- #872 The Viking Returns
- #871 Still Trying, Dang it.
- #870 Welcome Maxine
- #869 Change of Heart
- #868 Greaser
- #867 Irony
- #866 Two More Recruiters
- #865 Found Friends
- #864 Growing Movement
- #863 Pirates are Awful
- #862 Disarm Them
- #861 Begin Gathering
- #860 The Plan
- #859 Contest Conundrum
- #858 Ninja Have Good Timing
- #857 Scoping the Angles
- #856 Humanity
- #855 The Reason We're Here
- #854 Final Witch
- #853 New Trick
- #852 Warrior Basin
- #851 This is It
- #850 Over Yonder
- #849 Trickle In
- #848 Elf by Herself
- #847 Ready
- #846 The Game's Over
- #845 Return
- #844 Tired
- #843 Time to Run
- #842 Do It For Her
- #841 International Criminal Mastermind
- #840 Family Again
- #839 Guardians
- #838 Rest
- #837 Past Bedtime
- #836 Familial
- #835 Facing Consequences
- #834 The Retreat
- #833 Fall Back
- #832 Proof
- #831 Business Time
- #830 Chain of Command
- #829 Had Enough
- #828 Spitfire
- #827 CPU Bowling
- #826 Improper Parenting
- #825 Shutting Down
- #824 Will
- #823 The Connection
- #822 Not Very Safe
- #821 Ashamed
- #820 Family Portrait
- #819 All Yours
- #818 Interaction
- #817 STEP ASIDE.
- #816 End Boss
- #815 Easy Entry
- #814 Precipice
- #813 It's Ours
- #812 Influence
- #811 Weak Points
- #810 It's a Warzone
- #809 Vikings are Neat
- #808 Sparking the War Again
- #807 Come in, Courtney
- #806 Oh Yeah these guys
- #805 Don't mess with Sunny.
- #804 Dominoes
- #803 All Planned Out
- #802 Dwindling Party
- #801 Master Manipulator
- #800 Sunny's Funhouse
- #799 Pre-Massacre Warning
- #798 Sheriff's in Town
- #797 Set Up
- #796 Hello, Officer.
- #795 The Pile
- #794 Blindsided
- #793 A Place to Make Our Stand
- #792 Inside Help
- #791 Respite
- #790 Second Wind
- #789 Pressure
- #788 Caught
- #787 Serve and Protect Livewire
- #786 Barricade
- #785 Courtney In Trouble
- #784 A Pair
- #783 Manipulation
- #782 Who Do You Trust
- #781 Last Hope
- #780 Torn
- #779 All The Best Choices
- #778 Kids and their Skids
- #777 A Way Out
- #776 Ouch
- #775 Rip and Tear
- #774 Games Children Play
- #773 Conflict Resolution
- #772 Crossing a Line
- #771 The Race Continues
- #770 Impatience
- Summer Picture
- #769 How to Barter with a Ninja
- #768 No Surrender
- #767 Slamming a Dew
- #766 Press Forward
- #765 Rearranging Faces
- #764 Actual Fight in Progress
- #763 Serve and Protect
- #762 Surprise Punch 2
- #761 Surprise Punch
- #760 The War With Warren
- #759 Two Officers
- #758 Caught at a Bad Time
- #757 Barbarians Rising
- #756 Behind the Building
- #755 Dumpster Tactics
- #754 The Bullet Storm
- #753 She's Beginning to Believe
- #752 A Desk Job
- #751 Warren Is Here
- #750 Protect the Ones You Love
- #749 A Duke's Fairwell
- #748 The Best Escort Mission
- #747 의무
- #746 Getting Mobbed
- #745 Third Party
- #744 Look Out, Bro!
- #743 Office Furniture
- #742 Rallying Call
- #741 At long last, it's Page 741.
