Cwens Quest
Chapter 2 Page 11 - Boo!  Meet Trel

Author notes

Chapter 2 Page 11 - Boo! Meet Trel

Evil Emperor Nick

I apologize if today's story is a little rushed. I've been VERY busy at work lately. However to make up for it I've got a little sketch of Talon Clawfang & Bob from the Browntails.

A week later
Written by: E.E. Nick
Edited by: Amelius

"I don't think this is a good idea James." Grace complained.

"Of course it isn't a good idea, it is a great idea." James retorted. "We zoom past the big monster, rescue the gnome and then collect our reward."

"Who exactly is going to reward us?" Ash asked.

"The other gnomes of course!" James said rolling his eyes.

"What if they didn't like her?" Grace asked.

"It doesn't matter if they like her or not, it is a well known fact that if someone is abducted you have to pay the rescuer. There wouldn't be any adventurers saving people otherwise." James said.

"What if they're poor?" Ash inquired.

"Then they can work it off or we'll take trade. Maybe we can get a fat cow or something." James replied.

"Knowing our luck the gnome will turn out to be a fat cow." said Cassidy and Grace and Ash both giggled. James smirked a bit himself but quickly tried to hide it.

"I don't know what with the other faries say?" Grace said glumly.

"They won't say anything! Have you even seen other faries since we were born? They don't give a rats butt about a school of new faries from some second stringer and some human dimwit." James said.

"Hey don't bad mouth our parents! In case you forgot we ARE them. Well sort of in a round about reincarnation sort of way." Cassidy said to which Ash nodded in agreement.

"Yea and personally that creeps me out. It puts the thought of our parents having sex at a whole new level of creepy." James said.

"Major EWWWWWWWW." Everyone agreed.

"I wish you hadn't said that." Cassidy said. "I think I am going to be sick now."

"Focus people, focus. Work with me here." James said. "Okay so what are we here for?"

"To get food." Ash said.

"Okay in a round about way that is true." James said. "But that is more the end result. I meant specifically what are we here for in this lair."

"So did I. Since we don't know the gnomes name I'm just calling her food." Ash replied.

"Oh okay." James said. "So right. Well anyway does anyone know how to pick locks or something?"

"We've got faerie magic." said Ash.

"Does anyone know how to use that to open locks?" James inquired.

All were silent.

"Well then I guess we have to think of a new plan now don't we." James concluded.

"What about all the adventurers?" Cassidy asked.

"They went over the cliff with Basil. I don't think they are comming back anytime soon. Even if they manage to bring him down." Ash reported.

"Hmmm maybe we should ask the gnome. Maybe she can help us get herself out." Grace suggested.

"Oh come on." James said as he flew over to the cage. "If she could get herself out I'm sure she would have done so already."

James was going to add something else but the gnome, fast as a whip, snatched him up and had him half way into her mouth before he squealed. The faries wasted no time in coming to their bother's aid, except for Grace who screamed and flew in the opposite direction. Casssidy & Ash however leaped at the gnomes face. Cassidy dumped a load of fairy dust into the gnome's mouth while Ash tried to pull James free of the gnomes grip.

"EEEEEEEEEEEEEE" James screamed as Ash tried to rescue him.

"Fhhhhhthhtttsssshhhhh" was approximately the noise the gnome made as it tried to eat the fairy while at the same time vomiting glops of fairy dust & spit which globbed together in her mouth almost chokeing her.

"Go for the eyes." Cassidy yelled. "I'm out of dust!"

James and Ash both unloaded fairy dust into the gnomes face in a virtual explosion of fairy dust. The trio then high-tailed it out of the cage. The gnome blind with fairy dust threw herself against the cage snatching for them but coming up empty. She tried to yell but only managed to vomit sparkles.

"She broke my wiiiiiiings!" James yelled.

"Oh you big baby." Cassidy said as she violently tore the shattered leftovers of his once lovely wings off James' back. "They'll probably grow back."

"GetbackoverheresoIcan EAT YOU!" the gnome sceamed from the cage in a high pitched voice. "I'm so huuuuungry!"

"How long has she been in that cage?" Ash asked.

"Its not even a whole week yet." Cassidy said. "She really shouldn't be THAT crazy with hunger yet."

"So are we still going with the rescue plan." Ash asked.

"NO!" James shouted. "Aaaa. Get me to a doctor or a witch doctor or something. I think she broke my ribs."

"Uhhhhh how?" Cassidy asked. "I hate to tell you this but none of us work out our wings, much less our arms. No way we can carry you very far."

"Plus no one is going to save us for saving you." Ash said.

Behind them the gnome found James disgarded wings and quickly chomped down on them.

"HEY!" James said. "She ate my wings!"

"Well you weren't going to be using them anymore." Cassidy said dismissivly.

"No he's right!" Ash said. "Now she has the taste of fairy and will hunger for our flesh and come preying upon us in the night! Oooooooooo."

"Except she is locked in a cage." Cassidy said.

"Spoil sport." Ash complained.

"Did anyone see where Grace went." James asked trying to change the subject.

"No." Cassidy and Ash said.

"Maybe we should feed her first." Ash suggested.

"And just what are we going to feed her?" James said glaring at Ash. "I'm fresh out of wings."

"Hey maybe Basil kept some food around here." Cassidy suggested.

"But didn't he eat like humans and elves and stuff?" Ash said.

"Well…." Cassidy said. "…maybe she is a people person."


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