Cwens Quest
Chapter 2 Page 6 - Enter Gram Trellion

Author notes

Chapter 2 Page 6 - Enter Gram Trellion

Evil Emperor Nick

Hmm not much response on the T-shirts, bummer, ah well we're still a pretty new comics after all I'll probably still make T-shirt or two once the EE Store is fully set up for the heck of it 'cause frankly even if no one else by's one I want a Cwen's Quest T-shirt. ^_^

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Will & Jessie: A Domestic Adventure

Writen by: E.E. Nick
Edited by: Amelius

"Will I have something I need to tell you, but I need you to promise me you won't take it badly." Jessie said.

"What is going on?" Said Will, suddenly concerned.

"Please Will, promise me." Jessie said.

"Alright, alright I promise." Will said seriously.

"Good." Jessie said, though she didn't sound relieved. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes as she said the next part. "Will, I'm pregnant."

Will's eyes went wide but before Jessie could open hers again he quickly hugged her, hiding his sudden shock.

"Jessie, why would I take that badly. That is wonderful news! (This will finally get mom off my back too.) Yeah, is a bit sooner than I expected but well with all that's been going on I can't say I'm surprised." Will said and then the suprise having passed he looked Jessie in the eyes and kissed her.

"Well that isn't the part I expected you to take badly….." Jessie said while looking at the floor.

"Lords of Darkness, the child isn't mine!?!?!?!??!" Will shouted.

Jessie in response punched him in the face.

"Shut up, the neighbors will hear you!" Jessie admonished him. "What the hell are you saying! Of course the child is yours. What kind of woman do think I am! How dare you suggest that I'd sleep with another man. I can't believe you! How could you even think that about me. After all I've done for you. Where the hell do you think I'd even find the time? Arg you can be so stupid!"

Will rubbed his jaw where Jessie had punched him with one hand and held up his other in front of him just in case Jessie tried for another swing.

"Alright. Point." Will said which was his way of telling her 'Yes dear, of course dear'. "Its just, you know the way you were acting and all…."

"No I don't know." Jessie said adamantly. "Why don't you explain it to me."

Will wisely decided not to point out that he had already been trying to explain himself and instead said just. "No, no dear. You're right, I don't know what came over me."

For a long time neither of them said anything. Jessie being moody which Will chalked up to her recently announced pregnancy and Will being afraid of getting yelled at again which Jessie chalked up to him being punched in the jaw.

"So, you had something else to tell me." Will said bravely.

"Yes." She said now sheepish again. "Will I'm not from Veldis like I told you."

"Oh Jessie, I've known that for a long time." Will said with a smile. "Yer accent is all wrong and ye didn't even know what a borbung pie was. I know some of the others are all snippy about Grevelion but there is no shame coming from there. We've all got to be born some where. I mean our kids going to be born here in Velsing, poor little bugger."

"I'm not from Grevelion either, Will." Jessie said and held him softly around the neck.

"Oh? And just where are you from then?" Will replied in a playful tone of voice.

"I'm from En'Sseleria." Jessie whispered into his ear.

"Jessie come on now be serious. Just 'cause I'm being a fool here doesn't mean you get to be one too. The only things in En'Sseleria is those damn shape changing, trick playing man hating little……" Will said suddenly trailing off.

"Faye" Jessie said finishing the thought with a bit of ire back in her voice. "And obviously Will, we're not man hating…"

"Well you'll have to forgive me…um." Will interrupted, he was pondering what he should call her now but when Jessie started to scowl he tried to recover. "Lover, but I think it is just as obvious yer trick playing shape changing little…."

"You said when you married me you said you would take me as I am and that it would not matter…." Jessie said raising her voice.

"Yea…well you said that that we would get a dog too so I guess that means we were both wrong." Will shot back.

"Oh not the dog thing again." Jessie complained. "Look I'm willing to get a dog but I don't want your brother's yappy, bitey little monstrosity."

"I love that dog!" Will explained.

"You only liked it because your brother taught it to belch on command." Jessie said.

"Don't you be judging me now miss 'I'm not even human.'" Will said.