- #740 Tactical Stuff
- #739 No Sidestepping
- #738 Fair Warning
- #737 Tower Defense
- #736 Deputy Sheriff
- #735 Back to Sally
- #734 Sabotage
- #733 Slate Arrival
- #732 Long Night in the Storage Closet
- #731 From Behind
- #730 Scramble
- #729 Security Staff
- #728 Free Passage
- #727 A Path
- #726 Fracas
- #725 Scuffle
- #724 Get Started
- #723 Fall Guy Arrival
- #722 Principles
- #721 Reflecting
- #720 It's the Guys
- #719 Cattle
- #718 Power Play
- #717 Sometimes Old Stuff is Still Good
- #716 Circumduction
- #715 Sprung Again
- #714 Bad Things Come in Windowless Vans
- #713 Linebacker
- #712 The Art of Position
- #711 Crowd Control
- #710 Prison Release Program
- #709 Ambush
- #708 Off To Atharion
- #707 Phone
- #706 Phone Literacy
- #705 Elf-Improvement
- #704 Mended
- #703 Healer
- #702 Masonry-related Hazards
- #701 Escape
- #700 Meanwhile, Back at The Car
- #699 Desperate Plan
- #698 Contrition
- #697 Dangerous Avenues
- #696 Get Her!
- #695 Our Chief Concern
- #694 Foxx finds them
- #693 Something's Going On
- #692 Two Proactive Warriors
- #691 Just Drive Away
- #690 Ended, The Clown War Has
- #689 Begun, the Clown War Has.
- #688 Not Clear After All
- #687 Separation Anxiety
- #686 Blockage
- #685 Not My Problem
- #684 Crisis Mode
- #683 Leaving
- #682 Parental Guardians
- #681 Watching
- #680 Nope, Still Caught
- #679 Caught
- #678 Misery Loves Company
- #677 Jailbroken
- #676 The Reasonably Good Escape
- #675 Pre-Mission
- #674 Preparing for War
- #673 Operation Brickhill
- #672 The Mission Begins
- #671 State-of-the-Art Wizardry
- #670 Induction
- #669 The Return Potion
- #668 Join the Royal Elite Guard today!
- #667 Unconventional Choice
- #666 Reporting for Duty
- #665 And on top of that Wall...
- #664 It's The Wall
- #663 Gloves
- #662 The Lynwoods
- #661 The Call
- #660 Past
- #659 It Happens Tomorrow
- #658 The Plan is Set
- #657 Uncertain
- #656 Clash End
- #655 Thomas will need to stop back at the station for a cleaning
- #654 Witches Get Stitches
- #653 Clash 14
- #652 Clash 13
- #651 Clash 12
- #650 Clash 11
- #649 Clash 10
- #648 Clash 9
- #647 Clash 8
- #636 Clash 7
- #645 Clash 6
- #644 Clash 5
- #643 Clash 4
- #642 Clash 3
- #641 Clash 2
- #640 Clash 1
- #639 This is Happening
- #638 Not Without a Fight
- #637 Hey Wait, What's That?
- #636 Sparring
- #635 Scuffle
- #634 Cardboard Pizza and a Movie
- #633 Dirty Work
- #632 Chess
- #631 Be Open to New Things
- #630 Inconspicuous
- #629 Fruit.... Ninja? I guess?
