Dare To Dream

chapter 2 page11

Author notes

chapter 2 page11


lets get one thing stright i suck at drawing back rounds that why the arcade is not as cool as it should now the big building the the back round is the simulator and some people might be wondering what does an arcade have to do with this story well you'll see and i think Dare to Dare is kind of popluar i had like 12 comments I think before i updated today i was very happy about that
have an awsome winter breake and please leave comments

@ talesofmagid- Woot! I'm so glad you commented I've been checking out your comic for awhile now and you like almost have 200 pages which is pretty awesome thanks for rating
@MrGranger-Ah thanks
@ThunderFrost-Thanks I so gladded you loved it *hugs* haha you've just been hugged you chipmunk!^^
@CreativeInsanity - muhaha same here
@Yurika24-I can make funny faces too see -.O
@wind- heh brothers can get annoying and thank you so much for the fan art I was so freaking happy that's the first time I have received fan art
@Nigellashade-Yes teachers are like cockroaches they just won't go away! And I'm glad you thought the page was cute
@YuiPweeLi-I was happy to see you comment I like your comic I'm really into that princess story your doing right now
@Black Shimmer-Aw thanks I always think of school as hell or a doom's day device ^^
@animegal12-lol yes it is
@Kat-I wanted to hit my teacher with a back pack it's too many times to count XD
@Anonymous- you know you do not need to be Anonymous to say that my comic is weird at least you did not say this comic sucks hope I will see who you really are next time and that you'll rate


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