- The demon lord Vorit, who will come to retain the services of the Sightless Wizard.
- The imp, in both his aspect as a messenger, and as an unsoppable force of devastation
- The sightless wizard in his most recent accoutrements
- The Gemchild spawns a new generation of Gemfoetuses, starting the cycle anew.
- The Gemchild Ascends.
- The Birth-Apotheosis of a Gem-Foetus.
- The Devourer of the Avaricious
- A Diamond Demon
- A Black-Headed Quaron emerges from a vat of ichor.
- The Serpent Dragon, N'dral He'ax curls around a stalagmite
- Kanath and Vorlos
- A metallic Magician.
- A Gemfoetus in a tower.
- A Soldier of Shadows
- The rusty portcullis proves to be no match for the Imp's Enchanted Blade
- The Imp continues unmolested.
- Too late does the Archaic Skeleton realise the folly of chasing a winged foe near a precipice.
- Ancient Bones lunge at the Imp.
- Ancient Bones stride forth to meet the Imp.
- The Imp discovers a ruined keep in a cavern.
- Meanwhile, the Imp sets out to explore the caverns, using a demon's compass to lead him to nearby sources of magic.
- A Flaming Skeleton ambushes the "Archaeologist".
- The "Archaeologist" "honourably engages" a Skull of Hellfire that he encountered in the ruins.
- A cloven Custodian Statue.
- The cleft opens out into ruins.
- The Archaeologist ventures into a cleft in the rock face.
- The "archaeologist" lands.
- The Demon Overseer strikes his erring subordinate with a long, barbed whip.
- The Archaeologist makes a "heroic" entrance, taking advantage of the demons' distraction.
- A Serf Demon suffers an "accident" with it's hand cart of gems, sending them flying.
- A Malevolent Miner Made of Mucus
- The "Archaeologist" discovers a small mining operation run by demons.
- The "Archaeologist" spelunks in search of things to "discover".
- The Sigfhtless Wizard parries.
- A Gremlin with an Absurdly Large Sword guards the passageway
- The Sightless Wizard leaps into the cave.
- The Sightless Wizard descends on a beam of light.
- One of the Surveillance Orbs notes the cave entrance used by the Efreeti.
- Assuming a smaller form, the Efreeti reports to its master, who wears the ring that binds it.
- The Efreeti takes its captive into a cave.
- The Efreeti snatches a prince.
- A shard of crystallised magic
- The Darkmaw
- Patrick the Perpendicular Poltroon
- A Sheardgolem Sentry.
- The Fish of Sky
- A rare Incendiary Sunflower
- A Gremlin with a Preposterously Large Sword
- An Angel of Iron
- A Somewhat Deceased Incendiary Gentleman
- A Bladed Automaton
- The other Eye has more luck, finding a rich vein of ores and gems.
- A Cave Beast devours the Surveillance Orb.
- The Surveillance Orbs fly above and below the mountains.
- The Sightless Wizard conjures a flock of Surveillance Orbs.
- The Sightless Wizard upgrades his gear.
- Oculus Aurus
- An Omnimental
- The Pterodactyl draws uncomfortably close to the Sightless Wizard's tower.
- A Pterodactyl
- The diamond, now called the "Runic Eye", on display at the house of the "Legitimate Businessman" that the "archaeologist" sold it to.
- Having sold his "finds" to a "legitimate businessman", the "Archaeologist" seeks new dig sites.
- The Imp enters the portal.
- The Imp strikes a bargain, exchanging the deeds to a Hellcrystal mine for the use of a portal to the mortal world.
- The Imp sets off on a diplomatic errand.
- Neph-Aie reigns once more.
- A lesser demon, fallen Out of favour with his master, de-winged and cast into a GroundMaw.
- Neph-Aie returns to his villa.
- Neph-Aie surveys his barony.
- A demon's Vacant throne
- A rocky cleft in the side of the mountain leading to the Night Within
- A bizarre beast of the caves
- Clad in the skins of a cave beast, a blind-eyed Troglodyte emerges from its cave in the side of a hill.
- One of the largest caverns inside the Night Within
- A Gluphlup devours a Vitriolic Worm.
- A demon enters the caves in search of rare ores, gems, and other things of value.
- Twixt stalagmite and stalactite hangs an aetheric gate into Tartarus.
- A Rune-Encrusted Polypede ventures into the caves to scavenge. (Colour)
- A Rune-Encrusted Polypede ventures into the caves to scavenge.