- #628 Get Stuff
- #627 To Shop
- #626 Lights Out
- #625 The Ingredients
- #624 Insider Information
- #623 And My Axe
- #622 A Knight
- #621 Now See Here
- #620 The End of Livewire
- #619 Reflections of a Criminal
- #618 Mugshots
- #617 Defective
- #616 What Really Matters is Family
- #615 The New Normal
- #614 End to a Perfect Evening
- #613 Police Brutality
- #612 Panic
- #611 Chief Problems
- #610 The Finisher
- #609 Divert
- #608 Leapfrog
- #607 Get Out Together
- #606 Speaking of Wary
- #605 Pinned Down
- #604 The Hit
- #603 Run
- #602 Professional
- #601 Backup
- Reverse Halloween
- #600 Milestone
- #599 SwatPowBiff
- #398 Boom
- #597 Here Comes Zuri
- #596 Split Up
- #595 Sally's Here
- #594 Back Into the Fray
- #593 Scatter
- #592 Good Cliff
- #591 Suspense
- #590 Versus the Finisher
- #589 Escape
- #588 Buck's Car
- #587 Look Out, Lookout
- #586 The Great Escape
- #585 The Deal is Off
- #584 Reckoning
- #583 Hope for Rescue
- #582 Good Night
- #581 Conscience
- #580 Meeting Adjourned
- #579 Cookie Talk
- #578 Unexpected Party
- #577 Scribbles
- #576 A Spoonful of Sugar
- #575 Adventures in Child-Watching
- #574 Forming a Plan
- #573 Surveillance 2
- #572 Surveillance
- #571 Apparition 2
- #570 Apparition
- #569 Collusion 2
- #568 Collusion
- #567 Little Encounter
- #566 New Diner
- #565 The Next Step
- #564 Continental Breakfast
- #563 Next Morning
- #562 Good Night
- #561 Catching Up
- #560 Silent Watch
- #559 Accommodations
- #558 Post Mortem
- #557 Fire Page
- #556 Bring Marshmallows Next Time
- #555 Stakeout
- #554 Sanctuary
- #553 Rendezvous
- #552 Outpost
- #551 Report Back
- #550 Grand Theft Auto
- #549 Medic
- #548 Payoff
- #547 Triage
- #546 Delirious
- #545 You're on the Right Track
- #544 A Ruse
- #543 She Rides Again
- #542 Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch
- #541 This Option Was Better
- #540 Great Options
- #539 Tight Situations
- #358 Trap Sprung
- #537 The Ambush
- #536 At the Refinery
- #535 More Weaknesses
- #534 Weaknesses
- #533 Refinery Run
- #532 She's On Board
- #531 Tight-Lipped Informant
- #530 Crap
- #529 Pest Control Guys
- #528 Leave
- #527 Escape Van
- #526 On the Beat
- #525 Escape Plan
- #524 Picking Sides
- #523 All That Stuff that Happened
- #522 Commander Warren
- #521 Back at Work or Something
- #520 "Vacation"
- #519 Surveillance
- #518 A Friendly Checkup
- #517 Lane's Lair
- #516 Secret Entrance
- #515 Lane's Message
- #514 To The Batcave
- #513 Piling on the Hurt
- #512 Checkmate
- #511 Watchers
- #510 The News
- #509 Girl Scout Cookies
- #508 Another Party
- #507 Even Elves Do It
- #506 Cease Fire
- #505 Cannot Resist
- #504 Leave Them Wanting More
- #503 Funnel
- #502 What's at Steak
- #501 Here She Is
- #500
- #499 Forgiving
- #498 Storing Phone Numbers
- #497 Chance Meeting
- #496 Hierarchy
- #495 Steak House
- #494 Dark Secrets
- #493 Purses
- #492 Temptation
- #491 Brooke is Excited
- #490 Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
- #489 Ready For Calls
- #488 New Phone
- #487 Hired
- #486 The Finisher
- #485 An Offer He CAN Refuse
- #484 Still Recruiting
- Medieval People React
- #483 One to Grow On
- #482 The Right Stuff
- #481 Peculiar Tome
- #480 The News
- #479 Leniency
- #478 Scared Shirtless
- #477 Love Ballad
- #476 We're Meant to Tangle
- #475 Deep Connection
- #474 Bus
- #473 Another Violent Page
- #472 Bullies Are All the Same
- #471 Treat your cats better than this
- #470 Crap on a Stick
- #469 Biff, I guess.
- #468 Here They Come
- #467 Make a Stand
- #466 Only a Little Farther
- #465 Running the Gauntlet
- #464 Scram, Eddie.
