
The Original Cubicle (circa 2004)

Author notes

The Original Cubicle (circa 2004)


This is the original Cubicle that I made way back in 2004. If you're confused, the reading order is left column first, then right column.

This was made using a what-if scenario: "what if a syndicated comic told a complete story that only lasted two weeks (with no Sunday edition)?" This is why the two chapters only have six strips each.

It's pretty rough, as you can no doubt tell, and it might be a little hard to read, but most of the ideas that were in the comic you just got done reading came from the original comic. However, here are some of the differences between the two:

-Suzy, the receptionist, was a brief mention in the original (moving up to minor character in the new comic).
-Instead of taking several days, the original takes place over one work day.
-Glen didn't have his "artistic" tendencies as much. In fact, other than him hating business school and wanting to be a cartoonist, his art background isn't mentioned at all.
-The character of Maddie and the "Glen wants to murder his parents" subplot were invented for the new comic. They didn't exist in the original.
-Instead of suicide by cop, Glen takes his own life in the end.


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