Dare To Dream

chapter 3 page 21

Author notes

chapter 3 page 21


I'm a little ticked off a preson thought of my update last week and could not just private quack me or tell me at school so i shall not be doing responces but to only ton 2 people
@Nigellashade-number one.it's not stereotyping yah know why because i said some times not all the time some times and it's just a damn comic it's not real life there's no reson to be sad about okay I'm not trying to be mean just tellingyah
@Freakeh-you are a freaking awsome speaker and you actully commented something good about the comic in the prosscess and for that you get a cookie*gives freakeh a cookie*
Seee you guys tommorrrow please comment ^^ abd have a great day


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