- #463 Mercenaries
- #462 Two More
- #461 Some Kind of Bowling Pun
- #460 Gutter Trash
- #459 The Seven-Ten Splits
- #458 Feisty ol' Bloke
- #457 The Quietening
- #456 Night Recon
- #455 The Start of a Good Movie Night
- #454 Behind the Times
- #453 Cookie
- #452 Ninja Recon
- #451 Thanks to The Phone
- #450 Phone Lessons
- #449 Desperation
- #448 Legacy
- #447 Badges
- #446 Local Watering Hole
- #445 So Long, Jerktown.
- #444 Chase Her
- #443 What are you selling, Stranger?!
- #442 It's Her.
- #441 The New Sheriff
- #440 Treacherous Trevor
- #439 The Sheriff
- #438 The Stranger
- #437 The Mercantile
- #436 Papa
- #435 Sheriff?
- #434 Target Practice
- #433 Watering Hole
- #432 Welcome to Pearl
- #431 The Ballad of Six-Shooter Sally
- #430 Law Enforcement
- #429 Catchup with Sally
- #428 Return Fright
- #427 Return Flight
- #426 Winding Down
- Guest Page - Kristen Keck (Like Cats and Dogs)
- Announcement
- #425 Takoyaki 3
- #424 Takoyaki 2
- #423 Takoyaki
- #422 English Practice
- #421 Door Games
- #420 Sight-Seeing
- #419 Suspension
- #418 Booking Station
- #417 Doting Brother
- #416 Osaka Strut
- #415 Pow
- #414 Train Jumping
- #413 Shotengai Dash
- #412 Lose Them
- #411 Keep Going
- #410 Ninja at Work
- Guest Page: Chopsticks (by Jade Sarson)
- #409 Jodan
- #408 Prize Claim
- #407 Reluctance
- #406 Auction End
- #405 E-Girls Bid
- #404 The Auction Begins
- #403 It's War
- #402 The Auction
- #401 Bidding Room
- #400 The Yakuza
- #399 Secret Knock
- #398 Quiet Transportation
- #397 Pushers
- #396 Subway Etiquette
- #395 Re-Ambush
- #394 Commute
- #393 The Japanese Breakfast
- Merry Christmas from Tadashi
- #392 Morimoto Calibration Device
- #391 Ohayo Gozaimasu
- #390 Deputized
- #389 Cowpoke
- #388 Lots of Gun Pointing
- #387 Police Brutality
- #386 Change of Plans
- #385 There's Still Foxx
- #384 Stick Up
- #383 Hotel
- #382 Soak It In
- #381 Osaka
- #380 Not Exaggerating Much
- #379 Cultural Oddity
- #378 What You Did Wrong
- #377 Makiko Makes a Move
- #376 To the Trains
- #375 Tadashi's Impudent Boss
- #374 Greetings
- #373 Japan
- #372 Kansai Airport
- #371 Travel
- #370 Alive
- #369 Takeoff
- #368 Air Pressure
- #367 Security
- #366 Passports
- #365 The Airport
- #364 Zippers
- #363 Elven Conspiracy
- #362 Shocking Revelations
- #361 To Japan
- #360 Ice Cream Cake
- #359 Garbage Disposal
- #358 End to a Lovely Night
- #357 Call It a Date
- #356 Anywhere Interesting
- #355 These Were Bad Lawyers
- #354 E-Girls Forever
- #353 E-Girls Together
- #352 Fake Lessons
- #351 Contacting Courtney
- #350 Counting Ducks
- #349 Life with the Howards
- #348 The Choice
- #347 The Gift
- #346 Self-Actualization
- #345 Home With the Howards
- #344 The Howards
- #343 Fenster's Hall for Neglected Girls
- #342 Empty Promise
- #341 Due Process
- #340 Prattfall
- #339 The Pratts
- #338 Here's A Story
- #337 Stuff
- #336 Shocked by Cultures
- #335 Speed Dating 3
- #334 Speed Dating 2
- #333 Speed Dating
- (2005) Side Story - Page 13
- (2005) Side Story - Page 12
- (2005) Side Story - Page 11
- (2005) Side Story - Page 10
- (2005) Side Story - Page 09
- (2005) Side Story - Page 08
- (2005) Side Story - Page 07
- (2005) Side Story - Page 06
- (2005) Side Story - Page 05
- (2005) Side Story - Page 04
- (2005) Side Story - Page 03
- (2005) Side Story - Page 02
- (2005) Side Story - Page 01
- (2005) Side Story - Title
- #332 Cat Brain
- #331 Cat-Related Page Title
- #330 Basic-Level Magic
- #329 Cat
- #328 Morning Practice
- #327 Tired Public Servant
- #326 Other Peoples' Glasses
- #325 That Can't Be Right.
