
Page sixty-two

Author notes

Page sixty-two


"And now, the end is near,
And so I face the final curtain.
My friends, I'll say it clear;
I'll state my case of which I'm certain."

Meanwhile, somewhere in the Philippines, someone died thanks to that previous paragraph.

But seriously, this is it. After almost two years in the making, Cubicle is complete. Thanks to everyone who commented on this comic. Most of all, special thanks go out to Genejoke for taking on the project and sticking with it to the end.

As for the final text boxes here, think of them as Glen's last thoughts just before he succumbs to the gunshots. Also, in a twisted way, Glen is right. How many people still talk about evil sons-of-bitches like Ed Gein, Jeffery Dahmer, and John Wayne Gacy to this day even though all of these people are long dead? In a sense, they're still alive because their horrible crimes still captivate people to this day, inspiring movies, television, and books. It's screwed up how the world works.


Stay tuned. This may be the last page, but there is one more surprise up ahead: the original version(s) of Cubicle I did way back in 2004(2005).


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