Dave the Punk Rock Cat

Author notes

Dave the Punk Rock Cat's Big Adventure: Page 9
KnaveMurdok onSorry for the late update folks! I spent all my weekend at WonderCon. Not as an exhibitor this time, but merely as a consumer, a consumer with a backpack full of "Blood Will Tell." I have not done the official count, but I think I sold about 10 books. Not a personal best, sadly, but it covered the cost of the ticket! Then con itself was phantasmagoric, to the highest of extremes. I got to meet a lot of great people, made some connections, did some networking, which is all well and good. I sat in on a few really informative "how to" panels, which I found rather enlightening. I saw the "How to Pitch a Cartoon" panel, which was inspiring to say the least. It really got me thinking about an idea for a cartoon I had awhile ago, and now want to revisit. I feel a little more confident taking it on now, with the knowledge from the panel under my belt. I also met a rather pleasant young woman from school who says she's down to help me with colours! The other great panel I saw was the "Fundamentals of Storyboarding" panel, which segues well into the storyboarding class I'm now taking. Basically, I've been spending a lotta time wondering where exactly Para~Somnia comics is heading. Print is all well and good, but a geek like me can't sit still for too long without trying out the animated medium. Needless to say, I've done a lot of thinking on the subject since getting home form the Con.
After getting home, I SHOULD have prepared for my first day of the new school quarter, but instead I ran off to THE CITY again to see a concert put on by my ol' buddy Alice Hejna, whose music can be attained here: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Alice-Hejna/113737922102?v=app_2405167945
So THEN I began school totally unprepared, but despite that, it was a good first day back. I'd go as far as to call it a great day! And I hope it sets the tone for the rest of the quarter.
So now I'm home finally and have some time to update and stuff. Sadly I've not had the time to just chill in front of the comp-u-tron and upload all my old pages. They're all scanned and ready to go, but the actual digital act of clicking and uploading, is a daunting task. Technology frightens me!
Anyway. I'm gonna be at Fanime this year as well, not as an exhibitor, I work better on the DL I think. I'll definitely be getting a table for Alternative Press in November, APE is more fun as an exhibitor anyhow, whereas Fanime is more of an experience. Either way, I plan on having the time of my life, kick ass.
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