- #324 This Episode's Culprit Is...
- #323 Due Diligence
- #322 Time to Get Out
- #321 Shocking Pink
- #320 Then These Guys Show Up
- #319 Let Off Some Steam, Bennett.
- #318 Nobody Pays Attention to These Titles
- #317 Find an Exit
- #316 A Weakness
- #315 Brooke's Match
- #314 Regroup, Rematch
- #313 Stabby Snacks
- #312 Door Sequence
- #311 To the Rescue?
- #310 Lane's Match
- #309 Tadashi's Match
- #308 Shadow
- #307 Contrived Introduction Panel
- #306 Old Paint Factory
- #305 Nightly Business
- #304 Misery Inc.
- #303 Reciprocation
- #302 Lamp-Proof
- #301 One Other Person
- #300 The Eternal Tease
- #299 Other People 8
- Christmas Portrait
- #298 Other People 7
- #297 Other People 6
- #296 Other People 5
- #295 Other People 4
- #294 Other People 3
- #293 Other People 2
- #292 Other People 1
- #291 Milkshakes Finally
- #290 Whispers
- #289 Admirer
- #288 Maniacal Laugh
- #287 Never Forget Teddy Ruxpin
- #286 Never Forget Mr. Frumpy
- #285 Split
- #284 Move the Herd
- #283 Ruse
- #282 Brave Little Turd
- #281 Escape Plan
- #280 Friendly Rivalry
- #279 Busted?
- #278 Drag and Drop
- #277 The Conundrum
- #276 Lutrio Lobby
- #275 Entry
- #274 The Heist
- #273 Literature
- #272 Hello, Officer
- #271 New Spell
- Fight Cancer!
- #270 Planning a Heist
- #269 More Jerk
- #268 Foxx's Boss is Still a Jerk
- #267 International Literacy Day
- #266 Guest Appearance
- #265 The Replacements 2
- #264 The Replacements
- #263 Hey
- #262 Serious Witch
- #261 Shot Put
- #260 Car Tricks
- #259 Sly Witch
- #258 Prolonged Good-Bye
- #257 Big Good-Bye
- #256 Don't Drink Me
- #255 Cold Shoulder
- #254 Alec's Cape
- #253 Variable Testing
- #252 They're Serious
- #251 A Mitch in Heat
- #250 And Yet Here I Am
- #249 Look Who it is!
- #248 My What a Guy, that Mitch
- #247 Getting Advice
- #246 Dangerous Guns
- #245 Shooting Practice
- #244 Under the Table
- #243 Atharion
- #242 Crusade
- #241 Lonely Warrior
- #240 Mission Accomplished.
- #239 Train in Osaka
- #238 What Happened, Tadashi?
