
Page fifty-one

Author notes

Page fifty-one


What's this? A new Cubicle page? You're surprised? Well, after a couple of hiccups on both of our ends for the last couple of months, we are finally getting back into the groove. We'll be hopefully updating on Mondays and Thursdays again.

Anyway, these next couple of pages originally were going to have no monologue from Glen at all, but Genejoke thought that since Glen couldn't keep his mouth shut throughout the rest of the comic, he should also keep up the monologue through these pages. Another note: the blonde woman on this page is Suzy, the receptionist. If you haven't read in a while (and I'm sure you haven't because of our updating schedule), she made her only other appearance way back on Page 6.

Before I forget, the Cubicle Fan Art Contest has been extended until March 21st. If you want to know more and enter in a piece for yourself, click here. There will be fabulous prizes for the winners, but we need more entries. So, enter today.


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