- A tunnel, connecting a Rune-Graven Tomb with the Night Within. (Dark)
- A tunnel, connecting a Rune-Graven Tomb with the Night Within.
- A Menacingly Cheerful Wraith.
- The bones of long-dead races patrol the cavern keep.
- The bones of long-dead races patrol the cavern keep.
- A forgotten altar to powers macabre and ruinous, deep in the Night Within. (dark)
- A forgotten altar to powers macabre and ruinous, deep in the Night Within.
- A citadel inside a cavern in The Night Within. (Dark)
- A citadel inside a cavern in the Night Within.*
- A vein of Luftestahl ore, floating in a cavern. (Dark)
- A vein of Luftestahl Ore, floating in a cavern.
- A Vitriolic Worm hunts blind fish in the sunless pools of a deep cave. (dark version)
- A Vitriolic Worm hunts blind fish in the sunless pools of a deep cave.
- A cave-dwelling Gluphlup
- A demi-Seraph
Synonimised Repetitions of a madman's visions.
- Now leaving Ebon hallucinations of a crazy bastard's mind.
- The Sightless Wizard and Neph-Aie pay their respects at a memorial to Korell.
- The portal is torn apart, leaving Korell on the wrong side of reality.
- Korell unleashes an inferno of lightnings, destroying That-Which-Lurks-Beyond from within.
- Neph-Aie forces That-Which-Lurks-Beyond through the portal from which it came.
- Saul returns triumphant, but the Chaos-Gash responsible remains.
- Both combatants deal each other mortal blows.
- A Mutant Beast springs at Saul from behind.
- With on mighty blow, Saul defeats his leafless assailant.
- Saul finds his way blocked by the very trees of the forest, twisted by Chaos.
- The smith's son, Saul, sets out to defend his village from mutants, in broken armour and with old weapons.
- A bizarre sea serpent rises above the waters of the Sea of Talons.
- Crypt Warden
- A crate of Luftestahl, a metal lighter than air, flies unheeded through the clouds, lost in some forgotten accident
- Neph-Aie is ensnared by a tentacle.
- Blinded and enraged, That-Which-Lurks-Beyond assumes a more terrible aspect, more fully seizing Korell in the doing.
- A mutant creature, once a rabbit, surveys a small village in the foothills of the mountains.
- Hideous and deformed, a corpse-eating ghoul clutches its tombstone, which it uses as a weaon.
- The Chaos-Gate becomes once more an ominous relic of a forgotten age, perched timelessly on a forbidding peak.
- With fire and sword, Draakoth renders the Chaos-Gate inoperable, thus ending the threat to his constituents.
- The summit reached!
- The Goblin scout reports the presence of the gate to his master, the consul-elect Draakoth, who personally investigates.
- Meanwhile, a scouting goblin discovers the portal through which the late Chaos-Shrouded One arrived.
- Incensed by his friend's plight, The Sightless Wizard puts out the eye of That-Which-Lurks beyond.
- Trapped in the clutches of That-Which-Lurks beyond, Korell calls upon his lightnings
- "Happy" Easter
- Despite its injuries at Neph-Aie's talons, That-Which-Lurks-Beyond seizes Korell.
- The Chaos-Shrouded One is consumed by dark flames as his magics go out of control.
- The Messenger Imp backstabs the Chaos-Shrouded One, thus ending the Wizards' Duel the old-fashioned way.
- Neph-Aie's blast slams into That-Which-Lurks-Beyond.
- Rune-Graven Clam Sentinel
- The realm of chaos nearby, as the Chaos-Shrouded One's blast turns into a circular current of Chaos-Energy.
- In lieu of a drawing, An entertaining trifle, Some Haiku for you!
- The Sightless Wizard uses an astral dagger to tear his own hole into the realm of chaos.
- Abscond!
- The Deadman's Missive (a poem)
- The statue's neighbor springs to life!
- The "Archaeologist" "excavates a jewel from a statue's eye.
- An "Archaeologist" hides behind an arch to evade a Vitriolic Globule.
- A Vitriolic Globule in a Rune-Graven Containment Pod
- A vitriolic Globule devours its prey, a luckless passerby.
- Held aloft by archaic magics, a Rune-Encrusted Sentinel seeks an intruder out.
- A Rune-Graven Monolith, moved aside to reveal an abyssal shaft
- An idyllic, but completely unrelated scene elsewhere.
- Chaos-Blast!
- That-Which-Lurks-Beyond bursts forth.
- Neph-Aie casts the spell he once used to destroy the Sightless Wizard's tower.