- Poster: The Standoff
- #237 Mushy Stuff
- #236 Lighten Up
- #235 Healing
- #234 Hospital Bed Confessions
- #233 Regrets
- #232 With You Forever
- #231 Eulogy
- #230 Blame
- #229 Timing is Crucial
- #228 Rip
- #227 Cold Steel and Hot Lead
- #226 Full Circle
- #225 Rules of Prophecy
- #224 One More Leap
- #223 Worst Boss Ever
- #222 Unpleasant Future
- #221 Trip Forward, Plus Ten
- #220 Send Me
- #219 The Time Dilemma
- #218 Brooke Runs
- #217 The Right Man for the Job
- #216 Meinji
- #215 Is Sally in?
- #214 Nobody Home
- Comic Creators for Freedom
- #213 How to Find Him
- #212 Tadashi is Generous
- Christmas Portrait Advertisement
- #211 Go Home
- #210 Disruptive Behavior
- #209 Persistent Pleading
- #208 Too Confident
- #207 Mitch's Challenge
- 10th Anniversary Contest
- #206 Breaking the Rules
- #205 Obsession Trends
- #204 Bonacelli is Generous
- #203 Angry Mob
- Guest Strip: Cheeko
- #202 Disappointed
- #201 Not so fast.
- Sean Deitrich's Artwork
- Tadashi over the years
- Gammell's Poster
- Multi-Artist eXchange
- #200
- #199 Tables Turned
- #198 Tag Team
- #197 Witch Landing
- #196 Witch Sighting
- #195 Sabotage
- #194 Run.
- #193 Item Obtained
- #192 The Switch
- #191 Breaking and Entering
- #190 Magleby Tech
- #189 Horse Rides
- #188 Rendevous
- #187 People Have Names
- #186 Computer Repairs
- #185 Hacking Prowess
- #184 Meet the e-Girls
- #183 E-Bodyguards
- #182 E-Girls Hideout
- #181 Hacking Dilemma
- #180 System Recovery
- #179 Security Breach
- #178 Cereal Experiment Lane
- #177 Bullies part 3
- #176 Bullies part 2
- #175 Bullies - Brooke's Story
- #174 The Stables
- Guest Strip: A. Twu #2
- #173 The Fourth Wall is Fully Intact
- #172 To The End
- #171 Wrestling
- #170 Let's Be Friends
- #169 Awkward Times with Brooke and Sally
- #168 Letting Sally Help
- #167 Sally Meets the Gang
- #166 Time to Eat
- #165 Time to Talk
- #164 Evil Laments
- Culture Shock: The Game
- #163 Climb to the Top
- #162 It's On.
- #161 Fire Escape
- #160 Ninja Mode
- #159 The Trap is Sprung
- #158 Dead End
- #157 Bad Side of Town
- #156 A Dark and Brooding Evening
- #155 Jinkies, a Screen Clue
- #154 It Worked
- #153 Tadashi's New Approach
- #152 Directions
- #151 Wardrobe
- #150 It's Dangerous to Go Alone
- #149 Planning with Henchmen
- #148 Daigomi
- #147 Digital Shenanigans
- #146 Bullies - Alec's Story
- #145 Options
- #144 Dinner Tales
- #143 Broken Nose
- #142 Witch Escape
- #141 Sally has Business
- #140 Fireworks
- #139 The Witch is Slippery
- #138 The Witch
- #137 Civilized Discussion
- #136 Ethnic Lunches
- #135 A Little Fresh Air
- #134 Excellent Hearing
- #133 Brooke Heals Tadashi
- Legos
- #132 Dinner Alliance
- Guest Strip: A. Twu
- #131 Long Day
- #130 Some Alley Fighting
- Drunk Duck Anthology #3 is Available
- #129 Three on Three
- #128 Some Kind of Escape
- #127 Support Beam
- #126 Police Combat
- #125 Here Comes Help
- #124 Here Comes Trouble
- #123 Ambush
- #122 Brute Force vs. Stealth
- #121 Entering the Lair
- #120 Lane's Fantasy Battle
- #119 Sister Hug
- #118 Men at Breakfast
- - A Cast Sketch -
- #117 Good Morning, Sunshine
- #116 Long Day's End
- #115 Sane Again
- - Update Sketch: Alec and Tadashi
- #114 Story Time
- #113 Lane Means Business
- #112 The Wait Ends
- #111 She's 25.
