
Status of Cubicle

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Status of Cubicle


I'm sure some of you may have noticed that Cubicle hasn't been updating much lately. Well, I and Genejoke don't like to make excuses, but I feel it fair to tell you why this is.

The previous page of Cubicle was completed two weeks ago…then Genejoke's computer crashed in the middle of saving it, and so the file became corrupted. Therefore, it had to be done all over again. As if that wasn't bad enough, he has told me that he hasn't been feeling the best lately. He also told me, however, that the next page will be done soon. So, that's all the bad news, now here's some good news.

We're thinking of putting Cubicle in print. I don't want to say too much at the moment, because we still haven't finished the comic yet (although we are getting near to the end), but I can tell you that it's going to be a poser comic, much like Genejoke's latest Malefic pages. This was something he told me about doing a long time ago, but I figured it would be a better idea for something like this to go into print because there's already this comic online.

When pages for that are done, we'll give you a sneak peek at some of them so that we're not leaving you out on a limb as to what this poser version of Cubicle will look like (I've even already set up a page for it, but haven't uploaded anything to it yet). I thought about putting this version of Cubicle that you are reading in print, but in order to do that, we'd have to reformat almost every page, as each page is a different size and resolution, and for print it has to be a certain size, resolution, and layout.

I don't know when this poser comic will be released. I know it won't begin until after this current comic is completed. Rest assured, we have not forgotten this comic.

This page will self-destruct in 5 seconds.


Update: Because the last page felt like a good "end of chapter" page, I've decided to move this one and use it as a filler gap.


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