- That-Which-Lurks-Beyond presses against the ward.
- The sightless Wizard's blast proves the weaker.
- The messenger Imp draws a pair of Soulforged Hellblades.
- Korell hastily erects a shield of lightning.
- A Rune-Encrusted Forge Artisan refuels its power crux with a fresh magic item.
- Rune-Graven Maintenance Artisan
- Rune-Encrusted Orb Bearer
- Rune-Encrusted Bladewalker
- The story thus far...
book the third
- A Dragon-Mage
- An Assassin Bunny leaps into the night.
- black shade of hellfire
- A somewhat bestial paladin
- picture (s) unrelated
- The end. The story continues in Ebon hallucinations of a crazy bastard's mind!
- To Korell's dismay he discovers That-Which-Lurks-Beyond entering the world.
- For good or ill, Neph-Aie bursts forth into the world through the Imp's magic circle.
- The two adversaries' magics clash, in a cataclysmic cacophony.
- The Choos-Shrouded one responds with a surging wave of purest Chaos.
- The Sightless Wizard unleashes a blast of pure magical destruction at the Chaos-Shrouded One.
- Korell takes advantage of the melee to infiltrate the unholy of unholies.
- Unheeded by the combatants, the Imp starts sketching a magic circle.
- The Sightless Wizard slices through the encroaching mutagenic Chaos-matter
- The Chaos-Shrouded One tears a gash in reality with his curved blade.
- Anulled!
- Clutcing a ball of flaming magical energy, and with eldritch lightnings arcing about him, the Sightless Wizard faces his foe.
- The Chaos-Shrouded one brings forth his skeletal minions.
- Korell's lightnings scythe through his foe's undead minions.
- The Imp lends a hand by torching a foul Chaos-Beast that accosts the triad.
- The Unlikely triad enters the temple.
- The Sightless Wizard's tower nears a suspicious derelict temple.
- Betwixt, Beyond, Bestirring.
- The Imp Imp-arts his master's message to the Sightless Wizard.
- A mysterious shield excavated in a diamond mine, ornate and aglow with inner light.
- The messenger Imp arrives, interrupting Korell and the Sightless Wizard as they catch up over tea.
- A messenger Imp wings his way between the worlds.
- The demon makes his report to Neph-Aie
- A lesser demonic functionary investigates an encroaching pool of chaos.
- The demonic Lietenatnt Grah-Kibak emerges from a flaming pit.
- The legendary Imprismed Treasures of Gith-Zarabon
- Instant defecation. i mean, deification
- A Canine Centurion takes to the skies on his trusty Pegaroo.
- The Blade and Armour of Kul-Takaroth, in the cathedral of lies
- Korell calls on the sightless Wizard, knocking on the gates of his tower.
- A pyrite spellbomb
- A small tin of magical travel sweets
- Korell the somewhat emaciated soars through the heavens on his flying tile.
- A Stone Serpent guards a door
- The Regal Spectre
- A hole in the world unleashes raw Chaos into a forest, warping the wildlife.
- A Chaos-Warped Hydra.
- The sightless Wizard's newly renovated tower soars to its destination.
- These events do not go unobserved.
- The chaos-shrouded figure begins raising the dead
- A long-neglected Warding Pylon begins to fail.
- A figure emerges from the gate.
- A presence peers in through a derelict portal
- A Spirit of the Flames
- A Seraph with a flaming sword
- A Vulpine Vagabond Ventures through a vast, forbidding landscape, dwarfed by its denizens.
- The serpent-dragon, Kulthar Razorspine, sallies forth, leaving a magical barrier to protect his hoard.
- A gate to a darker place
- The Spellsword Draakoth, consul-elect of the sawtooth tribe
- A warded tome of arcane lore.
- The Kingmaker Worm
The Gazer From the Void
- The End! (sort of)
- A messenger-cherub awards a swurprised but pleased Sightless Wizard the "order of the silver star" for his defence of the realm in defeating Velstor.
- The Sightless Wizard once more enshrines his magic gear in its secret compartment.
- His erstwhile opponent thus appeased, the sightless Wizard returns home.
- The sightless Wizard apologises for accidentally destroying Neph-Aie's tower, offering a bag of gems as compensation.
- The demonic Baron Neph-Aie comes forth in greeting.
- Knock, Knock, Knock
- "Gone to Tarterus, Back soon? What kind of business IS he in?" exclaims the messenger cherub that was sent after the Sightless Wizard.
- The sightless Wizard touches down near a villa on the outskirts of pandemonium, which seems hauntingly familiar.