- Ninja Day
- #110 Vending
- #109 Just Like Home
- #108 Crazy House
- Halloween 06
- #107 Fantasy Ward
- #106 Valor-Vision
- #105 Remorse
- #104 Little Sister's Departure
- #103 Commital
- #102 Take Me Home
- #101 Voodoo
- - How a Page is Made (4/4) -
- - How a Page is Made (3/4) -
- - How a Page is Made (2/4) -
- - How a Page is Made (1/4) -
- #100
- - Artwork - Brooke at the Mall
- #99 Diagnosis
- #98 Radar
- #97 Girlfriend Training
- #96 Protecting You from Yourself
- - Diversion - Brooke sketch
- - Diversion - Alec sketch
- #95 What Outlaw?
- #94 Stereotype
- #93 Nightmares
- - Diversion - Wow!
- #92 MPAA Rating
- #91 Loyal Minions
- #90 Leveling Up
- #89 SimpleThings
- #88 Home with Surprises
- #87 Tenets of the Ninja
- #86 Photogenic
- #85 Remember This Face
- #84 Circulation
- #83 New Clothes
- #82 Mall Adventures
- #81 The Mall
- #80 As a Team
- #79 A Duo Now
- #78 A New Assignment
- #77 Suspicious
- #76 Mistrust
- #75 Personal Files
- #74 Washbasin
- #73 Not Fair
- #72 New to the Family
- #71 Foxx's Roommate
- #70 She Stays
- #69 New Armor
- #68 She's an Elf.
- #67 Weird Future Stuff
- #66 A Curious New World
- #65 Meet Brooke
- #64 Here She Comes
- #63 Virus Night
- #62 Flirting With the Law
- #61 Girl I'm Searching For
- #60 Foxx Moves In
- #59 Videogame Moves
- #58 Morning
- #57 New Move-in
- #56 Fruit
- #55 Anime
- #54 Celibacy
- #53 Lane for President
- #52 The Touch of a Woman
- #51 Sally
- #50 North Star Cafe
- #49 Work Together
- #48 Evil Spririts
- #47 TV Programs
- #46 Big Screen
- #45 Foxx's Boss is Still a Jerk
- #44 Makes Sense.
- #43 Agressive Negotiations
- #42 The Odd Couple
- #41 Things Change
- #40 Land of Opportunity
- #39 Meinji - Turbo Edition
- #38 He's the Boss
- #37 Corporate Mart
- #36 Robin Hood
- #35 American Comics
- #34 A Hero is Born
- #33 Knight on Duty
- #32 Alec's New Trusty Steed
- #31 I'm On To You.
- #30 Sarcasm
- #29 Heroic Dump
- #28 Halloween Candy
- #27 Violent Ways
- #26 When Worlds Collide
- #25 Rescue
- #24 Actual Weapon
- #23 Livewire at Work
- #22 Chamber Pot
- #21 Get Robbed like a Man
- #20 McLawsuit
- #19 More Witchcraft
- #18 Not From Around Here
- #17 Alec's Mission
- #16 Tadashi Has Standards
- #15 Alec's First Assignment
- #14 Dana Foxx at Work
- #13 Lane's Knight Test
- #12 Alec's New Cottage
- #11 Frolic with Skeletor
- #10 Easter
- #9 Tadashi's Rival, Meinji
- #8 Meet Lane
- #7 Bill Gates Vs. Reality
- #6 East Vs. West
- #5 East meets West
- #4 Roy's Veggies
- #3 Meet Tadashi
- #2 Marital Bliss
- #1 Culture Shock Begins
Author notes
I hope you all had a better time reunited with family than Lane has. You're probably starting to realize why Lane was never properly taught how to shave.
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