Cwens Quest
Chapter 1 Page 8 - O_O

Author notes

Chapter 1 Page 8 - O_O

Evil Emperor Nick

That Cwen always pushing people away. Tisk Tisk.

Two games I played had a fair amount of influence on Cwen's Quest when I was writing it and I tried to throw a few things into the mix as a tip of the hat to said games. The two were Makai Kingdom: Chronicles Of The Sacred Tome & Odin Sphere. Lord Attez was directly inspired by the overlords of Makai Kingdom and his name is simply Zetta (The main character of the game) spelled backwards. Odin Sphere character Gwendolyn on the other hand got me on the train of thought that would eventually lead to Cwen, namely I misheard her name as Cwendolyn. (This isn't an uncommon way for me to get character names.) And so I gave Cwen a polearm as a way of honoring Gwen. That said Cwen & Attez could otherwise not be more different from their inspired material even if I tried to make them so.

As for Riddly, well he is pretty much an original character. I had a character called Bruce who was very similar to Riddly which I wrote up in an unused script for a 3rd Party Fantasy spin off. In that series he had an undead partner named Veldor Valn who sadly has never found a home. While Bruce was much to stupid to live Riddly is something of his spiritual decendant and the two characters have many similarities though Riddly is a much better flushed out and I think vastly better written character where as the Proto-Riddly Bruce existed just to be the butt of jokes and piss of Veldor Valn.


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