Cwens Quest
Chapter 1 Page 25 - 2 to 1

Author notes

Chapter 1 Page 25 - 2 to 1

Evil Emperor Nick

And that my friends brings us to the end of chapter 1. ^_^

I've had a lot of projects over the years fail before chapter 1 so I want to give a HUGE thank you to Sarah for sticking with me on this. Also I'd like to say everyone who has commented on Cwen's Quest has really been a big help.

There will be a two week delay between the end of Chapter 1 and the start of Chapter 2 where we'll be running some bonus material. We are planning updating Cwen twice a week starting with chapter 2 so that is going to require getting a little bit ahead on pages. Durring those weeks the vote incentives will be a special preview of new characters showing in Chapter two rather then a the normal preview of the next page.

Lastly here is the Link of the week.


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