Cwens Quest
Chapter 2 Page 13 - A Lady's Charm

Author notes

Chapter 2 Page 13 - A Lady's Charm

Evil Emperor Nick

Trivia: Trel actually comes from Charby the Vampirate. She appeared in a single page of CTV but I decided I liked the idea and imported her to Cwen's Quest. Can you find her? It is quite obscure so I'll be most impressed if anyone can. Hint: She only appears in a flashback. If not I'll reveal her original CTV page next week.

Sorry this issue is a day late but I was to busy to finish the story yesterday. Work has been very busy lately.

If I don't get to comment back as much as I usually do this is the reason.

Stomach Problems
Written by: E.E. Nick
Edited by: Amelius

"Hehehe." Dess said as she closed in on Veldor, knife at the ready. "You know you're lucky. Being all old and wrinkly I don't think I'll eat ya! I just maybe maim you a bit. Hehehe. Although you never know, maybe we make kidney pie out of you."

Veldor stood his ground. He glanced briefly as Skrag's severed arm on the ground and then back up at the gnome with a knife.

"Better gnomes then you have tried." Veldor replied. "I sent them all back to their gardens to be buried there."

"Hehehehe. Garden Gnomes? Hehehehehe. Silly wizard." Dess said. "I'm not one of them."

"A red cap then?" Veldor asked trying to stall while Skrag's arm slowly started to move under his control as he focused on it.

"Hehhehehehe." Was the only response he got from Dess.

"Dess look out." Ash called out.

Dess twisted around and spotted Skrag's arm reaching for her leg and stabbed it. When it kept flopping about she stabbed it again and again and finally just decided to pin the arm to the ground with her knife.

Thusly disarmed Veldor made his move. Calling all his necromatic energy to him he focused it all into a single point and jabbed Dess in the belly with his finger. A black misty burst of energy shot from Veldor into Dess, rippling across her tummy. Dess for he part merely backhanded Veldor and pushed him down.

"The was ruuuuuude!" She said indignantly. "Ash be a dear and make me another knife so I can cut off his fingers."

Ash fluttered over to her. "I'm not your personal armory, Dess. Plus, why does it always have to be a knife. You know there are other weapons."

"Like a big knife?" Dess said hopefully.

"Never mind." Ash said and went to work on fashioning a knife for her with his magic. "Just don't get carried away with it."

"Hehehehe." Dess started to cackle then suddenly her tummy made a very weird noise and suddenly her small thin body was rocked by her tummy while it lurched as though trying to get away from her. "Uh oh."

Dess said staring down at her tummy in horror as it started to twich and pulsate. "I'm in trouble!" She announced. "What should I do? What should I do?"

"I don't know." Ash said panicking a bit as her small tummy started to swell up.

Dess fell over onto the ground grabbing her tummy and it continued to expand with twitches and lurches. "Oooo. I'll get yoooooooouuuuuu!" She yelled at Veldor and started to crawl toward him.

Veldor for his part simply stood up and brushed himself off. "No I don't think you will."

"Graaaahhhh" Dress said as she threw herself on him trying to gnaw off Veldor's foot but was easily evaded by the elder wizard.

Dess wimpered slightly as she tried again but found herself unable to move, her tummy's violent reaction keeping her from doing anything but rolling onto her back.

"I got it!" Ash said. "Induce vomiting!"

Ash flew over to his fallen comrade.

Dess meant to say 'What are you doing?' but only managed to make a wordless garbled sound but that worked out perfectly with Ash's plan. When she opened her mouth Ash sent a burst of fairie dust down ther throat. Dess's eyes went wide as saucers as she started to choke.

"Roll over" Ash told her.

He would have tried and helped her more but Veldor swatted him off her and into the dirt. Ash managed to get into the air before Veldor could step on him but he moved awkwardly and the Necromancer was quick after him intent on catching him before he could cause any more trouble. Dess made a wet gurbling sound and clawed at her neck as she started to turn purple. Then suddenly her stomach sucked in like something inside of her imploded, and she coughed out an explosion of sparkless in a gross phoff" sort of sound blinding everyone in the area followed by vomiting up a thick black ooze.

Meanwhile James & Cassidy hauled the one armed Skrag back. James, being able to shape change, was doing most of the work but it had been Cassidy who had brought the adventurer down after the ambushing Dess has sliced off his arm.

"You know for a one armed man he put up quite a fight." Cassidy said.

"I noticed." Said James his face a mask of bruises and cuts from where Skrag had thrashed him despite James enlarging himself to almost 12 feet tall.

"Well with him and the necromancer we'll have the full set and we can turn them in. Maybe even get a cash reward!" Said Cassidy excitedly. "I'm going to buy myself…I don't know, something!"

"How about we put Dess into therapy?" James suggested.

"Why? She is a sweet girl. She just happens to eat people sometimes. She is better." Cassidy responded.

"If by that you mean she is getting better at turning people into three course meals I agree. If you mean she is eating less people I disagree. We're just lucky she is so small she doesn't eat that much." James said.

Just then they saw off in the distance the huge cloud of fairy dust sparkles that Dess coughed up.

"That's not good." Both Cassidy and James agreed upon seeing it.

And indeed it was very much not good because although unknown to Cassidy, James and Skrag the black ooze which Dess and thrown up was shifting about in a most unnatural manner.

"Well that wasn't supposed to happen." Veldor said offhandedly to Ash who was currently his captive. "What have you done, fairie?"

The ooze shifted suddenly and rose up growing and transformed into a horrible amalgamation of everything Dess had eaten recently which given she has made stew from left overs the night before included a goat, two people, some chicken and a moose. The creature made a strange honking noise.

For a moment everyone was silent, dumbstruck by the strange monstrosity until James, Cassidy and Skrag arrived on the scene.

"What did you two DO?!?!?" James asked after seeing the thing.

"Gronk!" Squawked the creature.

"Tell it I didn't meant to eat it! It was just too tasty." Dess whined.

"You're not helping Dess." James said.

The creature flapped its wings and started nibbling on Skrag's severed arm.

Veldor put two fingers on either side of Ash's head. "Alright. You three don't move or I'll snap the fairie's head off."

"Oh yea." Casside said defiantly. "If you do we'll kill this zombie guy….and um….let Dess eat you."

"Oooooh." Dess complained. "I don't feel like eating anyone right now."

"Shhhhhhh." Cassidy said.

"Go ahead and kill him I'll just bring him back anyway." Veldor observed.

"Yea but what will happen to those other two we got stashed away." James said.

"Yea, I bet ya can't raise them if they starve to death and you never find their bodies." Cassidy added.

"Prix and Locke? They're of no concern of mine. Let them starve." Veldor said.

"Wait, wait, wait every body wait." Ash said speaking up. "There is no need for neck snapping and starving here."

"Quiet you." James said.

"No, let him speak." Veldor said.

"Thank you." Ash said. "Don't you all see. That thing over there ate all those people (wink wink) so there is no reason for us to fight."

"Come again?" Cassidy said.

"No one has ever seen what has been eating people in this area. As far as the city folk know, it could be that thing over there." Ash explained.

"Grawk." The creature said.

"It certainly looks the part." Veldor conceded.

"So, we free your friend. Turn it in the critter. Collect the reward and go our separate ways." Ash said.

"And what happens when your gnome friend starts eating people again?" Veldor asked.

"Oooooh. I'm swearing off the man meat for a while." Dess said laying on the ground.

Veldor was quiet for a while and then at last said. "Promise me the gnome will never refer to man meat again and we have ourselves a deal."


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