- On spectral wings given to him by the "Pendant of Travel", the Sightless Wizard makes his descent.
- The Sightless Wizard surveys his surroundings
- the "gem" that the Sightless Wizard gave Hsojal explodes in a magical bust, proving that a predictable foe is better than a reliable ally.
- Hsojal promptly betrays the Sightless Wizard by revealing his presence in Tartarus to Gel-Sothor
- Honest Hsojal, the entirely trustworthy Imp, offers his services to the Sightless Wizard
- Stepping through his own portal, The Sightless Wizard enters Tartarus.
- Gearing up
- The Sightless Wizard summons and hires an earth spirit to rebuild his tower.
- The dread portal through which the demon passed into Tartarus.
- The Sightless Wizard summons and hires an earth spirit to rebuild his tower.
- The dread portal through which the demon passed into Tartarus.
- Caught red-clawed!
- Unleashing the power of his newly forged staff, the Sightless Wizard casts a spell to allow him to witness the past.
- The Sightless Wizard forges his Seeing-Eye Staff anew in the forge in his cellar, thankfully untouched.
- The sightless Wizard returns to find his tower rather less intact than he left it.
- Broken-staved and bloodied, the Sightless Wizard returns to his conveyance.
- Velstor's remains lie beneath an anvil as blood spatters mar the battlefield.
- The diamond throne
- Gel-Sothor, the Crimson Reaper
- New year's special
- The twin-necked devin-dragon, Bax-Rifunor
- A bookish fire spirit entrapped in a cunning planar prison.
- An automaton constructed out of hellcrystal and abyssal steel.
- Boffo, the elf Christmas failed to save, back for revenge
- A completely unrelated denizen of the Nether hells.
- Magics clash, and both shields breach, but who will prevail?
- The Sightless Wizard subtly summons an anvil above Velstor
- The flow of magic around the duelists
- Onslaught!
- The wizards' duel begins!
- Likewise bedecked in power, Velstor steps out to meet his challenger.
- Blazing with power, the Sightless Wizard rises to confront Velstor in his lair.
- The sightless Wizard does battle with velstors Flame Imps
- Bat-winged and jewel-eyed, Velstor's Flame Imps wing their way to the fray.
- Consequences
- The Sightless Wizard protects himself by sending the ray through a gash in reality.
- Velstor fires a ray of dark light at the Sightless Wizard from the crystal spire atop his tower.
- Velstor's Grave Guard issue forth from their lair in the side of the mountain
- The Sightless Wizard does battle with one of his foe's guard golems.
- The Sightless Wizard's "distaste" as visited on his foe's kobold minions.
- The litch, velstor's, lair
- The Sightless Wizard sets out in search of whoever summoned the demon at him
- Anticlimactic homicide!
- Peeping tom?
- Behold! A villain is nigh!
- A barded Draco-steed
- The Sightless Wizard's tower
- The Sightless Wizard's "Magical Library"
- Warlord Jazrix, leader of the bloodied fang tribe of kobolds
- The sacrificial altar of Kul-Takaroth in the cathedral of lies
- A demon entrap't!
- A deal is done.
- Prismid SentrySpire
- Xserion diamondback lounges in a sea of flames.
- The Fuglybeast cometh!
- A Voidling girl child with basket
- A set of advanced Mantis-pattern mark II on display at the dealer.
- Showdown!
- A Lightning Lockbox soars among the clouds
- A Warrior of the 3 paths
- The vengeful revenant of a construction worker who died in an earthquake
- A Maw-Furnace of the T'nith Z'quoar tribesmen
- rare crystal cyclops
- The first and only Auto-Lizalfos, as created by the renegade Hylian Bozrik the mad
- A Snakewyrm Charmer at work
- matterfoam autoknight
- will-o'-wisp art committee
- Groper
- A cult summons the eye of Gar-nuzor.
- The aforementioned Sightless Wizard uses the power of the sacrificial dagger of Kul-Takaroth to ensnare a skeleton in a Pit of Shades.
- Our erstwhile Wizard examines a seal of Set which bars a door.
- The devourer of the souls of abstract artists
- One of the stranger deaths
- Mr wicket: In memoriam
- Enter stage left
- A rather less than pleasant Jack-in-the-Box
- A disillus-ion (negatively charged)
- Night Terror
- A Clockwork Prosthetic Crab Dragon
- Your guess is as good as mine.
- Clockwork Demi-Seraph
- Chaos Golem
- Greater Shrouded Stalfos
First post
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