"I was good enough for you up until now." Jessie said putting her hands on her hips.

"That was when I just thought you had a poor self image and didn't realize you could do better than me." Will replied.

"Will, I picked you for a reason. I could have had anyone I wanted. I chose you! I wanted you to be the father of my children. Won't you at least listen to me." Jessie said.

"I don't see why I should." Will said.

"Will I've been yer wife for two years and in that time I've put up with your whining about your job, your obsession with finding a cherry tree and your fear of frogs; and that is to say nothing about your mother. Now you're going to listen to me or I'm going out in the street and yelling about that embarrasing birth mark on your leg." Jessie said.

"Point taken sweet heart." Will said.

"I was born to the Selee court." Jessie explained.

"Huh." Will said.

Jessie gave him a look of frustration. "Don't you know anything? The Selee, the summer court, the lords of the dawn, the walkers in the…."

"Why don't ya just keep going." Will said.

"Fine." Jessie said throwing up her arms. "The Selee court is at war with empress Vixel of the Unselee court even since she defeated the globlin queen and added them to her vassals."

"Huh." Will said clearly not getting it.

"The war wasn't getting anywhere so one day someone suggested that a dash of new blood might just help us get an edge." Jessie explained. "So a few of us were selected to go out and raise some troops, shall we say."

"Wait you mean to say you're planning on sending my son into war just like that?" Will started.

"First off, that is so mysoginistic of you to just assume we're going to have a boy. Second, no I don't but I mean at least some of them will want to fight."

"Some of them?" Will asked in surprise.

"Will, when one of my kind gives birth we pass on ourselves litterally to the new generation. We sort of just "fade away" and we're kind of reincarnated in the new generation. I was going to ask you to share that with me but since you're being such a dolt I don't even know if I still want to."

"Wait, wait, you mean there is going to be a lot of them?" Will said.

"Oh yes and I wanted you to be a part of them." Jessie said.

"Well I am already, aren't I? I mean since you say they're mine…" Will said.

"They are yours. Look, this is hard to explain, but my children are going to sort of all get my life as a little gift from me to them so they don't have to make my mistakes. IF I let you, you can join me and they'll get yours too. They'll all be little versions of you (and me). Wouldn't that be wonderful!" Jessie said.

"Does this mean I'd have to go through puberty again? I don't know. And we just finally got a little bit of land of our own." Will whined.

"Don't get petty look at the big picture for once Will!" Jessie chided him.

"Well what if I say no?" Will said.

"Well then you're going to have a whole new generation, some of whom are going to be trained in deadly combat, who's going to remember just how much of an idiot you were!" Jessie said and turned away from him.

Will took a moment to digest this information. He didn't know just what brood of children Jessie was going to pop out but he didn't see any way that could work out well for him.

"What about your other Selee friends. Won't they be mad you, um, included me in this?" Will said.

"Selee? No, no Will. I was born Selee, but I joined the Unselee court now. No one at the Unselee court is going to give a riff and if they do then I will just stab them in the face. Heh! They won't be saying much of anything after that now will they," Jessie said making a stabbing motion to emphasize her point with a wide grin.

"Well Jessie I see your point. I just need some time to think about this. This is all rather sudden. I'm just going to go in to the other room and do some normal, human stuff. I need to think, by myelf, yes….think, think, think." Will said as he slinked off to the other room and then through the door called back.

Jessie banged on the door even as he shut it. "Will, I really think we should talk about this more."

"Of course Jessie." Will said as he got pen and paper and gave thanks to the wizard whom his parents had paid to blast reading and writing into his brain.

"We can talk all you want, but later. Right now I just need a moment. Tell you what, if you make dinner tonight we can talk about this all night long." Will said.

"Alright." Jessie said. "But then you had better take care of fixing that chair like I asked you to. I know you broke it over that mans head for a good cause but I want it fixed just the same."

"Sure." Will said as he brough the pen and paper to his desk.

Will waited since Jessie hung around the door for a moment, and when he was sure she was gone he began to write his first letter in years. "HELP NEEDED IN VELSING. To all adventurer types: I'm seeking a separation from my wife……."


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