?
- 68-ZOMG! Cookiezz!! Part 2
- 67-ZOMG! Cookiezz!! 8D
- 66-Batman
- 65-I Was A Teenage Wolf...Demon?
- 64-Fire & Ice
- 63-On A Hot Streak
- 62-Deja Vu
- 61-Of Wenches and Snakes
- 60-Out Of The Loop
- 59-Delusions of Sanity
- 58-The Idiot Convention Continues
- 57-Disguise Disasters
- 56-In case we haven't emotionally scarred you enough...
- 55-We all scheme for ice cream
- 54-Modern Magics
- 53-The Plot Thickens
- 52-Slingshots
- 51-Cliff And Thor
- Filler- Look!! A diversion!!!
- 50-Ooo, Shiny!
- 49-"Aren't You That Short Kid?"
- 48-Snapes On A Plane!!!
- ?????
- 47-Loki Blues
- 46-Mav's Pants 2.0
- 45-Pedestrian Flyswatter: Don't Leave Home Without It
- Filler-...shiny?
- 44- The Muffin Returns
- 43-Do YOU Know the Muffin Man?
- 43-(In Progress)
- 42-El Muffin! =)
- 41-Morning Routines
- 40-The... other... Lollipop Guild
- 39-"Horse."
- Happy Birthday, Ghost! ^__^
- 38-"Special" Breeds...
- 37-Meet Mr. Greenleaf
- Merry Christmas! :)
- Random Moment-Nice Parties
- 36-Snakes...On A Plane! (Or Not)
- 35-Snake And Enrique
- Random Moment-Mav's Pants
- 34-Walk You To Class?
- 33-Daydreams and Sabotage
- 32-Hell Hath No Fury...
- 31-Kal...oki?!?
- 30-Look Out Below...?
- 29-Normal is in the Eye of the Beholder
- 28-You Are Not Prepared!
- 27-Gym 'Shorts'
- 26-Oh No...
- 25-Enter Kaldea
- 24-Tell Me Your Name
- 23-...Or Not.
- Page 22
- Page 21
- Page 20
- Page 19
- Page 18
- Page 17
- Page 16
- Page 15
- Page 14
- Page 13
- Page 12
- Page 11
- Page 10
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- Page 8
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- Page 6
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- Page 4
- Page 3
- Page 2
- Page 1
- Title Page!
Author notes
Hmm… Nope, it's too early for witty commentary here. Ask Mav, she just had coffe and IM'ed me about pulling ninjas out of a top hat.. o_O
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Here's your weekly reply-ness!
THKNN_NUL: ^_^ heehee
Stig Hammer: Exactly! xD
CC: I think you're giving Mavie too much credit, lol!
giovanni: lol! Indeed.
katoniemoon: waaaait for it…
Roi: I didn't steal your pirate ninja joke… I merely relayed it to the midget! It's not my fault if some words get lost from the difference in altitude… :P
JT: Kuroi + caffeine = scary no matter the location… O_o
Mutation: Ahhh yes, game fuel! Ghost forbade me from ever drinking that… T_T And yay!! We always love new stalkers! ^_^
Mutation at
You know that game fuel stuff that moutain dew made for a while?
It had twice the caffine. n.n
Also, I now stalk your guy's comic.
Tis awesome.
Judith Taylor at
Kuroi looks very scary behind that couch…
CH_Kuroi at
Mav!! You stole my pirate ninja joke! T_T Then again, as long as Ghost uses them on my manager like we planned, I don't really care XD
On a side note, even I have no idea what's going through my mind in this page…
katoniemoon at
I think some one is going to pounce on some one!!!!!! just look at the look on his face!!!
giovanni at
yes he is
Cthonic Cultist at
Or maybe he knows more than he lets on, because he has a plan.
Stig Hemmer at
He is in denial about being in denial!
LOL in both directions XD
Maverik at
*Pirate* ninjas, Ghost. Keep it straight. -_^