Before we lost contact with her, it was Ida, A.N.T.'s creator, who suggested that Mindmistress would be the best one to have the final battle with Pink Flash. (Yeah, we've been discussing the rematch for that long.) Pinkie can do just about anything, as long as it's coached in cute terms. But Mindmistress can create realistic illusions, so all Pink's power might be wasted in misdirection. Remus thought (and Neil concurred) that it would be funny if MM got Pinkie's staff and had to say stuff the same way that Pink did. It's as if she was fighting an evil uber-Sailor Moon. DEFINITELY a fun page to draw.
Very funny, indeed. And interesting insight into the Pink's powers. Oh, and the lost-contact-with-Ida thing - yeah, I figured that might be the case (see my comment on Chapter 8, Page 4).
Space considerations. If MM talks TOO much, there's no room for the art.
Besides, sometimes the smartest people know to keep the verbage to a minimum. Otherwise, you start to sound like Johnny("I'll be Superamalgamated") in Doc Savage, or Big Words in the Newsboy Legion…a parody of a smart person.
MM's disgust with magic girl cutsie embellishments is rather amusing…
Though I really would have expected her to use her much larger vocabulary to really put it over the top.
And MM will never make it as a true magical girl, as her armor prevents any obligatory panty shots (and it's been established that she won't let that happen anyhow)
MM's disgust with magic girl cutsie embellishments is rather amusing…
Though I really would have expected her to use her much larger vocabulary to really put it over the top.
And MM will never make it as a true magical girl, as her armor prevents any obligatory panty shots (and it's been established that she won't let that happen anyhow)
I always thought the perfect foil for someone near-omnipotent like the Spectre would be someone like Marvel's Mastermind, an illusion-caster. After all, infinite power doesn't do you any good if you're not sure you're hitting the target.
Forgot to comment, I was surprised thaT MM was able to take down the most powerful badguy in terms of powers so easily but it seems that only a few of the Badguys can resist illusions.
MM in a Sailor Scout outfit?? With a lot of cute, frilly ribbons??
It WOULD have been funny…
Until she lost it and started massacring everybody!!
Of course, for all we know, that DID happen, and she just caused an illusion of her regular self. (That's what the breastplate glowing in the second panel does. The Psyche-staff controls others' motor skills.)
Although she was NEARLY drawn that way once— look here, and here and here.
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Login or RegisterOzmandious at
poor MM
CartoonistWill at
Very funny, indeed. And interesting insight into the Pink's powers. Oh, and the lost-contact-with-Ida thing - yeah, I figured that might be the case (see my comment on Chapter 8, Page 4).
alschroeder at
Space considerations. If MM talks TOO much, there's no room for the art.
Besides, sometimes the smartest people know to keep the verbage to a minimum. Otherwise, you start to sound like Johnny("I'll be Superamalgamated") in Doc Savage, or Big Words in the Newsboy Legion…a parody of a smart person.
Braindonor at
Speaking of announcing your attack strategy, didn't A.N.T. do that a couple of pages back? Lightbringer too.
zodo at
MM's disgust with magic girl cutsie embellishments is rather amusing…
Though I really would have expected her to use her much larger vocabulary to really put it over the top.
And MM will never make it as a true magical girl, as her armor prevents any obligatory panty shots (and it's been established that she won't let that happen anyhow)
zodo at
MM's disgust with magic girl cutsie embellishments is rather amusing…
Though I really would have expected her to use her much larger vocabulary to really put it over the top.
And MM will never make it as a true magical girl, as her armor prevents any obligatory panty shots (and it's been established that she won't let that happen anyhow)
Greyman at
It's definitely an excellent twist.
alschroeder at
I always thought the perfect foil for someone near-omnipotent like the Spectre would be someone like Marvel's Mastermind, an illusion-caster. After all, infinite power doesn't do you any good if you're not sure you're hitting the target.
theRedDeath at
I'm totally gonna draw Mindmistress as a Sailor Scout now…
algeya at
Forgot to comment, I was surprised thaT MM was able to take down the most powerful badguy in terms of powers so easily but it seems that only a few of the Badguys can resist illusions.
AzuJOD at
That situation looked humiliating for all parties concerned.
Neilsama at
I think what we need from the fans would be a Mindmistress costume transformation sequence, ala Sailor Moon.How 'bout it, fan artists? There's your homework.
alschroeder at
MM in a Sailor Scout outfit?? With a lot of cute, frilly ribbons??
It WOULD have been funny…
Until she lost it and started massacring everybody!!
Of course, for all we know, that DID happen, and she just caused an illusion of her regular self. (That's what the breastplate glowing in the second panel does. The Psyche-staff controls others' motor skills.)
Although she was NEARLY drawn that way once—
look here, and here and here.
Canadian_Ninja at
Eech. Oh well Mindmistress. We all know you're the cool and classy Athena figure we all like. even when you're forced to spout gobbeldy-gook like that
Xade at
LOL! now that made me laugh, hearing mm have to use the staf to defeat her
alexdarkangel at
At least the wand didn't cause MM's outfit to transform, though her reaction to the change in clothes would've been funny.
fukujinzuke at
MM should've transformed her outfit into a sailor scout outfit… with tons of over-sized ribbons.
Hogan at
Looks like MM HAS been paying attention to Lisa's fan-ramblings since she joined :P
Ha! Go, MM! One of the best spoofs of the "pre-attack announcement" technique, I've seen!
magicalmisfits at
Poor MM that was humiliating!